
JFK, MLK, RFK: Three Murders Most Foul That Killed America’s Soul
As increasing numbers of people in the USA, also in the entire world, agonize over the never-ending, highly destructive wars of the USA, they also seek to trace the roots of where exactly things went so wrong and the US polity drifted towards its endless aggressions. Many scholars and historians also try to find this answer, and increasingly many of them are led back to those three terrible days [...]
In this comprehensive video, we delve into the complex web of geopolitical tensions shaping our world today, with a particular focus on the interactions between the United States and key players like Russia, Ukraine, Iran, and China. Starting with the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, we analyze the political, economic, and military dimensions of this confrontation, exploring its roots, [...]
NEXT CHAPTER: CHINA Welcomes Russia as Strategic Partner After Failed Janet Yellen’s Threats🎞
Shocking and surprised how the USA takes the right to tell any country off about its ability to produce more than the USA feel is necessary. If China accepted this constraint, then am I to believe that the USA is the ruler of this world? And that it has every authority to determine whether other countries have the right to do as they feel? The countries that have been victims of US hegemony need [...]
China & Turkey SHUTDOWN All Trade To US & UK With Economic Sanction In Support Of Houthi Rebels!🎞
We explore the unexpected and historic move made by China and Turkey to halt all commerce with the United States and the United Kingdom in this video. This audacious decision has profound ramifications for world trade, politics, and the ongoing battle in Yemen. It has sent shockwaves through the global geopolitical landscape. [...]
Revealed: Real Winners of Russia Ukraine War | China’s “Artificial Sun” 🎞
In today's episode: - The Winner of Russia Ukraine War - Pakistan to Taliban: "Stop Cross-border Terrorism" - Ramzan Fast Banned in China? - "End the Dollar's Domination": Brazil's Lula Tells Brics - America at War With Its Women - 21-year-old Brings US To Its Knees - Why is Sri Lanka Selling Monkeys to China? - New Era of India - Africa Ties? - China's "Artificial Sun" Sets World Record [...]
BRICS+ has begun dominating the global economy ALREADY | US in trouble? 🎞
The world's growing eastward shift of economic dominance was one of the most obvious themes in 2022. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization's continual strengthening originally helped to achieve a lot of this migration (or SCO). 2023 appears to be the year that the BRICS bloc will have the greatest influence on the world's economic and geopolitical landscape. This is because the BRICS group of fiv [...]
43 American Presidents Ranked In Order Of Their IQs
Just how smart do you have to be to win an American presidential election? Well, it helps if you have some brains to work with, as all of these 43 presidents have exceptionally high IQs – well over the U.S. average of 98. We know this because professor Dean Simonton, a psychologist from the University of California, Davis, totted up the evidence and used biographical information to make his info [...]
About The News Media
Practically every question about any media coverage can be answered this way... ...Profit! Media companies are, with few exceptions, for-profit corporations. They have investors, stockholders, and as with any for-profit, their first responsibility is to provide a return on investment to their investors. Media companies, with few exceptions, generate revenue by selling airtime for commercials. [...]
American Public Troubled by ‘Deep State’
Although most Americans are unfamiliar with the term ‘Deep State,’ according to recent polling they are nevertheless skeptical of unelected government and military officials who secretly manipulate or direct national policy, John V. Walsh reports. “Public Troubled by Deep State” is the headline that the Monmouth University Polling Institute tags to its recent poll.  Acknowledging that [...]