
Israel Just Announced They Attacked The Helicopter Of Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi Who Died!
In this video, we look at Israel's bombshell disclosure about its suspected role in a helicopter crash that killed Iran's President, Ebrahim Raisi. The helicopter accident has caused ripples in international politics, with Israel claiming responsibility for the attack. The event, which apparently featured an Israeli agent as the pilot, represents a dramatic escalation in Israel's already strained [...]
Iran Just Destroyed US Power in the Middle East | Ambassador Chas Freeman🎞
We just witnessed one of the biggest changes in middle eastern (or west Asian) geopolitics in decades. Iran's highly targeted attack on Israel and the signalling towards the other Arab states, combined with its incredible diplomacy, allowed Tehran to break free from US strangle-hold. How Iran Is Completely Winning - SCOTT RITTER "Few Quadcopters, No External Attack" Iran Claims, Netanyahu's [...]
Larry Johnson: Iran SUCCESSFULLY PROBED Israel’s Air Defense Network! NATO/Ukraine is PARALYZED🎞
The Iranian military said Wednesday it had successfully tested anti-missile defenses for “sensitive” sites during war games in central Iran, after Israeli and US warnings over its nuclear program. [...]
Checkmate: Iran Defeats the US-Israeli Missile Defense Architecture. Scott Ritter
The world’s attention has, rightfully so, been focused on the fallout from Iran’s retaliatory strike against Israel on April 13-14, 2024. Iran’s purpose in launching the attack was to establish a deterrence posture designed to put Israel and the United States on notice that any attack against Iran, whether on Iranian soil or on the territory of other nations, would trigger a retaliation whic [...]
Iran Navy, Air Force ‘Ready’ To Confront Israel With Russia-made Weapons | Details🎞
Iran's Navy and Air Force commanders announced that they are ready to confront Israel if it retaliates for the weekend barrage of over 350 missiles and drones. While the Iran Air Force commander warned that warplanes, including Russian-made Sukhoi-24s, were in "best state of preparedness" to counter any Israeli attack, Iran's Navy has also begun escorting Iranian commercial vessels to the Red Sea. [...]
Biggest Attack on Israel in History: 5 Countries With Hundreds of Drones and Ballistic Missiles🎞
British journalist Richard Medhurst reports on the Iranian response to Israel's bombing of the Iranian embassy in Damascus on April 1. This violation of the Vienna Convention (1961 and 1963) went unanswered until today on April 14 The world has watched anxiously in anticipation of Iran's response. Now Iran fires a volley of drones and missiles at Israel, accompanied by an orchestra of similar cali [...]
Scott Ritter: If Russia joins Red Sea in support Houthi, Iran Hezbollah best chance to end Israel US🎞
Scott Ritter: If Russia joins Red Sea in support Houthi, Iran Hezbollah best chance to end Israel US. Scott Ritter: spits on Israel's war crimes -there are no innocent civilians in Gaza Scott Ritter: Putin Issues FINAL WARNING To Nato! CROSSED The Red Line, Ukraine Faces DESTRUCTION       [...]
Scott Ritter: “Yemen just changed EVERYTHING and Israel, Neocons are Stunned”🎞
Scott Ritter: "Yemen just changed EVERYTHING and Israel, Neocons are Stunned" [...]
Putin, Xi, MBS And Raisi’s Great Alliance | China Going to New Industrial Powerhouse?🎞
Earlier this year, we told you about an alliance taking shape - CHIMS, standing for China, Iran, Moscow and Saudi Arabia. Over the last 48 hours, we have seen developments which confirm that new equations have been established with long term strategic consequences. The allies also now form a ring around the oil-rich Caspian. Molly Gambhir brings you more details. [...]
Russia Gives Israel A Warning🎞
Israel have done something that crosses the line for Putin. After Russia gave Israel a warning things have started to change and we are now seeing the start of positive negotiations. Could this be the reason or was it something else?   [...]
Goodbye! America loses the Middle East! Saudi Arabia and Iran announce restoration of diplomacy! 🎞
In summary: In the Middle East, Saudi Arabia and Iran are two major countries in the region, and both national authorities practice Islam, but belong to different sects. Islam in Saudi Arabia belongs to the Sunni sect, while Islam in Iran belongs to the Shia sect. The two sects have been in a feud since ancient times, creating mutual hatred and distrust. [...]
China Proves Diplomacy Can Win: Saudi Arabia & Iran Resume Ties 🎞
China's diplomatic success as Iran, and Saudi Arabia to resume ties following secret Beijing meetings. Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed Friday to end years of hostility and re-engage in diplomatic relations following previously undisclosed talks in Beijing between top security officials from the rival powers. "The U.S. is aware of reports that Iran and Saudi Arabia have resumed diplomatic relations, [...]
America, An Empire on its Last Leg: To be Kicked Out from the Middle East?
President Donald Trump accused Soleimani  of “plotting imminent and sinister attacks”: “We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war…. we caught him in the act and terminated him.” US Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper described it as a “decisive defensive action” while confirming that the operation ordered by POTUS had been carried out by the P [...]
US sells over a million barrels of seized Iranian fuel headed for Venezuela
The United States has sold more than a million barrels of Iranian fuel seized under its sanctions program last year, Reuters reported on Thursday, citing the US Department of Justice. The seizures were part of Washington’s economic sanctions on Tehran over its nuclear program, and the US’ designation of a number of Iranian groups as terrorists. The US government under President Donald Tru [...]
Iran to Enjoy Free Arms Trade Under Nuclear Deal Starting on Sunday, President Says
Iran will become free to sell and buy weapons starting Sunday as the UN arms embargo will be terminated under the 2015 nuclear deal despite the active resistance from the United States, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday. "This 10-year oppressive embargo will be lifted on Sunday, 18 October, with people’s resistance and the efforts of our country's diplomats, despite 4 yea [...]
How Iran-China Strategic Partnership May Hammer Final Nail in Coffin of US’ Maximum Pressure Policy
A draft of an economic and security deal between the People's Republic of China and the Islamic Republic of Iran previously leaked by The New York Times is continuing to reverberate in the international media. Iranian political analyst Mahan Abedin has explained the fuss over the accords and shed light on Iran's strategic shift towards the East. The 18-page Persian-language document envis [...]
Iran Used Russian Radar to Track US F-35s After Soleimani Killing, Firm’s Deputy CEO Says
The US assassination of top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani in early January exacerbated the already tense relations between Tehran and Washington in place since the Trump administration's unilateral withdrawal from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal in 2018. Deputy director-general of the Russian research centre Rezonans Alexander Stuchilin has argued that a radar system produced by his company [...]
‘Very disappointing’: US envoy rebukes European allies for not supporting its move to restore UN sanctions on Iran
The US ambassador to the United Nations has described the lack of support from Washington’s allies in Europe as “disappointing,” after the US attempted to restore UN sanctions against Tehran. “This matter is so important that we cannot wait until the arms embargo [against Iran] runs out on October 18,” Kelly Craft, US envoy to the UN, told German daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung in an intervi [...]
Tired of media’s Pentagon spin? Lee Camp outlines 6 things you aren’t being told about the US assassination of Soleimani 🎞️
Media outlets have omitted aspects about the US assassination of Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani that don’t fit Washington’s narrative, comedian Lee Camp has argued. He’s debunked the Pentagon spin so you don’t have to. The host of Redacted Tonight has listed six things about the highly controversial killing that the media has either ignored completely or under-reported, including the n [...]