
Scott Ritter addresses Netanyahu’s speech at US Congress: Al Mayadeen Exclusive
"This isn't an honor given to Netanyahu by the US Congress, this is the US Congress obeying the commands of the man who leads the nation that owns the US Congress," commented Scott Ritter, former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, in an interview for Al Mayadeen on Netanyahu's speech at Congress. Ritter emphasized that "This isn't so much the US Congress inviting the Israeli Prime Minister to [...]
Biggest Attack on Israel in History: 5 Countries With Hundreds of Drones and Ballistic Missiles🎞
British journalist Richard Medhurst reports on the Iranian response to Israel's bombing of the Iranian embassy in Damascus on April 1. This violation of the Vienna Convention (1961 and 1963) went unanswered until today on April 14 The world has watched anxiously in anticipation of Iran's response. Now Iran fires a volley of drones and missiles at Israel, accompanied by an orchestra of similar cali [...]
Scott Ritter: “Yemen just changed EVERYTHING and Israel, Neocons are Stunned”🎞
Scott Ritter: "Yemen just changed EVERYTHING and Israel, Neocons are Stunned" [...]
Jeffrey Sachs Interview – Huge Miscalculation🎞
Jeffrey Sachs is a well-known American economist, academic, and public policy analyst who has made significant contributions to the fields of sustainable development and economic development. He has held various prestigious positions throughout his career, including serving as the director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University and as a special advisor to the United Nations Secretary-Genera [...]
Russia Gives Israel A Warning🎞
Israel have done something that crosses the line for Putin. After Russia gave Israel a warning things have started to change and we are now seeing the start of positive negotiations. Could this be the reason or was it something else?   [...]
How Colonialism Created Israel w/ Prof. Nazia Kazi🎞
In a historic event, on Monday the United Nations commemorated al-Nakba, which means “catastrophe,” and marked the beginning of the apartheid state of Israel and the massacre and displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes. Despite what Americans are taught, Israel was not created as a safe haven from oppression — in fact, the origin of Israel has anti-Arab, anti-S [...]
Lebanon ‘shamelessly’ obstructed Beirut port explosion investigation – Amnesty International
Human rights group Amnesty International has condemned Lebanese officials ahead of the first anniversary of the deadly Beirut port blast, accusing authorities of “shamelessly obstructing victims’ quest for truth and justice.” The August 4, 2020 explosion destroyed swathes of the port city, causing billions of dollars in damage, killing more than 200 and injuring over 7,500. It was one o [...]
Lebanon slides closer to complete collapse as Israel fears Hezbollah’s expansion of influence
The country’s economy is cratering, there are shortages of fuel and medicines, and people are going hungry on the streets. Yet what does the West worry most about? Hezbollah helping the starving get food. Lebanon’s caretaker Prime Minister Hassan Diab has warned the international community that the country could collapse in days, as even Israel offers aid fearing the expansion of Lebanese H [...]
Lebanese PM-Designate’s Resignation Raises Questions on Future of Maritime Dispute Talks With Israel
Prime Minister Designate Mustapha Adib announced that he would be stepping down on Saturday, saying Lebanon’s political factions “failed to refuse to politicize the process of forming a government.” Adib was appointed in August, after Prime Minister Hassan Diab resigned in the turmoil following the Beirut explosion, which killed nearly 200 people. Prime Minister designate Adib’s s [...]
Streets of Explosion-Ravaged Beirut as Lebanon Imposes Lockdown Amid Spike in COVID Cases 🎞️
On 4 August, a massive explosion took place in Beirut, killing over 200 people and decimating the city's infrastructure. The massive blast was caused by improper storage of explosive ammonium nitrate in the Beirut port. Sputnik is live from Beirut as the Lebanese capital, devastated by an explosion in early August, has re-imposed a lockdown amid a surge in COVID-19 cases. The new measu [...]
Protests in Lebanon Will Continue Unless New Gov’t Will be Independent of Old Elites, Analysts Say
Lebanon's government stepped down on Monday night in the aftermath of a deadly blast that shattered the country's capital on 4 August and claimed the lives of more than 200 people. International observers have discussed whether the Diab cabinet’s resignation will help fix the situation and what forces could take the reins. The tragedy reignited nationwide anti-government protests, with [...]
The cargo that blew up Beirut: Sailor REVEALS troubled history of doomed ship that brought TONS of explosive fertilizer to Lebanon 🎞️
The explosion that devastated Beirut has been linked to a mishandled ammonium nitrate cargo confiscated from a foreign ship. Now a former crew member tells RT the vessel, owned by a dodgy businessman, was a disaster in the making. Some 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate – a highly explosive fertilizer – went up in a terrifying blast in Beirut on Tuesday, Lebanese officials have said. [...]
BEIRUT BLAST AFTERMATH: Parts of Lebanon’s capital lay in ruins after explosions leave dozens dead & buildings destroyed 🎞️
Videos obtained by RT show areas around Beirut’s port reduced to rubble and ruins after explosions near the city’s docks destroyed nearby buildings and blew out windows more than 10 kilometers away. Free-lance journalist Owen Holdaway sent videos from Beirut Thursday evening showing the aftermath of the blasts. "A large part of the area has been completely devastated," Holdaway said in a video [...]
Lebanese Protest Against ‘Deal of the Century’ Near US Embassy 🎞️
The plan was previously rejected by the Palestinian Authority, which vowed to cut ties with Israel and the US, urging people to participate in protests against the deal. People are gathering near the US Embassy in Lebanon in Beit Aaoukar to protest against the "deal of the century" – a new peace plan for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that was recently announced by US President Donald Trump. [...]
Lebanese Police Fire Tear Gas as Clashes With Protesters Resume in Beirut’s Centre – Videos
BEIRUT (Sputnik) - Clashes between Lebanese anti-government protesters and law enforcement resumed near the parliament building in the capital Beirut on Saturday, with police resorting to tear gas and water cannons, a Sputnik correspondent reported from the scene. [...]
WATCH dozens injured in street battles between protestors and police on the streets of Beirut 🎞️
Dozens of people were injured and hospitalized in Beirut during street battles between thousands of anti-government protesters and armed police amid a worsening political and economic crisis in Lebanon. Protesters hurled debris, bottles and fireworks while police used tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannon to disperse the crowds on a second night of unrest in the capital this past weekend. [...]
As PM Hariri resigns and Lebanon faces a power vacuum, maybe it is time to reassess relations with the US
The exit of Lebanon PM Saad Hariri brings more unrest in a turbulent region, a loss of an ally to the US, as troops withdraw from Syria, there’s conflict with Iran and issues with Saudi Arabia. Trump needs a new pal in the region. [...]
Lebanese Banks Resume Work After 2-Week Break Amid Anti-Government Protests
BEIRUT (Sputnik) - Lebanese banks resumed operations after a two-week break amid mass anti-government protests that broke out all over the country, a Sputnik correspondent reported from Beirut on Friday. The reopening of the banks was accompanied by long lines of people who wanted to get cash and make transactions and transfers. [...]
‘We are waiting for war’: Lebanese say Israel has gone too far
After the recent Israeli attacks against Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, the Middle East has found itself in the midst of undeclared war. Almost everyone in Lebanon appears to agree. “This time Israel went too far. In just two days, it bombed three countries,” I am told by a local UN staffer based in Beirut. [...]