
Ukrainians Dying in Their Hundreds of Thousands So US Weapon Manufacturers Can Profit – Global Research
Washington has spent $1.8 trillion over the 20-year failed military campaign in Afghanistan to defeat the Taliban, whilst aid to Ukraine in just a little more than two years has already reached $175 billion dollars, according to a Council on Foreign Relations report published on May 9. [...]
Victoria Nuland Out: USA’s Peace Offering to Russia? | Finepoint
Victoria Nuland's departure from the Biden Administration signals a significant shift in US foreign policy, especially concerning Ukraine and Russia. Nuland, known for her hawkish stance on Russia and instrumental role in US-Ukraine relations, leaves behind a legacy marked by interventionism and covert interference. Her exit raises questions about the future of US military aid to Ukraine, particul [...]
David Goldman: US Has Made Grotesque and Catastrophic Errors | The Caroline Glick Show🎞
Has US foreign policy made the world more unstable? Should Israel seek military independence from its most trusted ally? Caroline Glick interviews author and Spiegler columnist David Goldman to discuss how America's mistakes in almost every aspect of its foreign policy (China, Iran, Ukraine, Afghanistan, etc.) has caused its power to wane globally. He also delineates the steps that Israel needs to [...]
Agent Zelensky: Ukraine on Sale. Scott Ritter🎞
“Zelensky relaunches the war on corruption. “Zero tolerance against corrupts and against those who get rich with war”: this is the title of the daily newspaper L’Avvenire giving the image of a simple and honest President who renounces any privilege and fights corruption. This image, conveyed by the entire political mainstream media coverage, is demolished … [...]
Nation-States as “Business Models”: Ukraine as Another Neoliberal Privatization Exercise
Perhaps the leading two veteran critics of US policy in Ukraine, Colonel Douglas MacGregor USA and Major Scott Ritter USMC, have said loud and clear that at least from a military standpoint the Ukrainian armed forces have lost the war against Russia. There have been numerous voices calling for an end to the conflict, not least because the more than USD 46 billion and counting in military aid alon [...]
Ukraine: Questions for the US Anti-War Movement w/ Abby Martin & Brian Becker🎞
Featuring live audience Q&A, Abby Martin and Brian Becker discuss the Ukraine war and what it means for the anti-war movement. At Breakthrough News we believe in the power of independent media. Analysis of breaking news and in-depth discussion of current geopolitical events in the United States of America and the world. Douglas Macgregor is back on the show to talk about the war in Ukraine. [...]
Russia, Ukraine and Preventing Nuclear Holocaust with Jeffrey Sachs 🎞
Tulsi Gabbard reveals the sobering truth about the existential threat of facing a nuclear apocalypse. The former Hawaii Congresswoman who served on the House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees exposes America's role in escalating this new Cold War with Russia. Tulsi is joined by world-renowned economics professor and foreign policy expert, Jeffrey Sachs, to discuss how we arrived at th [...]
Agent Zelensky – Part 1
As a former intelligence officer, I’ve been wondering why has no one done an investigation about Volodymyr Zelensky, the President of Ukraine? His rise to power, in my opinion, represents an incredible manipulation of world opinion that will go down in history as a classic case study in social psychological engineering: an ordinary comedian who came to power because he promised a long-awaited pe [...]
How So Many Americans Learned to “Stop Worrying” and “Love the Nukes”
Social psychosis is widespread. In the words of the British psychiatrist, R. D. Laing, “The condition of alienation, of being asleep, of being unconscious, of being out of one’s mind, is the condition of the normal man.” He was not referring to raving, drooling, hitting-your-head-against-the-wall lunacy but a taken-for-granted acceptance of a world long teetering on the edge of nuclear exti [...]
Ukraine Is Harvesting Children’s Organs in Adrenochrome Labs 🎞
A whistleblower from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) which has itself a shady reputation mainly for its biased reporting, always in favor of the western wannabe empire and its vassals, has revealed the discovery of Ukrainian Nazi Groups harvesting children’s organs in underground laboratories. These labs were exposed after the buildings were destroyed in the war. [...]
Douglas Macgregor – The Return of The 30 to 35,000 Russian Troops 🎞
Retired Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor has made headlines over the past several weeks for his controversial comments about Russia's ongoing war in Ukraine. Macgregor, who served as a senior advisor under former President Donald Trump, has frequently appeared on Fox News programs, including Tucker Carlson's show, to discuss Russia's invasion. [...]
Where Did All the Money Go? Ukraine’s Organized Military Loses Major Stronghold City to Russian Mercenaries 🎞
Five months ago to this day, Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky delivered what has now become an infamous address to the U.S. Congress. During his speech, Zelensky boldly declared the city of Bakhmut as his country’s “stronghold in the east,” adding, “the fight for Bakhmut will change the trajectory of our war for independence and for freedom.” Zelensky then presented Nancy Pelosi a [...]
Capitalism Hits Home: All Empires Rise and Fall, The US Is No Exception 🎞
In this episode of Capitalism Hits Home, Dr. Fraad traces a brief history of the rise and fall of the American empire. Throughout much of the 20th century, the US was the dominant global power, with strong unions, social programs, and a strong currency. Today, our wealthiest people are barely taxed, social services are weak, hunger and poverty are worse than ever, and the dollar is losing its prim [...]
What Kind of Ukraine Do We Support?
The slogan “Support for Ukraine” continues to bloom. Do those who promote it know that the Ukrainians were the most martyred people in Europe BEFORE the war? Because of the very person the West cherishes… President Zelensky. In summary, here is what our media hide from us and which should make us think about our sincere and friendly support of the Ukrainian people. [...]
Ukraine Mayor defies Zelensky’s language diktat; Communicates in Russian despite Govt gag 🎞
The mayor of the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, Igor Terekhov, has been fined for using the Russian language in his official social media accounts. This is the second time Terekhov has been found guilty of using a language other than the state one. What can one expect from the most corrupt country in Europa, where Zelenskiy swept to victory in a presidential election? Well, he promised only being abl [...]
Gravitas: Did Ukraine’s ‘corrupt officials’ misuse western aid? 🎞
A purge is underway in Ukraine. President Zelensky is sacking top govt officials over corruption. Did these 'corrupt officials' also misuse western aid? Here's what Molly Gambhir has to say. [...]