
Hang on! Has POLAND lost it’s mind with this move against Russia? | Redacted w Clayton Morris
Poland might have just lost its mind, offering to bring nuclear weapons to Poland as a staging ground to strike Russia and China. Just when you thought the world couldn't get any crazier... Poland steps in. THE USS LIBERTYEvery American Must Know     [...]
Russia top destination for Ukrainian refugees – report
More Ukrainian refugees have resettled in Russia than anywhere else, with Poland and Germany trailing in second and third, a report says. It revealed some 2,852,395 people had left their conflict-stricken homeland for the neighboring country as of October. [...]
Poland missile attack | Who did it & Why | Russia Ukraine conflict
In this video we'll understand everything about Poland's missile attack, how did it happen, Who did it & Why. Russia-Ukraine conflict. Geopolitical Analysis. SCOTT RITTER ABOUT THE MISSILES CRASH IN POLAND [...]
Scott Ritter on The End Of American Hegemony, Poland Becoming a Bumper State 🎞
COMMENT: by Michael Kennedy. Thank you Ania, this is one of the best interviews I've seen in a long, long time. Talking about Poland l feel for you because I'm from the UK and totally understand what it's like to have a government that doesn't represent my welfare. Scott was also very truthful about the terrible relationship the US government has with its people. I pray that Russian patience a [...]
Hey, where’d you get those supplies from? Polish NATO delegation forgets to mention Covid-19 gear shipment came from China
With the world struggling to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic, Poland’s delegation to NATO has been eager to promote cross-border aid and international solidarity on its Twitter account – with one major exception. The Poland In Nato account has posted a slew of tweets in recent days and weeks, highlighting shipments of medical supplies around the world, making sure to include emoji flags in eac [...]
Poland Says Its Airspace Open for Russian Planes Carrying Aid to Italy
As of Monday, Russia had sent fourteen Il-76 military aircraft to Italy to assist in the fight against the coronavirus. According to the Russian Defence Ministry, Russian military experts will engage in disinfection and COVID-19 prevention after coordinating their operations with Italian authorities. Poland's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs has confirmed via Twitter that Warsaw hadn’ [...]