Austria refuses to expel Russian diplomats as EU countries jump on UK-led bandwagon
Vienna chose not to expel Russian diplomats as a response to the poisoning of double agent Sergei Skripal, saying it wants to keep dialogue with Moscow open. Some European opposition figures say the move will only create problems. Despite more than a dozen European nations expelling Russian diplomats over the Skripal case, not every nation or politician is on board. Dissenting voices are starting [...]
Iran deal could be reached Sunday or Monday, but major issues remain
A provisional agreement in talks on Iran'€™s controversial nuclear program is expected to be reached on Sunday or Monday, diplomats say, adding that some unresolved issues still remain between the sides. Iran’s nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi has said that Tehran and P5+1 group (the US, Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany) have agreed on most technical issues and annexes to a possible [...]
“Leave Euro, retake democracy!” Nigel Farage in passionate Tsipras address (VIDEO)
In an impassioned speech, the un-resigned UKIP leader Nigel Farage told Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to take "courage" and quit the euro after the latest emergency bailout talks broke down. Farage said it was time to “get back control of your country,” adding the banks would “give you no more.” [...]
Greek debt crisis a threat to UK financial system – Bank of England
The Bank of England (BoE) has warned the Greek debt crisis is a threat to UK financial stability and could trigger wider problems on financial markets. In its twice-yearly Financial Stability Report published Wednesday, the BoE claimed the risks associated with Greece had “worsened” and that the situation “remains fluid.” [...]
Merkel & Co: NSA also spied on top German ministers – Wikileaks
Chancellor Angela Merkel was not the only NSA target in the German government, as WikiLeaks has released a new tranche of documents containing a list of the phone numbers of German ministers and officials whose privacy was breached by the US spy agency. Sixty-nine high-ranking members of the German government, including the economy and finance ministers, as well as Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabrie [...]
Mysterious crop patterns appear near Stonehenge (VIDEO)
Drone footage has revealed two elaborate new crop patterns in the English county of Wiltshire, home of the iconic Stonehenge circle. The images were captured by MrGro, a website that publishes drone videos of the mysterious shapes. Since the 1960s, the phenomena have been cited as evidence of the existence of extra-terrestrials, but sightings of irregular crop patterns date back to as early as [...]
ISIS barbarians at the gates, while NATO busy hyping “Russia threat”
As ISIS and ISIS-style terror erupts across the globe, Western governments are busy making plans to establish a rapid reaction force in Eastern Europe to ‘contain Russia’, thus qualifying them for an annual ‘you couldn’t make it up’ award. It calls to mind one of Britain’s worst military defeats, suffered at the hands of the Japanese, when 100,000 troops and sailors were marched int [...]
How Europe betrays its own interests to serve those of the US
By slavishly following Washington's line on Russia, Europe's leaders are essentially sticking pins into voodoo dolls of themselves. It's as pointless as it is ridiculous. If America were hand-picking European leaders, it’s doubtful that they could select as subservient a crew as now dominate the EU. [...]
Yummy and healthy? Study finds chocolate lowers risk of heart disease, strokes
A new study has found that chocolate can lower the risk of heart disease and strokes as well as reduce blood pressure and help people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, but the results are not definitive. The research published in the journal Heart Monday used a wide sample of 25,000 volunteers who ate about 15-100 grams of chocolate a day in the form of all types, including dark, milk an [...]
Public view armed forces as suicidal, traumatized “victims” – study
Britons view military personnel as "victims" who more likely to commit suicide, suffer from post-traumatic stress and serve prison time, according to a study, which claims these perceptions are inaccurate. The survey, carried out by King’s College London and polling company Ipsos MORI, has led to fears that recruiting – already at a serious low – could be damaged. [...]
Snowden destroyed files before going to Russia – Greenwald debunks Sunday Times report
Glenn Greenwald, a US journalist who published the first reports on documents leaked by Edward Snowden, says allegations in the British press that Russian and Chinese spies accessed Snowden's documents are lies aimed at smearing the whistleblower. Greenwald, writing in the Intercept, said that reports by the BBC and the Sunday Times that claimed Chinese and Russian intelligence services had acc [...]
Snowden will remain criminal for revealing that US spied on its own people
It's unlikely that Snowden will ever be removed from the US wanted list, as he told the truth about the "bastion of freedom" that lectures other states while spying on its own citizens, said Matteo Bergamini, director of Shout Out UK. It’s been two years since the publications of the NSA documents by Edward Snowden. What is the biggest achievement that came out of the revelations? [...]
TTIP will legalize cancer-causing chemicals banned by EU, trade union warns
Britain could be flooded with harmful chemicals currently banned in the European Union if the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) deal is signed next week, a trade union has warned. The GMB said chemicals that can cause cancerous tumors, birth defects and development disorders will be allowed in the EU after the controversial trade agreement is signed. [...]
49 NATO vessels, 5,600 troops gear up for major US-led drills in Baltics
Around 50 vessels from 17 countries, involving overall 5,600 troops, will be taking part in US-led exercise BALTOPS in the Baltic Sea starting June 5. In 15 days, NATO allies will show their eagerness and ability to protect the region. Featuring anti-submarine warfare, air defense, interception of suspect vessels and amphibious landings, the annual BALTOPS will run through June 20. [...]
Over 1,400 suspects investigated in UK historical sex abuse inquiry
Over 1400 individuals are under investigation by British police as part of an inquiry into a historic VIP sex abuse network believed to include celebrities and politicians. Information released by Operation Hydrant, the group of police officers tackling the alleged ring, said that the 1,433 suspected offenders included 76 politicians, 43 musicians, and 135 from film, television and radio. [...]
Ex-Royal Navy sailor to RT: Trident whistleblower’s security allegations true
As Royal Navy whistleblower William McNeilly remains in military custody for criticizing Trident nuclear safety procedures, an ex-Navy sailor who backs many of his allegations has spoken at length to RT. Euan Bryson, 25, served in Britain’s Royal Navy for 4 1/2 years as a communications and IT specialist. Among his leading roles were positions onboard the UK’s ex-Royal Navy flagships HMS Ar [...]
Inequality Street: UK most unequal country in EU, worse than US
Britain has been labeled the "European capital of inequality" after a report found it is the most unequal country in the EU. As part of a progressive study, the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) analyzed wages across the EU. [...]
“Nuclear disaster waiting to happen”: Royal Navy probes Trident whistleblower’s claims
The Royal Navy has launched an investigation into whistleblower William McNeilly, who exposed horrid security lapses in UK's trident nuclear program which make it easier for intruders to access some secured areas than enter "most nightclubs." UK authorities are “concerned for the whereabouts” of the 25-year old whistleblower, who went absent without leave and cooperated with WikiLeaks to po [...]
The Fuller Picture – Iran, Russia and TPP: Obama tries to pivot to Asia
This week US relations with Saudi Arabia cool down, while heating up with Russia and Iran. Is the US considering a sweeping change to foreign policy? Saudi King Salman chose not to attend a joint US-Gulf State meeting this week set to deal with the possibility of giving Gulf States a missile defense system to ward off a nuclear-powered Iran. [...]
TakeUsWithYouScotland: 1000s in N. England sign petition to join ‘future independent Scotland’
Over 35,000 people from northern England have signed a petition, asking to join future independent Scotland and sever from London. It says ‘the northerners’ have more bonds with Scotland than with “the ideologies of the London-centric south.” “The deliberations in Westminster are becoming increasingly irrelevant to the north of England,” says an online petition to the UK Government [...]
Mind the gap: Britain’s richest are 105 times better off than the poorest
The UK'S richest 20 percent have more than one hundred times the wealth of the poorest 20 percent, with the combined household wealth of £9.1 trillion remaining for the most part in the hands of the elite. New analysis from Lloyds Bank Private Banking revealed that if the combined household wealth was evenly distributed, each family in Britain would have an annual income of £326,414. [...]
WWII victory doesn’t bring Russia, Ukraine together as Kiev turned war criminals into heroes
Ukraine as a new nation has to create a useable past, Arch Getty, Professor of Russian and Soviet history at UCLA told RT's In the Now show. War criminals like Bandera, who killed a lot of civilians, are being praised by Kiev government now, he added. Mikhail Gorbachev said that snubbing the Victory parade is disrespect for the people who suffered enormous losses fighting Nazism. [...]