
Russia and India Agree on De-dollarisation Trade and Investment
During their recent meeting in Moscow, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed in a Joint Declaration to conduct trade and investment in their respective national currencies (the rupee and the ruble), which amounts, without using the term, to a de facto de-dollarisation of India – a country projected to be the world’s second-largest economy in the coming [...]
How Saudi Arabia Joining BRICS can shift the world power? : USA vs Saudi Arabia Explained.🎞
Saudi Arabia is one of the most powerful countries in the world and more importantly it has always been the closest ally to the united states of America!! But now Saudi Arabia is engaged in a cold war with the very same united states!!! While Saudi decreased oil production by 2 million barrels to worsen the inflation in the US, Biden threatened Saudi Arabia with unspecified consequences and even [...]
First batch of Russia’s Sputnik V Covid-19 jabs delivered to India as country expands its vaccine drive to entire adult population
India has received its first batch of the Russian-made Sputnik V jab. Heavily hit by a new wave of Covid-19 infections, the country has expanded its vaccination drive in a bid to inoculate its entire adult population. An aircraft carrying the vaccines touched down in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad on Saturday. “First batch of Sputnik V vaccine arrives in Hyderabad, India! That's t [...]
‘Sanctions Not Designed to Harm Friends’, but India Will Have to Make Choice on S-400, US Envoy Says
Since America considers India a major defence partner, the Narendra Modi government was hoping to receive an exemption from US sanctions over the acquisition of five S-400 units. India signed a $5.43 billion deal with Russia in 2018 in an attempt to secure its borders from enemies. US law which gives the administration authority to slap strict sanctions on countries which have done deals [...]
India gives go-ahead to domestic trial of Russia’s pioneering ‘Sputnik V’ Covid-19 vaccine
India’s vaccines regulator has given the green light for a clinical study of the Russia-developed Covid-19 vaccine. Similar trials of the formulation are underway in Russia itself and in some other nations. The Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI), a department in India’s drug regulator that is responsible for licensing vaccines, has given its approval for a domestic clinical study of the [...]
Washington Warns India Against Major Arms Deals with Russia
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The United States is warning India against purchasing significant Russian weapons like advanced anti-aircraft systems or fighter jets as they may impede its defense cooperation with the West, US Assistant Secretary of State Clarke Cooper told reporters on Thursday. “The key point that has been shared with Indian counterparts... is: ‘Don’t put at risk future opportuniti [...]
India Dumps American Weapon System Proposed to Fill ‘Gap’ Left in Its Air Defences Despite S-400
New Delhi (Sputnik): Ahead of US President Donald Trump’s visit to India in February, the US State Department approved the sale of integrated air defence weapon systems to India at a cost of $1.867 billion. Experts have said India wants to fortify its airspace with American systems along with the soon-to-be inducted S-400 missile defence system. In a major setback for the Trump administ [...]
New Delhi, beware of Americans bearing gifts and promises!
India is upbeat following talks in the US, where political and defensive initiatives were laid out amid a climate of tension between the US and China. But can Washington be trusted to live up to its end of the bargain? Judging by Washington’s dismal track record for trashing treaties and agreements, it’s hard to imagine that American diplomats have much work to do these days. As many countries [...]
Iran, Russia Turn to Trade in National Currencies to Ditch Dollar
Last week, the Trump administration imposed new economic sanctions against Iran, targeting its central bank and its sovereign wealth fund. The head of Iran’s Central Bank Abdolnaser Hemmati said Wednesday that Iran and Russia have turned to bilateral trade in national currencies as both countries fall under US sanctions. [...]
‘West’s leading role is ending’: G7’s no good without India and China, Putin says
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said the leading role of the West is coming to an end, and no serious international group makes much sense anymore without economic juggernauts like China and India. [...]
India-Russia eternal friendship takes a Pacific turn
The India-Russia special partnership is strategic. It is growing in new directions, with implications for both China and the United States. The twentieth annual summit between India and Russia on September 4 could have been ignored as a ho-hum affair. [...]
‘Extremely Frustrated’ US Mulls Sanctions on India Over Russian Arms Purchases Including S-400 – Report
New Delhi (Sputnik): India is likely to be subjected to US sanctions under the CAATSA (Countering American Adversaries Through Sanctions Act) legislation by the "extremely frustrated" Donald Trump administration for continuing to purchase Russian defence equipment ignoring US concerns, a top American government official has said. [...]
Kremlin Doesn’t Rule Out Collaboration on INSTEX Payment Mechanism for Trade With Iran
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif previously noted that the EU mechanism for bilateral transactions with Tehran bypassing US sanctions could include other interested countries, such as Russia and Turkey. [...]
Indian Military to Reconsider Joint Creation, Purchase of SU-57 Jets With Russia
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russia's Sukhoi Su-57 (also known as the PAK FA and the T-50) fifth-generation jet fighter now has an export permit, and the Russian government is reportedly reviewing documents to officially rename the aircraft from its T-50 internal designation to Su-57, according to a source in the Russian aviation industry. [...]
‘No remorse on his face’: Indian cleric confesses to raping 9yo girl inside Uttar Pradesh mosque
Police in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh arrested a cleric who allegedly raped a nine-year-old girl on mosque premises while the local imam was away on leave. The cleric later publicly admitted his guilt. [...]
Having Failed to Threaten Turkey, US is Trying to Choke off Russo-Indian S-400 Deal
Concerns are growing in the Trump administration over Turkey and India's adamant decision to buy the Russian-made S-400. Indian military observer Rakesh Krishnan Simha and UK-based geopolitical analyst Adam Garrie have shared their views on whether Washington will make New Delhi an offer it won't be able to refuse in order to nix the S-400 deal. [...]
‘We’ll Do What’s In Our National Interest’ – Indian Minister on Sanctions Over S-400 Sale
Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar has stressed that part of being good partners is to "comprehend and appreciate the national interests of each other". [...]
Allies or frenemies? Pompeo lands in India with a bag of ‘freedom’ offers one doesn’t simply refuse
The top US diplomat has landed in New Delhi, aiming to pressure the Indian government into rejecting Russian S-400 air defense systems and China’s Huawei mobile tech in favor of “better” military and trade deals with Washington. [...]
Not you too! US warns India against Russian S-400 ahead of Pompeo’s visit
Although Washington already has its plate full trying to dissuade Turkey from buying S-400 air defenses, it is also “urging” India against buying the Russian missile system just ahead of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s visit. [...]