
“This Is What BlackRock Is HIDING From You” – Whitney Webb’s Last WARNING
BlackRock & Larry Fink CANNOT be trusted. This is the latest warning out from Whitney Webb. In her latest interview, Whitney Webb breaks down why AI is a slippery slope, and why if AI is given enough data & falls into the wrong hands, it can be used as a tool of unprecedented manipulation. Make sure to stick around to the end of the video, where Whitney breaks down why power needs to be ta [...]
Tucker Carlson JUST Revealed US Government FINAL Secret
Here, at the "Elon Musk Confidential" channel, we transform the original content from shows, podcasts, and key-notes with Mr. Elon Musk, to provide the viewers with a more immersive experience. We hope to educate as many people as possible through this channel. We also make the messages of Elon Musk more accessible to people that are suffering from hearing disabilities, by applying professional tr [...]
“Phase two has just begun” The Banks are COLLAPSING | Redacted
Economist Jim Rickards says we are entering phase two of hundreds of banks collapsing across The United States. MAJOR G7 DECISION Signals the Collapse of Western Led Global Financial System 'Why Are We So Terrified To Tell The Truth?': Schweikert Warns Of 'Death Spiral' Facing The U.S. [...]
I Used To Make $100K As A Trucker. Now I Make Minimum Wage 🎞
Truckers used to make $110K per year on average. Now many are homeless. So what happened? We dug into it as part of our new Class Room series, which looks at how jobs that used to provide a solid, middle class life now barely provide a living. With trucking, that story starts with deregulation. Big Box stores like Walmart were allowed to crush worker power and wages across an entire industry. Now [...]
America: A Failed State?
The definition of a failed state according to some experts is: A failed state is a political body that has disintegrated to a point where basic conditions and responsibilities of a sovereign government no longer function properly. Another characteristic of a failed state includes a central government so weak or ineffective that it has an inability to raise taxes or other support and has little pra [...]
This is why Colombia is COLLAPSING | Redacted with Clayton and Natali Morris 🎞
Colombia is being crushed under a failed 2016 peace accord between the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). While the agreement initially brought hope for a brighter future, its implementation has been marred by complexities and setbacks. Colombia is also dealing with runaway inflation that is crushing the population.   [...]
Why The U.S. Can’t End Poverty 🎞
37.9 million Americans are currently living in poverty, accounting for 11.6% of the total population. That’s despite the fact that America ranks first as the richest nation in the world in terms of GDP. Poverty in the U.S. is not only a humanitarian crisis but an economic one as well. About 11% of the federal budget of $665 billion goes to economic security programs every year. Child poverty al [...]
Tulsi Gabbard Testifies on the Weaponization of Federal Government
Tulsi Gabbard testifies on the Weaponization of the Federal Government during the House Subcommittee meeting. At the hearing, former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard spoke about her reaction to being accused of “treasonous lies” in a tweet by Utah Sen. Mitt Romney last year, over claims she made about Ukraine. Gabbard, who was invited by Republicans to testify, focused her remarks on cancel c [...]
Global recession to begin in Europe? | UK inflation could hit 50-year high
Europe stares at recession: Euro hits 20-year low. Global recession fears: India emerges as the bright spot. China power crisis: Shanghai skyline goes dark. America’s student debt crisis: $1.6 trillion. Why are young people dying of heart attacks? [...]
An Engineered Food and Poverty Crisis to Secure Continued U.S. Dominance
The issue is not food shortage but speculation on food commodities and the manipulation of an inherently flawed global food system that serves the interests of corporate agribusiness traders and suppliers of inputs at the expense of people’s needs and genuine food security. [...]
Private equity and public ignorance – how US society is obediently destroying itself and enriching those at the top in the process
As the US runs out of concrete resources to sell, bankers have had to get clever - whether this means repackaging assets already sold six times over or inventing new ways to cash in on items once considered intangible. By the time Americans realized that the promised ‘trickle-down’ theory of neoliberal economics was in fact more of a speedy trickle-up, the government had all but destroyed [...]
This is America. We Just Want The Money.
Capitalism has made us cruel. My brother just tested positive for Covid. He can’t smell or taste anything. He feels exhausted. He got it from work. It’s the only place he’s gone for the last year— no friends, no dating, no social life. They wouldn’t give him time off to get vaccinated. They’ve dumped overtime on him for the last month, and they never tell him his schedule more than [...]
Hunger Rising Dramatically Across US Amid Record Stock Market Highs
Debates in Congress over a new COVID-19 relief bill have dragged on for months, even as new coronavirus cases have hit record highs. A slew of federal programs designed to alleviate the economic impacts of pandemic shutdowns will expire in weeks, setting the stage for a series of crises that could leave millions more in the US hungry and homeless. As the COVID-19 pandemic and its associat [...]
America becoming another banana republic – Max Keiser ️
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the accumulation of debt in the United States in memory of David Graeber, author of ‘Debt: The First 5,000 Years’. Max also talks to Otavio ‘Tavi’ Costa, portfolio manager at Crescat Capital, about credit exhaustion among other things. They point out that the US Federal Reserve and other major central banks have a problem of m [...]
LEE CAMP:  28 Million Evictions Loom as Houses Sit Empty
America is not based on hard work. Get it out of your head that this society is set up to be fair. Fair would be everyone with a roof over their head. Congress’s inability to actually represent the real-live human beings of America, combined with an economic system that rewards lack of empathy and an excess of greed, has brought us to a dark time when an oncoming tsunami of financial ruin, desti [...]
How Much Is Really a ‘Living Wage’ in Every State?
How Much Is Really a ‘Living Wage’ in Every State? Can you afford to live where you are? The answer depends on two factors — your earnings and the cost of living in your area. The federal minimum wage in the United States is $7.25 per hour. Some states and a few cities set their minimum wages higher. The cost of living varies a great deal across the country. Even in lower-cost areas, a minim [...]
Covid-19 may cause deepest economic crisis ‘of our lifetimes’ — WTO chief
The coronavirus pandemic is likely to spark an unprecedented fall in global trade as well as an economic crisis rivaling the Great Depression, the head of the World Trade Organization (WTO) has warned. “We confront what may well be the deepest economic downturn of our lifetimes,” the organization’s Director General Roberto Azevedo said in a grim forecast. [...]
US Economy in Free Fall, Could Lose Up to 24% of GDP and Face Ocean of Unemployment Due to COVID-19
Most major global economies have already been affected by the outbreak, which has forced many workers to stay in their homes and almost entirely dried up the restaurant and hospitality industries. The US economy is facing the prospect of sustaining a heavier blow from the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak than it suffered from the financial crisis between 2008 and 2009, according to the estimates of e [...]
IMF warns of new ‘Great Depression’, Russia ahead of the curve due to increased cash & gold reserves
Last week, the IMF issued a stark warning about the global economy. While most large Western states are vulnerable to a new crisis, Russia has prepared its defenses. Kristalina Georgieva isn’t any sort of conspiracy theorist; she’s the head of the International Monetary Fund. And when she warns that the global economy risks another “Great Depression,” you would think everyone would listen. [...]