
Zelensky’s Days Numbered In Kyiv? Russian Intel Reveals Sensational Plot | ‘U.S. Wants To’
Explosive claims from Russian foreign intelligence have rattled Ukraine, alleging that a key Ukrainian allay is plotting to oust President Volodymyr Zelensky. With tensions already high amid the Russia-Ukraine war, these serious allegations raise questions about the region's stability. [...]
“This Will End in a Russian Victory” – US Military Specialist Speaks Out on Ukraine War🎞
What is really going on between Russia and Ukraine War? David Pyne is the Executive Vice President, Task Force on National & Homeland Security and joins the show today to discuss America's involvement in the Russia Ukraine War and why Ukraine joining NATO has never really been a real possibility. This is an amazing chat about the truth on Russia Ukraine. [...]
“Right Sector on combat alert”: Ukraine Neo-Nazis refuse to lay down arms after shootout
Ukrainian Right Sector militants, blocked in on the outskirts of Mukachevo after deadly clashes with police, are refusing to lay down their arms without their leader's orders. Civilians in the area have been evacuated, as negotiations so far have failed. SWAT police and special units of the National Guard, as well as Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) agents have secured the area and blockaded [...]
“Act of Terro”: Far right fighters clash with police in western Ukraine (VIDEO)
Militants from far right armed group "Right Sector" clashed with police in western Ukraine on Saturday. Kiev called the incident an "act of terror," while the group said its forces would stand against the authorities across the country. Four civilians and three police officers were injured in a shoot-out in the city of Mukachevo in the Zakarpattia region of Ukraine's south-west, according to th [...]
Thousands of Ukrainian citizens to sue Kiev regime over human rights violations – Russian activists
Russian human rights groups will soon file about 17,000 lawsuits from Ukrainian citizens in the European court. They seek compensation of about $5.6 billion over numerous rights violations committed by pro-Kiev military during the conflict in Donbass. The court action is coordinated by the Russian Public Chamber. [...]
Ukraine: Self-proclaimed Donbass republics call for UN war crimes probe
The heads of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk Republics in eastern Ukraine have asked the United Nations Security Council to establish an international tribunal to investigate and prosecute those responsible for waging civil war in Donbass. “Donetsk People’s Republic [DNR] and Lugansk [LNR] People’s Republic are addressing the UN Security Council with a plea to establish an interna [...]
Kiev in violation of heavy weaponry clause in E. Ukraine – OSCE
The OSCE has warned that a growing presence of heavy weaponry on the government controlled side of Donbass territory has put Ukrainian security forces in violation of the terms of the demarcation line, according to OSCE Deputy Chief Monitor Alexander Hug. “We can highlight that the security situation has gotten worse in the Donbass over the past few weeks,” Hug said at a briefing in Mariupo [...]
Member of Kiev’s top brass “defects” to anti-govt forces, predicts more like him
A man claiming to be a Ukrainian major general and former assistant to the country's defense minister has announced he is now working with the forces of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic. "I am Ukrainian Armed Forces Major General Aleksandr Kolomiyets. [...]
Radiation spikes after wildfire in Chernobyl exclusion zone
Ukrainian nuclear inspectors have measured a significant increase in radiation in the Chernobyl exclusion zone caused by heavy wildfires raging in close proximity to the crippled nuclear power station. Air near the desolated settlement of Polesskoye in the Chernobyl zone is contaminated with the radioactive element cesium-137. [...]
From 9,000 to 200,000: Poroshenko’s displays numeracy problem in counting “Russian invaders”
The Ukrainian president has named an entirely new, wildly different figure for the number of Russian troops allegedly in Ukraine: over 20 times higher than he claimed earlier this month. In an interview with the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, Ukraine’s [...]
Kiev cul-de-sac
Cul-de-sacs and fault lines: There is no shortage of either in today’s Ukraine. The government in Kiev appears to be losing its ability to rule as international creditors grimly await the conditions of Ukraine's financial default. As rumored, is Washington now looking for a way out? CrossTalking with Patrick Smith, Marcus Papadopoulos, and Nebojsa Malic. [...]
Ukraine could default in July – finance minister
Ukrainian Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko doesn't rule out the country failing to make a $120 million coupon payment on July 24 and default. A Goldman Sachs analyst made the forecast on Wednesday. Ukraine could theoretically default next month, as in May the country’s parliament adopted a law allowing a moratorium on foreign debt repayments. [...]
Operation Barbarossa: What would Europe look like if the Soviets hadn’t defeated Hitler?
Never has a leader so catastrophically misjudged the character of an enemy as Hitler misjudged the Soviet Union and its people prior to launching his invasion of the country on June 22, 1941. Hitler and other top Nazis were convinced that the Soviet Union would crumble under the weight of the largest military operation ever mounted, codenamed Operation Barbarossa. [...]
The IMF: A synchronized snub of Europe
The IMF moving away from supporting Greece while remaining eager to underwrite bankrupt Ukraine underlines the dramatic collapse in EU power. It’s probably because it rolls off the tongue more easily. The phrase ‘poker face,’ I mean. The serious exponents of the art of never giving away the slightest facial tic must surely be synchronized swimmers. [...]
Lifting anti-Russia sanctions now would be politically embarrassing for EU
The situation with the sanctions won't escalate as Russia wants to keep a way open for political dialogue with the EU, said Alexander Mercouris, International Affairs Editor at Russia Insider, adding that Brussels' policy is "wrong" and "failing". The EU is officially extending sanctions against Russia over the crisis in Ukraine. The restrictions will remain in place for at least another six mo [...]
How Europe betrays its own interests to serve those of the US
By slavishly following Washington's line on Russia, Europe's leaders are essentially sticking pins into voodoo dolls of themselves. It's as pointless as it is ridiculous. If America were hand-picking European leaders, it’s doubtful that they could select as subservient a crew as now dominate the EU. [...]
“West’s foreign policy leaders – intellectual dwarfs compared to Cold War”
Western leaders seem not to have a clue about conflict resolution and confidence building and their mentality will sooner or later lead to war, says Jan Oberg director of the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research. Poland is on its way to hosting NATO heavy weapons. Warsaw has confirmed it expects ongoing talks to come to an agreement. [...]
Debt commitment or “bribe”? Moscow, Kiev in war of words over $3bn loan
Moscow is expecting Kiev to clarify whether the latter is going to honor Ukraine's international commitments made by the previous authorities, including the $3 billion debt to Russia, after President Poroshenko dubbed it a "bribe" to Viktor Yanukovich. “In the first place, we are expecting some kind of explanations on whether the current Ukrainian authorities are planning to reject their stat [...]
“Why Putin’s meeting with the Pope ruffled the West”
Vladimir Putin and Pope Francis are popular figures who impact people's thoughts, and their meeting in the Vatican represented a reunification of Western and Eastern worlds, Ukrainian journalist Halyna Mokrushyna told RT's In the Now. Why did the US ambassador to the Holy See Kenneth Hackett call on the Vatican for a tougher stance on Russia ahead of Vladimir Putin’s meeting with Pope Francis [...]
Renewed shelling hits residential areas in eastern Ukraine (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
Artillery shells have hit a local market in the north-western district of Donetsk, a city in eastern Ukraine. At least one person has been wounded, according to the head of the district's administration aligned with Donbass rebels. RT's Ilya Petrenko was on the scene at the spot which came under attack. [...]
“Impeach Poroshenko!” Massive anti-govt rally held in central Kiev
A massive march took place in the streets of Kiev to protest against the policies of the current Ukrainian government, calling for its resignation and economic reforms. According to TASS news agency, up to 3,000 people took to the streets in Kiev on Saturday to protest against lack of reform and economic instability. [...]
Obama to urge G7 leaders to maintain Russia sanctions – while admitting they don’t work
US President Barack Obama will urge EU leaders to keep sanctions in place against Russia at the G7 summit in Germany, US officials said. The US says it needs to "maintain the pressure" on Moscow. The G7 nations will meet in Bavaria, Germany for a two-day summit beginning Sunday. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said that the sanctions imposed on Russia will be on the agenda. [...]