
China And Turkey Just Did The Unthinkable, And Europe Is Not Ready!
China And Turkey Just Did The Unthinkable, And Europe Is Not Ready! In a groundbreaking move, Chinese electric vehicle (EV) titan BYD and the Turkish government have sealed a nearly $1 billion deal, marking a significant leap forward for both nations. BYD is gearing up to establish a cutting-edge production hub in Turkey, featuring an electric and hybrid car manufacturing plant alongside a state-o [...]
Turkey Leaves NATO After They Do Nothing To Israel For Latest Attacks On Rafah!
n this video, we look at the huge geopolitical upheaval as Turkey withdraws from NATO due to the organization's perceived passivity in response to Israel's new strikes on Rafah. This decision represents a watershed event in international affairs, calling into question NATO's future and the Middle East's power balance. Jeffrey Sachs: ENDGAME for Ukraine, Israel as Zelensky's Exit, Netanyahu's De [...]
You Won’t Believe what Brave South Africa did to Israel!
International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, holds public hearings on the request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by South Africa in the case South Africa v. Israel. Tembeka Ngcukaitobi testified at The Hague, presenting evidence in South Africa's case against Israel at the International Court of Justice regarding the ongoing bombar [...]
Saudi Arabia & Turkey Just Sanctioned Israel With No More Oil!🎞
We explore the recent historic developments in the Middle East in great detail in this interesting and thorough video, as Saudi Arabia and Turkey impose oil sanctions on Israel. This abrupt change in the course of events draws attention to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict and illustrates a major change in the dynamics of the region. While keeping an eye on the humanitarian component of thi [...]
Turkey Just Left NATO After They Support Israel Instead Of Palestine!🎞
Today's video delves deep into the seismic event that shook the global stage: Turkey's withdrawal from NATO. This historic decision followed NATO's contentious decision to back Israel over Palestine, creating a firestorm of diplomatic tensions and altering Middle Eastern ties. Join us as we investigate the history, significance, and effects of this remarkable action. Turkey, a long-standing NATO m [...]
Turkey Leaves NATO After Stance On the Israel & Palestine Conflict!🎞
In this in-depth video, we look at the unusual geopolitical development of Turkey's withdrawal from NATO, which is being pushed by its position on the Israel-Palestine dispute. Our analysis delves into Turkey's historical relations with NATO, dating back to 1952, and how Turkey's geopolitical location and military capabilities have played a critical role within the alliance. We explore Turkey's al [...]
Turkey’s Powerful Position on the Israel Palestine War Revealed!🎞
What does Turkey think about the Israel Palestine War? I recently traveled to Istanbul, Turkey and had the chance to met Birol Güger, the Managing Director of the Cumhuriyet, Turkey's oldest newspaper. I asked him about Israel and Palestine and the potential for a larger regional conflict in the Middle East. [...]
Turkey Sanction Israel With No More Oil! 🎞
In this video, we go deep into the Middle East's geopolitical landscape as we analyse Turkey's recent and crucial attempt to put sanctions on Israel and cut off its oil supplies. This decision, based on historical conflicts, is redefining regional dynamics and has global ramifications. This significant transformation is set in motion by the historical framework of Turkey-Israel ties. Their rela [...]
Washington Keeps Alienating Its Policy Partners
Instead of subtly courting China, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, the administration and its congressional allies have petulantly demanded their compliance with U.S. wishes. A top priority for the Biden administration when the Russia-Ukraine War erupted was to secure maximum international support for a strategy to penalize and isolate Moscow. It is clear that the strategy has failed outside of NATO an [...]
Erdogan channels his inner sultan with UNGA words on Crimea, but his Turkey is no Ottoman Empire
To understand why Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan would insult Moscow by declaring that Crimea is Ukrainian just ahead of a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, one has to understand his obsession with the Ottoman Empire. “We believe it is important to preserve Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, including the territory of Crimea, whose annexation we do not recogniz [...]
Turkey will not be silent about Israel’s ‘atrocities’, Erdogan tells Palestinian President Abbas
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reportedly told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during a meeting on Saturday that he would not be silent about “Israel’s atrocities” in Palestine. According to the Turkish state-run Anadolu Agency, Erdogan stressed to Abbas during the meeting that Turkey “did not” and “will not remain silent about Israel's atrocities in Palestine.”  [...]
It’s Time to Return Incirlik & Kurecik Bases to Turkey, Reconsider Relations With US, Observer Says
Turks have taken to the streets in Istanbul, Ankara, Adana, and other cities to protest against Joe Biden recognising the events of 1915 as an Armenian genocide. The demonstrators called upon the Turkish authorities to end the US military's use of the Incirlik Air Base and Kurecik Radar Station in southern Turkey. "I believe that the time has come to return the bases provided by Turkey t [...]
Turkish Media Account Accuses US of Mass ‘Genocide’ of 84 Million People Amid Armenia Spat
Already shaky relations between the US and its Turkish ally took another turn for the worse last week after Joe Biden formally recognised the actions of the Ottoman Empire against Armenians in the early part of the 20th century as genocide. The move sparked outrage throughout Turkey and demands to leave NATO or kick US troops out of the country. Clash Report, a Twitter and Telegram securi [...]
‘If Greece Buys F-35 Fighters, Turkey Will Use S-400 Against Them’, Ret. General Says
Turkey is facing mounting pressure from its NATO allies in the Eastern Mediterranean region which makes its decision to deploy and operate the Russian-made S-400 Triumf anti-aircraft weapon system fully justified, says Ret. Major General Nejat Eslen commenting on Athens' alleged plan to acquire fifth-generation F-35 stealth jets in 2021. On 16 November, Greek weekly newspaper Proto Thema [...]
‘US doesn’t know who it’s dealing with!’ Erdogan dismisses Washington’s threats over S-400 deployment
Turkey is not a “tribal state” that can be pushed around, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said, dismissing the American warnings over its procurement of Russian-made S-400 anti-aircraft systems. Ankara will see through the deployment of its S-400 systems, which will not be disrupted by any threats or sanctions, Erdogan made clear, speaking in the eastern Turkish city of Malatya on Sunday. T [...]
US threatens ‘serious consequences’ if Turkey puts into operation its Russian S-400 missile systems
The US State Department has warned the Turkish government of “potential serious consequences” to the two nations’ security relationship should reports of Ankara testing the Russian S-400 air defense systems prove true. “If confirmed, we would condemn in the strongest terms the S-400 test missile launch as incompatible with Turkey’s responsibilities as a NATO ally and strategic partn [...]
‘Major Obstacle’: US ‘Deeply Concerned’ Over Reports of Turkey Potentially Testing S-400s
On Tuesday, it was reported that Turkey had deployed its S-400 air defense systems to the northern city of Samsun near the Black Sea, probably for testing, with Ankara making no official statement on the matter. The US State Department has expressed alarm over reports about possible tests by Turkey of its Russian-made S-400 missile systems. [...]
‘No Leg to Stand On’: Turkey’s Occupation of Syria’s Idlib Not Defensive, NATO Won’t Respond
The situation in northern Syria has grown more volatile since Ankara accused Russia of killing 33 Turkish troops in a Thursday airstrike outside Idlib as Turkey’s NATO allies weigh the option of intervention. An expert told Sputnik NATO involvement is unlikely, but so is Damascus letting up the assault as they try to rebuild their country. [...]
Turkey faces strategic defeat in Idlib after failing to live up to its commitments on Syria
Under the 2018 Sochi agreement, Turkey was supposed to disarm and disassociate itself from the terrorist organization Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. Its failure to do so has sown the seeds of Turkey’s inevitable defeat in Syria. When Turkey threw its weight behind the anti-Assad rebellion in 2011, it did so believing that it would be able to dictate the outcome on the ground by controlling the main organ [...]