
About Edgar Cayce’s Predictions
One of the most esteemed visionaries of all time is Edgar Cayce. Many of Edgar Cayce’s predictions have already come true, making him one of the most accurate seers of the modern era.  Cayce used his gift of mediumship to give psychic readings to thousands of clients, informing them about everything from past lives to medical Diagnoses to future prophecies. Cayce, aka. The Sleeping Prophet cor [...]
Fascism Isn’t Coming, It’s Here – The David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast
David Icke, a former footballer and sports broadcaster, Icke has been known since the 1990s as a professional conspiracy theorist, calling himself a "full time investigator into who and what is really controlling the world." He is the author of over 20 books and numerous DVDs, and has lectured in over 25 countries, speaking for up to 10 hours to audiences that cut across the political spectrum. [...]
US, Russian Envoys Kiss & Shake Hands Before Heated UNSC Meeting (VIDEO)
Minutes before warning that Washington was leading the world towards “sad and serious events” in Syria, Russia’s envoy to the UN exchanged pleasantries and even kisses with US envoy Nikki Haley, a video shows. Before the UN Security Council failed on Tuesday to pass three separate resolutions on an alleged chemical attack in Eastern Ghouta, Vassily Nebenzia, Russia’s ambassador to the UN, [...]
Massive car graveyard where Volkswagen diesel vehicles go to die (VIDEO)
After paying billions in fines over an emissions-cheating scandal in the US, Volkswagen now has to park thousands of bought-back diesel automobiles at nearly 40 facilities across America. The German automaker has paid over $7.4 billion to buy back nearly 350,000 diesel vehicles in the US as of February, according to the court filing, seen by Reuters. [...]
Undetectable: Russia Develops Stealth Bomb to Glide in Enemy Airspace (VIDEO)
Russia has completed the development of small-caliber ammunition for its fifth generation fighter Su-57 (PAK FA). Russia’s fifth generation Su-57 fighter jets will be armed with the newly-designed Drel air bomb, the deputy head of the Techmash Concern, Alexander Kochkin said. [...]
Skripal was of ‘zero value’ to Russia after spy swap, so why poison him now? – Kremlin spokesman
Poisoned double-agent Sergei Skripal was of zero value to Moscow after he was handed over by Russia to Britain, Dmitry Peskov, President Putin’s press-secretary, said in an exclusive interview with RT. The press-secretary also pointed out that Russia had no motive to target Skripal, who was found unconscious with his daughter in Salisbury earlier in March. [...]
Urgent: Britain stages Russia poisoning, drowns in lies
If you were running for the presidency of a country, and about to host a major international event – would you poison a defector, who many years earlier was in your possession, with a toxic substance that leads right back to you? It seems the Russian cookie monster always leaves a convenient cookie crumb trail – or so the Western audience is led to believe. All symptoms of a provocation are [...]
Breaking News: Turkish Forces Capture North Side of Afrin
While Afrin is falling into the hands of the most brutal forces in the world the Battle for Damascus looms. Russia has issued a warning to the US that it will defend its soldiers that are stationed in Damascus. Vowing to take out the delivery vessels that target Damascus. Also in Belarus the military has been order to check its readiness for military confrontation. Citizens of Syria fleeing Eas [...]
Putin: West Will At The End Swallow Their Own Poison, The One They Prepared For Russia
EXCERPT FROM NEW RUSSIAN DOCUMENTARY MOVIE ABOUT PUTIN "THE WORLD ORDER 2018." How west propaganda use this phrase against Russia? First, they use only the half sentence without letting Putin complete the proposal. Second, immediately drew the conclusion from these words only, that Russia , is the one that she is hiding behind of double Russia's Spy poisoned. They wanted to present with the [...]
PROVED RIGHT AGAIN: David Icke predicting the war on Russia and explaining why
David Vaughan Icke is an English writer, public speaker, and former media personality best known for his views on what he calls "who and what is really controlling the world". Describing himself as the most controversial speaker and author in the world, he has written many books explaining his position, dubbed "New Age conspiracism", and has attracted a substantial following across the politica [...]
Nuclear words: Putin’s FINAL warning to the West
In 2002, the United States unilaterally and without consultation, withdrew from the landmark Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty. President George W. Bush noted that the treaty is “now behind us,” describing the ABM Treaty as a Cold War relic. Signed in 1972, the ABM Treaty barred both the US and the USSR from deploying national defences against long-range ballistic missiles. The treaty was [...]
‘Oh, you’re from Russian media? Next question!’ US State Dept snubs journalists during briefing
US State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert’s refusal to take questions from Russian TV raised eyebrows, even among US journalists, who took to their Russian colleagues' defense after Nauert implied they are Kremlin agents. Nauert went on an ill-mannered tirade against the Russian media when she responded to a question from Rossya 1 TV journalist Aleksandr Khristenko during a policy briefing [...]
US ‘not surprised’ by Russia’s new nukes, boasts about own ‘unmatched’ arsenal (VIDEO)
The US White House and Pentagon have dismissed Russia’s new nuclear arsenal as “no surprise.” American officials took the opportunity to accuse Russia of treaty violations and boast that their arsenal is “second to none.” [...]
Russia ‘no threat,’ NATO expansion ‘dilutes effectiveness’ of bloc – ex-US defense secretary to RT
NATO’s rapid expansion has not necessarily strengthened the alliance and the US should rethink its hostility towards Russia, former US Secretary of Defense William Perry said on RT’s SophieCo program. [...]
Rock legend Brian May on fighting money with arts & the largest US attack on Syrian Forces (E573)
In this episode, we speak to Professor Mohammad Marandi from the University of Tehran ahead of the Iran-Turkey-Russia trilateral in Istanbul, which seeks to defeat British-backed atrocities in the Middle East. Britain’s former ambassador in Damascus on whether the US and the UK are using chemical attack allegations to justify breaches of the UN Charter. Plus, rock guitar legend Brian May on how [...]
WATCH: Russia Tests New Anti-Missile System
Responding to NATO’s muscle flexing in Eastern Europe and the Baltics, which Moscow sees as a threat, Russia is upgrading its missile defenses with new and more accurate interceptors. The Russian military has successfully tested a new interceptor missile of for its A-135 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) system at a testing range in in Kazakhstan. [...]
WATCH: Alleged Israeli Weapons and Ammunition Found in Deir Ez-Zor, Syria
Syrian government forces discovered warehouses stocked with weapons and ammunition, including arms produced in Israel, in Deir Ez-Zor, which had been liberated from the terrorist group Daesh (ISIS) on February 14. A day later, the Syrian state news agency released footage of the weapons. [...]
US rejects Moscow-proposed UN mechanism to probe Syria chemical attacks based on facts
The US has firmly rejected a Russian-drafted Security Council resolution seeking to establish an objective investigative mechanism to probe all allegations of chemical attacks in Syria “based on impeccable and irrefutable data.” [...]
UK & Russia ‘sick men of Europe’ – former Italian PM Giuliano Amato
For centuries both Russia and the UK have struggled to define their relationship with continental Europe. Over the past few years, both seem to have decided to go their separate ways only to be pulled back. What does Europe think of it all, and whom does that refer to anyway? Oksana is joined by former Prime Minister of Italy Giuliano Amato to discuss this. [...]
#ICYMI: Feeling left out of Generation Snowflake? Here’s your guide to being offended by everything
Life is confusing in 2018. There are times when everyone around you is offended by something, and you feel left out because common sense has kicked in, you’ve remained calm, and got on with your life. This is a horrible situation to be in. [...]
Russian military deploys latest batch of S-400 air defense systems to Syria (VIDEOS)
The Russian military has delivered new units of its state-of-the-art S-400 anti-aircraft systems to Syria. The weapons have assumed combat duty in Russian army compounds in the country. Videos provided by the country's Defense Ministry show the arrival of four of the systems. [...]
Troops, toys & threats: Trump signs $700bn military funding bill
US President Donald Trump has signed into law $700 billion in funding to the Pentagon, which includes a pay raise for troops and funding for a number of pet projects. It also breaks the ceiling set by the 2011 law on budget caps. Congress sent the final version of the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to Trump at the end of November, and he ceremonially signed the bill Tuesday. T [...]