
EU To Arrest Netanyahu? Allies France, Germany Shock Biden; Back ICC After Warrant Bid
European nations, including France, Belgium, & EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell have expressed support for the International Criminal Court's (ICC) decision to seek arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders. France's Foreign Minister reiterated the country's commitment to humanitarian law and Belgium described the ICC's move as an important step in investigating crimes in Palestine. A [...]
USA & NATO responsible for Ukraine war, German & French public say in poll 🎞
Most people in Germany and France blame the United States and NATO for the war in Ukraine, according to a poll conducted not by a pro-Russian group but rather by anti-Putin activists. [...]
You are under contrôle: French elites privately fear the US and new research explains why
Intelligence services worry about American economic warfare more than terrorism or the prospect of confrontation with Russia or China. New research published by France’s Ecole de Guerre Economique has revealed some extraordinary findings about who and what the French intelligence services fear most when it comes to threats to the country’s economy. [...]
“EU Must Intervene,” France and Germany Want Tit for Tat Retaliation Against USA 🎞
Berlin and Paris have joined hands to shoot a warning to the United States. And in their warning, France and Germany have a message to the European Union as well – start acting to protect Europe’s interests. Both Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz have been at striking odds with each other over a range of issues. But their annoyance with Joe Biden seems to be bringing Europe’s two most powerful [...]
US, UK, France Promised USSR Not to Expand NATO East of Germany, Newly Discovered Document Proves
Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description. What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario. It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. A newly discovered document provides more evidence that Western governments broke their promise not to expand NATO eastward af [...]
Document confirms US told Russia NATO won’t expand
Putin was right, Stoltenberg was wrong: NATO “brazenly deceived” Russia about expansion and a British document proves it. A newly discovered document from March 1991 shows US, UK, French, and German officials discussing a pledge made to Russia that NATO will not expand to Poland and beyond. Its publication by the German magazine Der Spiegel on Friday proves Moscow right and NATO wrong on the m [...]
“Do You Want a War Between Russia and NATO?” Macron Meets Putin
Emmanuel Macron is no Talleyrand. Self-promoted as “Jupiterian”, he may have finally got down to earth for a proper realpolitik insight while ruminating one of the former French Minister of Foreign Affairs key bon mots: “A diplomat who says ‘yes’ means ‘maybe’, a diplomat who says ‘maybe’ means ‘no’, and a diplomat who says ‘no’ is no diplomat.” Mr. Macron went to Mo [...]
Germany, France, Austria Back Idea of Russia-EU Summit, Say ‘Direct’ Dialogue is Needed
Diplomatic sources told the Financial Times this week that French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel were willing to invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to a summit of European leaders. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday that the European Union had to create a "format for dialogue" with Russia and its President Vladimir Putin to settle differen [...]
‘Resounding Failure’: Marine Le Pen Says Britain’s Departure From EU Marks End of the Union
On 31 January, the United Kingdom became the first country to leave the European Union after more than four decades in the bloc and its preceding organizations, marking the start of a new era as well as potentially spelling the beginning of new challenges for the political and economic entity comprised of 27 remaining states. The president of France’s National Rally party, Marine Le Pen, said th [...]
How UK, France & Germany Try to Save Face While Iran Nuclear Deal is Falling Apart
Bending under the pressure from the Trump administration, major EU states have taken yet another step away from the Iran nuclear deal, say academics, suggesting that it's unlikely that Tehran will engage in new nuclear negotiations with the same actors. On 14 January, the foreign ministers of the UK, France, and Germany – the countries-signatories to the Iran nuclear deal – announced that they [...]
German Defence Minister Confirms Reports of Trump’s Threats to Slap EU With Higher Tariffs Over Iran
Three European signatories to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, also known as Iran nuclear deal, initiated the accord's dispute mechanism on 14 January thus threatening to put an end to the agreement's existence following the US withdrawal from it in 2018. German Defence Minister and head of a governing coalition party, the CDU, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has confirmed that the US indeed thr [...]
Europe caved to US ‘bully’ by ‘selling out’ nuclear deal to avoid new Trump tariffs – Zarif
France, Britain and Germany have betrayed the 2015 nuclear deal after being threatened with US tariffs, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has claimed, noting that Europe has lost the moral high ground. The three European states accused Tehran of non-compliance with the accord after buckling under pressure from the United Sates, Zarif wrote in a tweet, citing a Washington Post report de [...]
‘Don’t look there, look here!’ UK media much more excited about Iran protests than those in neighboring France
Iran is thousands of miles away from Britain, yet because the power elites support them, anti-government protests in Tehran receive much wider coverage in the UK than the ones in France, just across the Channel. How many British people have ever visited Iran? How many have lived there or have second homes there? I suspect the figures are very small. It’s quite a contrast with France. In 2018, [...]
Macron knows for Europeans the ‘problem’ country is not Russia but US (by George Galloway)
‘The End Times of Western Hegemony’, I wish this were written by Macron although it might as well have been. He said exactly this after the G7 gathering which could be summed up in Shakespeare's words as “much ado about nothing.” [...]
Macron’s European army has arrived. It goes by the name Gilets Jaunes
Anyone who’s ever tasted teargas will attest how unpleasant it is. I tasted it in Paris on Saturday 8 December as the city turned into a war zone. I am writing these words in a hotel room in central Paris in the aftermath of a day of rage, unleashed by the self-styled gilets jaunes (yellow vests) mass movement of latter-day ‘enrages’ (angry ones) of French revolutionary repute. [...]
Revolution in Ukraine? Yes, please! Revolution in France? Rule of law!
When violent protests shook Kiev in 2013, Western analysts and leaders quickly threw their support behind the anti-government ‘revolution’ — but after weeks of Yellow Vest protests in France, the reaction has been very different. [...]
China’s CNPC takes over Iranian mega gas project from France’s Total
China’s state-owned energy major CNPC has replaced France’s Total in Iran’s South Pars gas project, according to Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh. The French company withdrew from Iran under pressure of US sanctions. [...]
‘Long live Europe?’ Macron says only Franco-German union may stop global ‘chaos’
French President Emmanuel Macron has embarked on a charm offensive at the German parliament, hailing cooperation between Paris and Berlin as a protective force against global chaos and foes beyond Europe’s borders. [...]
Nationalism: Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War
French President Emmanuel Macron claimed “Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism.” This is widely seen as a direct criticism of Donald Trump. After all, Trump calls himself a nationalist. Is ‘nationalism’ a dirty word? Says who? CrossTalking with John Laughland, George Szamuely, and Lew Rockwell. [...]