A dark secret behind the Hiroshima bomb is where the uranium came from, a spy-vs.-spy race to secure naturally enriched uranium from Congo to fuel the Manhattan Project and keep the rare mineral out of Nazi hands, reports Joe Lauria.
Since the first use of a nuclear weapon in Hiroshima 71 years ago, on Aug. 6, 1945, the story of where the uranium for the bomb came from and the covert operation [...]
Could Hillary lose? If she were running against a Republican whom the Party’s grandees and the capitalists behind them liked, someone like Mitt Romney, the answer would be Yes.
After eight years of President Drone, the Republican would have a clear advantage. It wouldn’t even matter if that Republican were to pander, say, to the Ted Cruz element in the GOP base, the way that Romney pandered [...]
A grotesque power-fest at the Democratic Party Convention in Philadelphia left me feeling about Hillary Clinton the way P. G. Wodehouse’s Bertie Wooster felt about his Aunt Agatha - “the one who chews broken bottles and kills rats with her teeth.” There is something disquieting and secretively lascivious about her open-mouthed cackle. She doesn’t so much laugh as lusts. [...]
The internal struggle between America's party of war, represented by "supreme hawk" Hillary Clinton, and its opponents is going on in Washington. The US "party of peace" is seeking a détente with Russia to de-escalate tensions and resolve regional crises.
Western mainstream media sources remain mute about the danger posed by the West's new Cold War against Russia, Professor Stephen F. Cohen hi [...]
The revelation that the Democratic National Committee’s server may not have been hacked by Russia but by a disgruntled member of the U.S. intelligence community is a sign of how much anxiety about Hillary Clinton there is in that community, Judge Andrew Napolitano said on "Fox and Friends" this morning.
Judge Napolitano said that intelligence officials are particularly upset that the class [...]
Democrats and Republicans are controlled by banks, oil giants, insurance companies and war profiteers, says Green Party presidential candidate, Dr. Jill Stein. Her party, she claims, gets no money from corporations and has liberty to really address problems. [...]
Island living isn’t as expensive as it sounds, and in some cases, you can have the whole island to yourself! Not every island in the world has a tropical climate. Some are far more quaint and brisk with rocky shores and even fresh water. Regardless of the kind of island you see yourself living on, there is something for everybody right here in the states. Here are just 10 US islands where proper [...]
'With surgical precision, North Carolina tried to eliminate voting practices disproportionately used by African-Americans.'
A federal appeals court on Friday struck down North Carolina's controversial voter ID law, ruling that the 2013 law was created "with discriminatory intent." Civil rights groups hailed the decision as a major victory. [...]
The failure of the US authorities to present any proof to back its claims of Russia’s involvement in hacking the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has caused an uproar in the US media, while America’s top spy calls on the nation to stop blaming Russia.
Americans need to calm down and stop blaming Russia for hacking the Democratic National Committee, Director of the US National Intelli [...]
President Obama threw his full support behind Hillary Clinton at the 2016 Democratic National Convention and reflected on his eight-year presidency. Here are the highlights in four minutes.
Barack Obama’s mission on behalf of Hillary Clinton on Wednesday night was personal and political. He testified to her virtues as a would-be president in a way only a current president could. [...]
With many concerned about the upcoming US presidential election, a significant number of Americans are renouncing their citizenship.
A public opinion poll released in March showed that more than 1 in 4 Americans would consider leaving their country if Donald Trump won the presidency in November. [...]
The “Empire of Chaos” has Russia backed into a corner and Putin says we are on the brink of WWIII.
Darrin McBreen talks to Paul Craig Roberts about NATO’s deployment of anti-missile systems surrounding Russia.
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Though some anti-war Americans see hope that Donald Trump would pull back from foreign wars, they also must face his undeniable record of racial and sexist bigotry, writes Marjorie Cohn.
In his acceptance speech for the Republican presidential nomination, Donald Trump declared, “My Dad, Fred Trump, was the smartest and hardest working man I ever knew. . . . It’s because of him that I learne [...]
Focusing on domestic issues, Hillary Clinton’s acceptance speech sidestepped the deep concerns anti-war Democrats have about her hawkish foreign policy, which is already taking shape in the shadows, reports Gareth Porter.
As Hillary Clinton begins her final charge for the White House, her advisers are already recommending air strikes and other new military measures against the Assad regime in [...]
+ First things first. I want to apologize to the Sandernistas, to those of you who rose up after your leader abandoned you, after Bernie wiped out your votes and muted your voices, after he turned you over to the DNC’s thuggish floor managers and security guards, after he sat passively as your brave chants of “No More Drones” were drowned out by the fascist war-cry of “USA! USA!!” [...]
For those to whom this hasn’t yet occurred, if Hillary Clinton is elected President she will be President. The Democratic Party platform, Bernie Sanders’ program proposals and Mrs. Clinton’s theorized move Left will be but distant memories. If Mrs. Clinton brings with her a Democratic Congress (or not) she will use it to pass the TPP and TTIP ‘trade’ agreements, to launch ‘liberal’ w [...]
After releasing nearly 20,000 emails from the US Democratic National Committee, WikiLeaks has dumped audio recordings from the organization.
The new release includes 29 voice messages pulled from the emails of high-ranking DNC officials, totaling 14 minutes.
What's in the WikiLeaks DNC Recording
hey have a history of corruption’: Clinton Cash documentary author Peter Schwei [...]
There is a strong relationship between energy resources and the strategic interests of empires – states Daniele Ganser. He argues that most wars seem to be resource wars, whether in the past or the present. And to justify these wars, power players use media and carefully crafted narratives to conquer and control people’s minds and hearts. We should be careful, however, not to fall for everythi [...]
Wealthy potential donors to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) were courted with promises of access to the president, a Washington Post analysis of internal DNC emails released by WikiLeaks has found. The party insiders' pitches appear to be in violation of White House policy, the newspaper notes.On Monday, the Post reported: [...]
Bernie Sanders is expected to address close to 1,900 supporters in Philadelphia on Monday, amid controversy over the Democratic National Committee's newly revealed support for Hillary Clinton and more. The presidential candidate, whose campaign galvanized a swell of support from new and young Democratic voters, will address the full convention on Monday night.Watch a live stream below, and check b [...]
On this Friday, July 15 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, we break down the aftermath of the Bastille Day terror attack in Nice, France, which left 84 dead and hundreds injured. Meanwhile leftist media outlets reacted to the devastating attack not by blaming Islam or even terrorists, but by suggesting a truck was responsible for the carnage. Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura joins the show t [...]
FBI Director James Comey got Hillary off the hook but wants to put you on it.
He is pushing hard for warrantless access to all of your Internet activity, Comey, who would have fit in perfectly with Hitler’s Gestapo, tells Congress that the United States is not safe unless the FBI knows when every American goes online, to whom they are sending emails and from whom they are receiving emails, an [...]