BRICS to Leave UN: What Next?
Victoria Nuland's departure from the Biden Administration signals a significant shift in US foreign policy, especially concerning Ukraine and Russia. Nuland, known for her hawkish stance on Russia and instrumental role in US-Ukraine relations, leaves behind a legacy marked by interventionism and covert interference. Her exit raises questions about the future of US military aid to Ukraine, particul [...]
EXPOSED! United Nations has a secret plan to invade America | Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris
United Nations has a secret plan to invade America. Among the millions of illegal immigrants pouring into the U.S. are United Nations trained army soldiers. They are being paid and delivered by the United Nations right to your doorstep. WEST'S COLOSSAL MISTAKE: US Decline, Rise of BRICS, Tariffs Damage US Economy |Prof. Richard Wolff Financial World War Coming: Global Elite's Plan - 'You'll [...]
US blocks Gaza peace proposal at UN for 3rd time, holding world hostage🎞
The US government has paralyzed the United Nations, voting against the rest of the world and preventing peace in Gaza by vetoing three different resolutions in the Security Council. Meanwhile, Washington continues giving weapons to Israel. Journalist Ben Norton explains the scandal.   [...]