
‘Butcher In Chief’: Americans Revolt Against Netanyahu’s U.S. Congress Address
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to the U.S. amid the Gaza war has soared temperatures. Netanyahu's address in the U.S. . Congress faces boycott calls by war critics. The Israeli PM's speech will be marked by widespread protests outside the venue. Pro-Palestine groups are up in arms against allowing Netanyahu to address the U.S. Congress. Ahead of the address, many protesters were even seen i [...]
Scott Ritter addresses Netanyahu’s speech at US Congress: Al Mayadeen Exclusive
"This isn't an honor given to Netanyahu by the US Congress, this is the US Congress obeying the commands of the man who leads the nation that owns the US Congress," commented Scott Ritter, former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, in an interview for Al Mayadeen on Netanyahu's speech at Congress. Ritter emphasized that "This isn't so much the US Congress inviting the Israeli Prime Minister to [...]
Ursula von der Leyen told she should go to ‘prison’ by Polish MEP Ewa Zajączkowska Hernik
In this thought-provoking episode of Motivate Mindfulness, we delve into the unexpected reelection of Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission. Despite facing significant criticism and ongoing investigations into her past dealings, von der Leyen secured another term, leaving many in the European Parliament and beyond both amused and bewildered. Polish Female Member Of The Euro [...]
Russia and India Agree on De-dollarisation Trade and Investment
During their recent meeting in Moscow, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed in a Joint Declaration to conduct trade and investment in their respective national currencies (the rupee and the ruble), which amounts, without using the term, to a de facto de-dollarisation of India – a country projected to be the world’s second-largest economy in the coming [...]
The US Talks, China Does! Conversation w/Jerry Grey!
Given NATO’s recent summit in DC, China issued a stern warning since the alliance plans to expand into Asia. What will China do? How will other Asian countries respond? Join me live for this fascinating conversation with Jerry Grey who will provide us his insights into this development. This is Why China is SO Powerful (Not What You Think) China Just Shocked The World With This The Worl [...]
China And Turkey Just Did The Unthinkable, And Europe Is Not Ready!
China And Turkey Just Did The Unthinkable, And Europe Is Not Ready! In a groundbreaking move, Chinese electric vehicle (EV) titan BYD and the Turkish government have sealed a nearly $1 billion deal, marking a significant leap forward for both nations. BYD is gearing up to establish a cutting-edge production hub in Turkey, featuring an electric and hybrid car manufacturing plant alongside a state-o [...]
Venezuela to Face Serious Challenges with Unknown Retired Professor Leading the Polls
With the Venezuelan presidential election coming up on July 28, retired diplomat Edmundo González is reported to be leading the polls, even though the former ambassador was unknown to the majority of the population up to a few months ago and never sought elected office. By his own admission, he had “absolutely no plans to be a presidential candidate… [...]
Why Is the West Preparing for War? Paul C. Roberts
One result of the just concluded NATO Summit is Germany’s decision to host US intermediate-range missiles. Prior to 2019 when Washington cancelled the INF Treaty, the treaty prevented such deployment. The INF Treaty was signed by Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev on December 8,1987, and the treaty was ratified on June 1, 1988. The treaty was part and parcel of ending the Cold War. Reagan call [...]
Douglas Macgregor: The West’s DECLINE Is Inevitable! Ukraine Is DEVASTATED After Too Many MISTAKES
Best comment by @bundeswehr1131! Zelensky didn't try to prevent the conflict through diplomacy because he lacks honor and integrity. In 2014 there was a coup. Soon after, there was a massacre in Odessa (dozens of people were burned alive). Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine were treated as subhuman. Their language and culture was being oppressed. A civil war broke out due to the rise in ethnic ten [...]
Scott Ritter: Russia is DESTROYING Ukraine’s Army and NATO Won’t Survive Putin’s Next Move
Vladimir Putin's latest move has Ukraine, and NATO, scrambling. US Marine Corps Intelligence officer and UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter breaks down just how Putin has been able to outmaneuver NATO and what it means for the future of Russia. Tucker Carlson JUST Leaked The Final US Government Secret That No One Was Supposed To Know Scott Ritter Warns: US Joins War After Russia DESTROYED A S [...]
The week in focus: Putin’s global moves & Biden’s image problem
In this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez is joined by friends of the show: Dr. Wilmer Leon and Garland Nixon, co-hosts of “The Critical Hour” on Radio Sputnik. Together, the group reviews the week in headlines, starting with President Putin’s strategic pact with North Korea amid criticism from the US State Department. Next, Donald Trump’s bold remarks on Ukraine funding are analyzed, [...]
Ukrainians Dying in Their Hundreds of Thousands So US Weapon Manufacturers Can Profit – Global Research
Washington has spent $1.8 trillion over the 20-year failed military campaign in Afghanistan to defeat the Taliban, whilst aid to Ukraine in just a little more than two years has already reached $175 billion dollars, according to a Council on Foreign Relations report published on May 9. [...]
Russian Navy’s Silent Killer: The Kazan Submarine | Briefly Explained
Briefly Explained: Four Russian warships, including the nuclear sub-Kazan, have docked in Havana Bay, just 200 miles from Florida. This bold display of military power, featuring the advanced frigate Admiral Gorshkov, signals rising tensions amid the Ukraine conflict. Kazan, renowned as the 'silent killer,' epitomizes Russia's advanced maritime prowess, equipped with stealth technology and lethal f [...]
The West’s fears realized? What Putin’s meeting with Kim Jong-un really means
The West’s fears realized? What Putin’s meeting with Kim Jong-un really means. With the West-centered world order in decline, the strengthening of a new ‘power triangle’ in the East is a logical development. [...]
BRICS Bombshell! Putin and China just DESTROYED the U.S. Dollar with this move | Redacted
We have THREE huge BRICS stories this week. First, BRICS announced a new payment system that directly challenges the dominance of the US dollar in international transactions. No more SWIFT system. Saudi Arabia ends its 50-year Pedro dollar agreement and announces they're joining BRICS. And 59 new countries plan to join the BRICS system. This is a massive gut punch to the U.S. Dollar dominance as t [...]
The Smoking Gun: Who Started the War. Was it Russia or Was it US-NATO? NATO Confirms that the Ukraine “War Started in 2014”
The Answer comes from the Horse’s Mouth. But the Horse’s Mouth concept does not seem to be on the agenda of this Conference. On September 7, 2023, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, in a presentation to the European Parliament, formally acknowledged that: “the war didn’t start in February last year [2022]. It started in 2014.” This far-reaching declaration confirms his earlie [...]
The EU Election Results Explained
Exit polls had begun to roll in at the end of European elections across the EU’s 27 countries, when President Emmanuel Macron delivered his bombshell moment in a televised address to a stunned French population. “I’ve decided to hand you back the choice of our parliamentary future with a vote. I am therefore dissolving the National Assembly,” he declared. The National Rally party - led b [...]
“Russia could WIPE the U.S. East Coast off the map” Fmr. Marine Scott Ritter | Redacted
Russian warships arrived in Havana harbor, which sits 90 miles from the U.S. border. Former U.S. Marine Scott Ritter says this is already beyond the level of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Are we heading for full scale war? Russian Warships sail for Caribbean to counter US' long-range missiles in Ukraine war | WION Russian warships, nuclear submarine in Cuba, fighter jet in NATO airspace | Gravi [...]
Naledi Pandor Revealed Forbidden Secrets At BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting!
Dr. Naledi Pandor, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, delivered a country statement at the standalone BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. Lavrov speaks at BRICS Foreign Ministers meeting's opening session China-led BRICS group aims to counter Western democracies | DW News [...]