
Tucker Carlson JUST Revealed US Government FINAL Secret
Here, at the "Elon Musk Confidential" channel, we transform the original content from shows, podcasts, and key-notes with Mr. Elon Musk, to provide the viewers with a more immersive experience. We hope to educate as many people as possible through this channel. We also make the messages of Elon Musk more accessible to people that are suffering from hearing disabilities, by applying professional tr [...]
JFK, MLK, RFK: Three Murders Most Foul That Killed America’s Soul
As increasing numbers of people in the USA, also in the entire world, agonize over the never-ending, highly destructive wars of the USA, they also seek to trace the roots of where exactly things went so wrong and the US polity drifted towards its endless aggressions. Many scholars and historians also try to find this answer, and increasingly many of them are led back to those three terrible days [...]
“The World As It Was”: A Masterly Documentary Film
Here’s a film about the 1950s – “The World As It Was” – that will tell you a great deal about life in the U.S.A. today, while disabusing anyone of the notion that nostalgia for that mephitic decade is in order, for it was a time when “democracy” tended toward totalitarianism. In doing so, it sowed the bitter fruit that is poisoning us today. Without understanding the long-standing e [...]
The Greatest Threat to World Peace? A Review of Daniele Ganser’s ‘USA: The Ruthless Empire’ – International Center for 9/11 Justice
Ganser takes us on a tour of meticulously documented historical events that would be shocking to anyone committed to fairness and basic human decency. His intention is to strengthen the peace movement, which encompasses people all over the world — including in the US — who reject war as well as the lies and propaganda used to initiate and perpetuate wars. [...]
Exclusive: Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin🎞
Tucker interviews Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Russia. February 6th, 2024. much credit is due to both Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin for having agreed to speak to each other – or rather President Putin speaking to Tucker, as it was a lesson in Russian history and Russian culture and Russian soul. Vladimir Putin surprised at no ‘tough questions’ from Tucker Carlson   First, much [...]
“Four Died Trying”: John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Robert F. Kennedy: A Powerful, Riveting, and Masterful Documentary Series Begins
It is hard for those who have not lived through the shattering political assassinations of the 1960s to grasp their significance for today. Many might assume that that was then and long before their time, so let’s move on to what we must deal with today. Let some old folks, the obsessive ones, live in the past. It is an understandable but mistaken attitude that this documentary will quickly sha [...]
The Day Israel Attacked America | Special Series🎞
Al Jazeera investigates the shocking truth behind a deadly Israeli attack on a US naval vessel. In 1967, at the height of the Arab-Israeli Six-Day War, the Israeli Air Force launched an unprovoked attack on the USS Liberty, a US Navy spy ship that was monitoring the conflict from the safety of international waters in the Mediterranean. Israeli jet fighters hit the vessel with rockets, cannon fir [...]
Atomic bombing of Japan was NOT necessary to end WWII. US Gov’t documents admit it🎞
US government documents admit that the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not necessary to end WWII. Japan was on the verge of surrendering. The nuclear attack was the first strike in Washington's Cold War on the Soviet Union. Ben Norton reviews the historical record. US government documents admit that the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not necessary to end WWII. Japan was [...]
American Citizenship and Its Decline | Free Online Course
Learn how the rights of American citizens are threatened by a ruling class that seeks to make our government unaccountable to the people. Citizenship is rare in human history but essential to free government. Today, the constitutional rule of citizens in America is threatened by a new form of government, unaccountable to the people, in which power is held by a ruling class that seeks to transform [...]
Capitalism Hits Home: All Empires Rise and Fall, The US Is No Exception 🎞
In this episode of Capitalism Hits Home, Dr. Fraad traces a brief history of the rise and fall of the American empire. Throughout much of the 20th century, the US was the dominant global power, with strong unions, social programs, and a strong currency. Today, our wealthiest people are barely taxed, social services are weak, hunger and poverty are worse than ever, and the dollar is losing its prim [...]
Scott Ritter: How Will PUTIN Be Remembered? 🎞
Vladimir Putin's history will judge him as the most outstanding leader Russia has had in a long time. Putin should go down, and I believe Russia will go down as one of the most outstanding leaders in Russian history. Putin took the ruins of the Soviet Union and transformed it into one of the greatest nations in the world. If they have a lot of work to do, that's a Russian problem. I'm all in fav [...]
Soft Occupation Investigating America’s influence on German politics 🎞
Investigative journalist Jurij Kofner is a German citizen. To question the extent to which his country’s policy decisions are influenced by America’s agenda, he explores Germany’s post-war history to understand how relations with the US were formed. He also looks into the dynamics of the two countries' cooperation under the umbrella of NATO. 🌎https://rtd.rt.com/films/soft-occupati [...]
The End of Excesses. The Collapse of Everything
As physiology, the science of life has proven many times, all things, when driven to the limits of excess – and beyond – will collapse. History is living proof. Empires of the past disappeared because of greed for power and possession had no limits. It looks like we are reaching this point now quickly. This time on a worldwide basis. The western empire, led by Anglosaxonia, is intent on becom [...]
The Long Way Around Interview-Scott Ritter/Wars Playlist
How music awakens us to the human cost of armed combat with Col. Scott Ritter /U.S. Marine Corp. Ret. Back by popular demand, Scott returns with insights into the current conflict in Ukraine and other topics as they arise. Please like, share, and subscribe!! Please read Scott's recent book "Disarmament In The Time Of Perestroika" available through Amazon and elsewhere. Scott Ritter - Ge [...]
“Orders to Kill” Dr. Martin Luther King: The Government that Honors MLK with a National Holiday Killed Him
Very few Americans are aware of the truth behind the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Few books have been written about it, unlike other significant assassinations, especially JFK’s. For almost fifty years there has been a media blackout supported by government deception to hide the truth. And few people, in a massive act of self-deception, have chosen to question the absurd offic [...]
Video: Hillary Predicts Blowback From U.S.-Funded N@zis In Ukraine
Hillary Clinton has absorbed the lessons of 9/11, specifically that the United States' support for the Mujahadeen fighters in Afghanistan and Pakistan against the Soviets during the 1980s led directly to Al Qaeda and the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Yet here the US is, essentially following the same script by supporting neo-Nazis in Ukraine against Russia, and yet [...]
Monroe Doctrine – Definition, Purpose & Significance
The Monroe Doctrine, first outlined in a speech to Congress in 1823, had President James Monroe warning European powers to not attempt further colonization, military intervention or other interference in the Western Hemisphere, stating that the United States would view any such interference as a potentially hostile act. Over the centuries, the Monroe Doctrine policy has become a cornerstone of U.S [...]
Imperial Conquest: America’s “Long War” against Humanity 🎞
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity. The concept of the Long War is part of US military doctrine since the end of World War II. In many regards, todays wars are a continuation of the Second World War. Worldwide militarization is also part of a global ec [...]
History: Hitler was Financed by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England
World War II: More than 80 years ago was the start of the greatest slaughter in history. If we are to approach the problem of “responsibility for the war”, then we first need to answer the following key questions: Who helped the Nazis come to power? Who sent them on their way to world catastrophe? The entire pre-war history of Germany shows that the provision of the “necessary” pol [...]