
Ukrainians Dying in Their Hundreds of Thousands So US Weapon Manufacturers Can Profit – Global Research
Washington has spent $1.8 trillion over the 20-year failed military campaign in Afghanistan to defeat the Taliban, whilst aid to Ukraine in just a little more than two years has already reached $175 billion dollars, according to a Council on Foreign Relations report published on May 9. [...]
US is Militarizing Itself to Death, While China Emphasizes Cooperation.
Referencing the recent Xi-Biden meeting, Jan Oberg argues that the US exaggerates the threat of China in order to justify its military buildup and maintain global dominance, instead of accepting a multipolar world. He explains that the US Military-Industrial-Media-Academic Complex propagates this Cold War agenda, portraying China as a threat which allows the US to cling to the outdated belief that [...]
“This Will End in a Russian Victory” – US Military Specialist Speaks Out on Ukraine War🎞
What is really going on between Russia and Ukraine War? David Pyne is the Executive Vice President, Task Force on National & Homeland Security and joins the show today to discuss America's involvement in the Russia Ukraine War and why Ukraine joining NATO has never really been a real possibility. This is an amazing chat about the truth on Russia Ukraine. [...]
Victoria Nuland Out: USA’s Peace Offering to Russia? | Finepoint
Victoria Nuland's departure from the Biden Administration signals a significant shift in US foreign policy, especially concerning Ukraine and Russia. Nuland, known for her hawkish stance on Russia and instrumental role in US-Ukraine relations, leaves behind a legacy marked by interventionism and covert interference. Her exit raises questions about the future of US military aid to Ukraine, particul [...]
Interview 1843 – Daniele Ganser Exposes The Ruthless Empire🎞
Joining me today to discuss war, peace and the future of humanity is Daniele Ganser, an historian, author, energy and peace researcher and head of the Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER). He is the author of the groundbreaking book on Operation Gladio, NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe, and he joins us to today to discuss his latest book, US [...]
Jeffrey Sachs W/John Mearsheimer – A Missed Opportunity for Peace🎞
Jeffrey Sachs is a well-known American economist, academic, and public policy analyst who has made significant contributions to the fields of sustainable development and economic development. He has held various prestigious positions throughout his career, including serving as the director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University and as a special advisor to the United Nations Secretary-Genera [...]
Kim Meets Putin, Maduro Meets Xi: A New Era of Global Politics🎞
New relationships are growing and strengthening among countries in the Global South. Leader of North Korea Kim Jong Un and Russian President Vladimir Putin are meeting, while Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro traveled to Beijing to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping. What do these big geopolitical shifts mean for the residents of the Global South and the globe? Brian Becker is joined by Be [...]
The EU Is Submitting All Its Interest To The USA | The Monthly Daly | July 2023🎞
Clare Daly on "the European Chips Act" The bravado about the vibrant European industry, the Chips Act actually is just another example of Europe’s scrambling to respond to unilateral US moves to protect its interests – something the US always does with zero care for the consequences of anybody else. And the irony, of course, is that of all of those US-dominated multilateral institutions – [...]
German Statesman Slams EU Leaders’ Spinelessness, Demands NATO’s Dismemberment, Closure of US Bases
Germany has found itself reaping the consequences of the crisis in Ukraine, facing skyrocketing energy and food costs, recession and the danger of permanent deindustrialization as Washington and Brussels continue to call for more and more sanctions against Russian energy to try to “punish” Moscow for its military operation in Ukraine.   [...]
“Not About Nato” | “Never About NATO” | “Nothing to do with NATO” | UKRAINE WAR🎞
"None of this justifies Russia’s invasion. It is however crucial to understand, as Stoltenberg just confirmed, that war in Ukraine is taking place on a long historical continuum of controversy over NATO expansion..." 🌐Gravitas Plus: Did NATO push Ukraine into war?           [...]
The Day I Stopped Caring About America🎞
Join Andrew as he shares his captivating journey of self-discovery and ideological transformation. Reflecting on his experiences growing up in the United States and his travels abroad, Andrew reveals the day he realized he no longer cared about America. Discover how the 2008 presidential election and subsequent events shaped his view of American society and propelled him towards embracing a nomad [...]
Scott Ritter: For NATO and Ukraine, Reality Bites
There’s an iconic scene in the 1990's cult classic movie, Reality Bites, where Leilaina, played by Winona Ryder, delivers the valedictory address. "What are we going to do now?" she asks, before following up with an even more pertinent question: "How can we repair all the damage we inherited?" [...]
50 Years Ago: Chile September 11, 1973: The Actuality of a Coup d’Etat. Manlio Dinucci
Fifty years ago, on September 11, 1973, a coup d’état took place in Chile. Even if half a century has passed, it retains a dramatic relevance. This is, in short, the story. In November 1970, Salvador Allende became President of Chile, he was elected by a coalition of democratic forces with a program of social progress and national sovereignty. Two months earlier, in September, President Nixon [...]
Nation-States as “Business Models”: Ukraine as Another Neoliberal Privatization Exercise
Perhaps the leading two veteran critics of US policy in Ukraine, Colonel Douglas MacGregor USA and Major Scott Ritter USMC, have said loud and clear that at least from a military standpoint the Ukrainian armed forces have lost the war against Russia. There have been numerous voices calling for an end to the conflict, not least because the more than USD 46 billion and counting in military aid alon [...]
Syria Chemical Attack DEBUNKED in brand new 2 year long research | Redacted with Clayton Morris
Today is a landmark day in the investigation into alleged chemical weapons attacks in Syria. The Berlin Group 21 just released their damning review of the OPCW investigation which shows a stunning level of deceit and propaganda. The now debunked chemical attacks by Assad were used as cover to attack and overthrow the Syrian government. Dr. Piers Robinson joins Redacted to talk about the newly rele [...]
MEP Clare Daly – speech from 24 Jun 2023 🎞
On Saturday 24 June, 2023, Clare Daly and Mick Wallace hosted an event of international speakers in the Morrison Hotel in Dublin to contest the government's narrative, and urge the defense of Irish neutrality. MEP Mick Wallace - speech from 24 Jun 2023 Treat These Cases Equally! | Clare Daly Speech | The Monthly Daly | April 2023 More about Clare Daly [...]
Building 7 REVEALED! The TRUTH about 9/11 and what really happened 🎞
In this Redacted conversation, Clayton Morris sits down with Ted Walters to uncover the truth about what really happened to Building 7 in New York City during the 9/11 terror attacks. Some 2,750 people were killed in New York. The attacks against New York City and Washington, D.C., caused extensive death and destruction and triggered an enormous U.S. effort to combat terrorism. What he r [...]
Security guarantees w/ Jeffrey Sachs 🎞
The West’s Dangerously Simple-Minded Narrative About Russia and China. and the Urgent Need for a Draft Peace Agreement: The Great Game in Ukraine is Spinning Out of Control. Jeffrey D. Sachs is a University Professor and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, where he directed The Earth Institute from 2002 until 2016. He is also President of the UN Sustainab [...]
Monitor Im Jahre 2014 Über den Ukraine-Konflikt 🎞
Wem nützt der Ukraine-Krieg? Zusammenfassend. Der Krieg in der Ukraine ist wohl das schlechteste diplomatische Ergebnis aller Verhandlungen seit Beginn des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Die beteiligten Diplomaten auf der NATO-Seite sind entweder die schlechtesten Diplomaten aller Zeiten, oder sie haben tatsächlich bekommen, was sie wollten, denn sie haben darauf verzichtet, eine praktisch 'kostenlo [...]