Health Care

Why Leaving the US is the New American Dream
Andrew Henderson is the CEO of Nomad Capitalist, the world’s #1 resource for global citizens, helping people around the world gain access to second passports, reduce tax liabilities, and learning to safeguard their assets. Andrew was born an American but has since renounced his citizenship, obtained 5 new passports from countries around the world, and lives in multiples cities throughout the wor [...]
Why Leaving the US is the New American Dream🎞
Andrew Henderson is the CEO of Nomad Capitalist, the world’s #1 resource for global citizens, helping people around the world gain access to second passports, reduce tax liabilities, and learning to safeguard their assets. Andrew was born an American but has since renounced his citizenship, obtained 5 new passports from countries around the world, and lives in multiples cities throughout the wor [...]
WATCH OUT! The Food Industry’s LIES and HOW they are Slowly POISONING US. 🎞
If you’re following government guidelines for food and health, watch this episode very carefully, as the industry and policy lies being exposed are triggering. Calley Means has been advising politicians and prominent food and pharma companies and has founded his own company, TrueMed, to expose and change the food industries causing harm that the healthcare industry is profiting heavily. The bes [...]
America Is Making World Fall Apart… America Is Threat To Everyone In Coming Days 🎞
America Is Making World Fall Apart America Is a Threat To Everyone In the Coming Days...Jeffrey Sachs NATO Wants Global War | Q&A Nr. 1 With Jeffrey Sachs | Neutrality Studies The Newsroom - America is not the greatest country in the world anymore Will McAvoy (Jeff Daniels) hits the nail squarely on the head in the opening minutes of HBO's new series 'The Newsroom'. He is asked by a co [...]
Universal Healthcare Now!
Vital statistics during the past two and half years of the Covid-19 pandemic, indicate that nearly one million Americans died. Countless people suffered adverse effects from isolation, the loss of 22 million jobs, shuttered businesses, closed schools, and the inability to have pre-existing medical conditions treated in a timely manner. Mental disorders skyrocketed. Among adults, moderate to sev [...]
Japanese Clinical Trial Concludes Ivermectin Is “Safe and Effective” Treatment of COVID
“Ivermectin has the same antiviral effect” on all mutant strains, including Alpha, Delta, and Omicron. Kowa added that ivermectin suppresses invasion of the virus and inhibits its replication.” As you can see, I have told you the truth about Ivermectin, while Fauci, Biden, CDC, WHO, FDA, NIH, the medical establishment, and the whore Western media and social media tyrants have lied to you [...]
Florida’s DeSantis Says Feds Backing Down on Limiting Monoclonals ⚕️
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced on Jan. 3 that the federal government had relaxed its policies on limiting monoclonal antibody treatment drugs, paving the way for the state to receive more doses. DeSantis said as soon as more doses were released he would be setting up to 10 new public infusion centers in southern and central Florida. “We’re locked and loaded,” the governor said at a pre [...]
‘Completely unprepared’: Private healthcare is gouging America and letting Covid-19 run rampant, physician and activist tells RT  🎞️
As long as health insurance firms and drug companies continue to “gouge people,” the US will not be equipped to handle a pandemic, physician Dr. Margaret Flowers has told RT’s ‘On Contact.’ With 12 million people infected and 255,000 dead in the US, Dr. Flowers told ‘On Contact’ host Chris Hedges on Saturday that “it’s fair to say that we have lost control of the virus, and [...]
US quietly seeks out foreign doctors to fight Covid-19 pandemic
As the entire world has become the frontline of the fight against the Covid-19 coronavirus, the US State Department is headhunting foreign doctors to assist the US, promising they can skip to the front of the immigration queue. In a message posted on its website on Thursday night, Foggy Bottom encouraged medical professionals who have already applied for US visas – “particularly those wor [...]
Moscow acted effectively on Covid-19 long before it was classed as ‘pandemic’ – Russian WHO bureau chief to RT 🎞️
Russia's approach to the spread of Covid-19 has been quite effective, partially because it began taking preventive measures long before the World Health Organization labeled it a pandemic, the WHO’s chief in Moscow has told RT. “Russia started with the measures very early, before the famous ‘pandemic’ word was spelled out by [WHO] Director General Tedros Ghebreyesus on March 11," said Dr [...]
China’s first 1,000-bed hospital to treat coronavirus patients built within DAYS 🎞️
A hospital built specifically to treat those infected with coronavirus is set to open in Wuhan, China. Astonishingly, the large medical facility was constructed in less than two weeks. The 25,000-square-meter Huoshenshan Hospital, one of two new facilities commissioned in response to the coronavirus outbreak, is scheduled to begin operations on Monday. The hospital is something of a marvel of en [...]
Mother of all ironies: US veterans are returning to Vietnam ‘for a better life’
It sounds almost unbelievable, but a number of US citizens are deciding to cash out of the elusive ‘American dream’ as they settle down in foreign places, such as Vietnam, where many of them were once loathed as invaders. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia. For many Americans, those names invoke powerful memories and images of unspeakable violence, and perhaps the last places on earth to consider visitin [...]
America is a ‘predatory hospital’ monetizing on the sick & dying, disguised as a country – Keiser Report
Millions of Americans receive a surprise medical bill every year, bankrupting families and raising health care costs for everyone. RT’s Keiser Report says the reality of America where people live paycheck to paycheck is “legalized plunder.” The health industry is one of the largest employers in the entire nation, Stacy Herbert says, explaining that around 19 percent of the US GDP is [...]
Ocasio-Cortez Makes Cuomo Look Dumb For ‘How Do You Pay’ Question
For anyone triggered by my criticism of Cuomo, here’s a different video (linked at the end of my comment) where I give him credit. This issue with Cuomo’s questioning to AOC is the context - he never presses on politicians about “how can we afford to cut taxes for the wealthy,” “how can afford to pump even more into military spending,” “how can we afford to cut the corporate tax r [...]
The Best Healthcare and Healthcare Systems in the World
One of the main concerns of any person looking to retire overseas is the quality of healthcare. Is it possible to get medical treatment as good as what’s available in the U.S. and Canada? The answer…a resounding yes. Sometimes it’s even better than what’s on offer at home, and at a more affordable price too. [...]
‘It’s still cheaper’: Utah insurance provider will pay for trips to Mexico for its ‘Pharma-Tourists’
Utah state employees will get some relief from insane prescription drug prices, with their insurer’s offer to fund their travel costs to Mexico and to throw in $500 cash, because it's still cheaper than buying the drugs in the US. The unusual offer is being presented by PEHP, which insures 160,000 state employees and their family members. [...]
Healthcare ate American wages
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy discuss Trump blaming China for election interference, and the Fed warns that healthcare costs have set America on an ‘unsustainable fiscal path.’ They look at the data that shows American incomes have not been rising because more and more is being eaten up by their healthcare costs. In the second half, Max interviews Michael Terpin of CoinAg [...]
Americans save $9 on sushi but aren’t ready to demand affordable healthcare
US citizens are joining up to save a few bucks on food, but when it concerns unity over affordable healthcare they call it socialism, says Max Keiser of Keiser Report. He thinks they are brainwashed by the mainstream media. In this episode of the Keiser Report, the show’s hosts, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, discuss the storm brewing over poor elderly citizens in the US and how Latin America bla [...]
Trump’s hidden war on Medicaid
Work requirements, time limits, and drug testing could significantly shrink America’s largest health insurer. A dozen states are applying for or entertaining work requirements and other restrictions on Medicaid — putting the lifeline for millions of poor Americans at risk. [...]