Western News Media

Tucker Carlson JUST Revealed US Government FINAL Secret
Here, at the "Elon Musk Confidential" channel, we transform the original content from shows, podcasts, and key-notes with Mr. Elon Musk, to provide the viewers with a more immersive experience. We hope to educate as many people as possible through this channel. We also make the messages of Elon Musk more accessible to people that are suffering from hearing disabilities, by applying professional tr [...]
Decentralize TV – Hypnosis expert Peter McLaughlin teaches you how to protect your own mind from PSYOPS and nefarious INFLUENCE campaigns
Natural News videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoid [...]
“The World As It Was”: A Masterly Documentary Film
Here’s a film about the 1950s – “The World As It Was” – that will tell you a great deal about life in the U.S.A. today, while disabusing anyone of the notion that nostalgia for that mephitic decade is in order, for it was a time when “democracy” tended toward totalitarianism. In doing so, it sowed the bitter fruit that is poisoning us today. Without understanding the long-standing e [...]
The 5G and Effects on Mice, Rats and Humans. Ten New Studies. Dr. William Makis
They made fun of 5G after getting their COVID-19 Vaccine. Some of them died suddenly, some had vaccine injuries, some are still alive and well. But why mention 5G at all? What was the propaganda linking 5G to COVID-19 Vaccines? New research published about 5G is actually very eye opening. [...]
The Biggest U.S.-and-Allied Lies About the War in Ukraine
#1 lie: If Russia takes Ukraine, we’ll be next. There is zero evidence for this lie, and it is a lie that is even more outlandish than the lie that if Vietnam falls to the communists, that will be just the first “domino” and all the others will fall and the Soviet Union and/or communist China will take over the world. [...]
How America Lies About CHINA. My Life In China SHOCKED ME!🎞
How America Lies About CHINA. My Life In China SHOCKED ME! Join Alex from Reporterfy Media on an unprecedented journey that challenges the narratives often presented by American media about China. Disillusioned with his life in Canada, Alex made a life-altering decision to move to China, seeking a fresh perspective and a new beginning. This documentary video is not just a travelogue; it's a deep d [...]
Exclusive: Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin🎞
Tucker interviews Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Russia. February 6th, 2024. much credit is due to both Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin for having agreed to speak to each other – or rather President Putin speaking to Tucker, as it was a lesson in Russian history and Russian culture and Russian soul. Vladimir Putin surprised at no ‘tough questions’ from Tucker Carlson   First, much [...]
Tucker Carlson 2/11/24 | Tucker Carlson February 11, 2024🎞
This is the smartest, best informed account of what actually happened on January 6th. They hate all kinds of people large groups of people the deplorables the bitter clingers America's entire blue-collar population the unfashionable people they're hated by the people who run our country but no one is hated more by them than a man called Alex Jones Alex Jones is the single most censored man in all [...]
Beware of the resurgent Russophobia
“Vladimir Putin adores Fyodor Dostoevsky,” I recently read in an article. “A close reading of the legendary author’s texts reveals the feeling might have been mutual.” Before long I also read that in Italy a university had cancelled a literature course on Dostoyevsky over the Ukraine crisis. [...]
How America benefits from wars
WION -The World is One News, examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news of the day. Our aim to empower people to explore their world. With our Global headquarters in New Delhi, we bring you news on the hour, by the hour. We deliver information that is not biased. We are journalists who are neutral to the core and non-partisan when it comes to the politics of [...]
De-Dollarization Drive: Why Iraq Has Decided to Abandon the US Dollar 🎞
De-Dollarization Drive: Why Iraq Has Decided to Abandon the US Dollar | Vantage with Palki Sharma In a bold move, Iraq has prohibited transactions in US dollars. This surprise announcement last week was an effort to stabilize the Iraqi Dinar. But increasingly, the US dollar’s dominance is being challenged in West Asia. Palki Sharma tells how the de-dollarization trend is catching on. [...]
Sowing Seeds of Plunder: A Lose-Lose Situation in Ukraine
It’s a lose-lose situation for Ukrainians. While they are dying to defend their land, financial institutions are insidiously supporting the consolidation of farmland by oligarchs and Western financial interests. So says Frédéric Mousseau, Policy Director of the Oakland Institute, an independent think tank. [...]
The Speech That Broke The Internet: Clare Daly 🎞
Clare Daly is an Irish politician who has been a Member of the European Parliament from Ireland for the Dublin constituency since July 2019. She is a member of Independents 4 Change, part of The Left in the European Parliament. 📜More here from Clare Daly [...]
What Just Happened To Jordan Peterson Is Terrifying 🎞
Here, at the "Jordan Peterson Zone" channel, we transform the original content from shows, podcasts, and key-notes with Mr. Jordan Peterson to provide the viewers with a more immersive experience. We hope to educate as many people as possible through this channel. We also make the messages of Jordan Peterson more accessible to people that are suffering from hearing disabilities by applying profess [...]
Italy Aims to Ban The Use of English. Here’s How 🎞
A new law in Italy is in the works. It aims to ban the use of English in official documents. It also seeks to penalize the use of English with a hefty fine. What is the significance of this law? [...]
MEP Clare Daly- speech from 13 Mar 2023 🎞
Clare Daly is an Irish politician who has been a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from Ireland for the Dublin constituency since July 2019. She is a member of Independents 4 Change, part of The Left in the European Parliament Since becoming a Member of the European Parliament, Clare has gained international attention for her radical advocacy for peace and justice. At India and Global Left [...]
ICC Arrest Warrant for Vladimir Putin for “Kidnapping Ukrainian Children” Borders on Ridicule
The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued arrest warrants for President Vladimir Putin and his Children’s Rights commissioner, Maria Lvova-Belova, over the alleged “unlawful kidnapping of Ukrainian children’. According to the I.C.C: “there are reasonable grounds to believe that each suspect bears responsibility for the war crime of unlawful deportation of population and that of un [...]
What does Putin mean to Russia | Scott Ritter & Ray McGovern 🎞
This video features a conversation between Scott Ritter, a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, and Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst. Ritter and McGovern discuss the role of Vladimir Putin in Russian politics and society. They explore why Putin is so popular among many Russians, and how his leadership has influenced Russia's economy, foreign policy, and military posture. Additionally, R [...]
Tucker Carlson: The truth needs to come out 🎞
Tucker Carlson sits down with Redacted Host Clayton Morris for a wide-ranging interview about the January 6th video controversy, the state of journalism, personal attacks, and much more. Gov. Kristi Noem: This is a threat to our freedom She's exposing the TRUTH in Ukraine and they don't like it | Redacted Conversation with Eva Bartlett [...]