
Civil War In Israel? ‘Netanyahu Go Back’ In Israeli Cities; Police Clash With Anti-Govt Protesters
Overnight protests against the Israeli government, led by PM Benjamin Netanyahu, erupt across Israel. Thousands flood the streets, including Tel Aviv, demanding Netanyahu's resignation amidst deepening frustration over the hostage crisis. Protesters call for early elections and a hostage deal, leading to clashes with police in Tel Aviv. Israeli cops struggle to contain the angry crowds, resorting [...]
How Colonialism Created Israel w/ Prof. Nazia Kazi🎞
In a historic event, on Monday the United Nations commemorated al-Nakba, which means “catastrophe,” and marked the beginning of the apartheid state of Israel and the massacre and displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes. Despite what Americans are taught, Israel was not created as a safe haven from oppression — in fact, the origin of Israel has anti-Arab, anti-S [...]
The Writing on the Wall. “Genocide in The Making”. Resistance to “Governmental Lawlessness Worldwide”
This past Friday I joined a few hundred people who gathered on the slopes of the New Zealand Parliament to commemorate the massive protest that took place a year before. I was on the grounds of Parliament last year every day but one and saw firsthand a unique and wonderful coming together of New Zealanders from all walks of life in a kind of glorious unity against the mandates that had been illeg [...]
11 Year Old Girl Calls Out Klaus Schwab and His Globalist Goons🎞
In a video that is sure to give anyone hope, an 11-year-old girl calls out Klaus Schwab and the plans of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in one of the most intelligent and well-spoken deliveries that would flaw even some of the greatest speakers in history. In her almost eight-minute speech, the girl unveils the plans that the globalist elites are wanting to unleash on us – medical tyranny and [...]
US Activists Planning Protest Against NATO Expansion Amid Russia-Ukraine Crisis
US activists are planning a rally to explain to Americans that the current crisis in Ukraine was caused by NATO’s expansion further eastward and the West's support of the 2014 coup in Kiev, Phil Wilayto, co-founder of the Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality, told Sputnik. "There already have been protests in more than 70 cities in the US, including four in the Navy center of N [...]
WATCH Canadian truckers defy court injunction, maintain border blockade 🎞
Canadian truckers protesting a vaccine mandate continued blocking the Ambassador Bridge, ignoring warnings by an Ontario court. Canadian protesters opposing Covid-19 curbs and vaccine mandates have defied a court injunction and government warnings to maintain their days-long blockade of the Ambassador Bridge, which has paralyzed trade and traffic at the busiest land border crossing into the US. [...]
The Truckers Take Abuse in Ottawa: COVID Crimes Committed Behind the Cover of “Emergency Measures” 🎞
In the name of a supposed health emergency, governments have assigned to themselves all sorts of new powers. This state of emergency was deemed to be a necessary requirement to facilitate the fight against the spread of the supposedly new coronavirus. To this day the government claims the existence of a dire health emergency on the basis of alleged evidence that has never been subjected to a thor [...]
Protest Outside White House Joins 55+ Cities Demanding ‘No War on Russia! Disband NATO!’
On Feb. 5, more than 55 cities and towns rallied with the message: “Disband NATO! No War on Russia!” The day of action was sponsored by the ANSWER Coalition, Code Pink, Black Alliance for Peace, Peace Action, Maryland Peace Action, Popular Resistance and others.  From Huntsville, Alabama, to Providence, Rhode Island, from Dallas to Milwaukee to Seattle — people nationwide are standing up [...]
Ottawa under ‘siege’ amid nationwide ‘insurrection’ – authorities
Ottawa Police Services Board held an emergency meeting on Saturday afternoon, but failed to devise a clear plan of action regarding truck drivers and their supporters, who have been protesting against the country’s Covid-19 mandates for over a week. “We are on day eight of this occupation. Our city is under siege. What we’re seeing is bigger than just a City of Ottawa problem. This is a n [...]
Development of a Mass Movement? People all Over Germany Protest Covid Tyranny. Dieses Video Geht Gerade Um Die Welt! 🎞
Demonstrators took to the streets in several European cities on Saturday to protest Covid-19 lockdown restrictions, with clashes between demonstrators and police erupting in the German city of Kassel, as authorities tried to confront a third coronavirus wave. More than 20,000 people participated in the protest in the central German city of Kassel, where there also were confrontations between th [...]
Development of a Mass Movement? People all Over Germany Protest Covid Tyranny 🎞️
Dieses Video Geht Gerade Um Die Welt! The Belgian capital Brussels is the latest European city to see mass protests and unrest over tighter coronavirus restrictions. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets, some throwing fireworks and missiles at police who responded with tear gas and water cannon. Belgium has brought in new measures in response to a sharp rise in infections. The protes [...]
World Desperately Needs Whistleblowers as Big Media, Big Tech Curbing Free Speech, Ex-UN Expert Says
Julian Assange's potential extradition to the US would set a dangerous precedent, observers warn. Retired UN Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order Alfred-Maurice de Zayas spoke to Sputnik about a "silent consent" of top international institutions regarding the persecution of the WikiLeaks founder. Last week, Julian Assange's legal team resisted Amer [...]
Southwest Airlines workers protest against Covid-19 vaccine mandate outside firm’s 🎞️
Current and former Southwest Airlines staff have gathered outside the company’s headquarters in Dallas, Texas to celebrate “medical freedom” and called on the airline to ditch its vaccine mandate. On Monday, hundreds of demonstrators held signs aloft that read, “Terminate the mandate,” “Freedom not force” and “No jabs for jobs,” as they convened at Southwest Airlines’ [...]
Shameless US Hypocrisy on Cuba
US corporate media are having a field day over public protests in Cuba that are being hailed as a revolt against the island’s communist government. The protests are said to have been prompted by economic hardship which has been aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Scarcely mentioned by the Western media is the proverbial elephant in the room. That is, Cuba has endured nearly 60 years of [...]
Mexican President Says Protests in Cuba Manipulated From Outside
MEXICO CITY/ BUENOS AIRES - Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Monday that US-funded organizations were behind the recent protests in Cuba. On Sunday, Cuba witnessed its largest protests since 1994, fueled by anger over shortages of basic goods. Thousands of people demanded free elections and the resolution of social issues. According to local media, protests and gath [...]
‘Blind destructive rage’: At least 93 police officers injured, more than 350 protesters arrested during chaotic May Day in Berlin
May Day celebrations in Germany’s capital devolved into rioting, with burning barricades and scuffles between protesters and police. Nearly 100 officers were injured in the skirmishes, local security officials said on Sunday. May 1 is a day of political diversity. And of course freedom of expression and assembly apply even in times of pandemic. However, violence and incitement have no place in o [...]
Ex-president Bush, the man who waged brutal never-ending wars, claims Capitol riot left him ‘disgusted’
Former US president George W. Bush claimed that despite the jaw-dropping violence unleashed by his own policies in Afghanistan and Iraq, he was left “sick to my stomach” by the January 6 raid on the US Capitol. Admitting he “can’t remember what [he] was doing” at the time he learned Trump supporters were swarming the Capitol building, Bush told the Texas Tribune he became physical [...]
Protests in Lebanon Will Continue Unless New Gov’t Will be Independent of Old Elites, Analysts Say
Lebanon's government stepped down on Monday night in the aftermath of a deadly blast that shattered the country's capital on 4 August and claimed the lives of more than 200 people. International observers have discussed whether the Diab cabinet’s resignation will help fix the situation and what forces could take the reins. The tragedy reignited nationwide anti-government protests, with [...]
Who’s afraid of Tucker Carlson? Just the entire US establishment, that’s all  🎞️
Tucker Carlson has been in the headlines a lot recently, more than might seem acceptable for a news journalist. But is the Fox News host really the menace to the media that his Democratic detractors proclaim him to be? Perhaps the best way to describe Tucker Carlson’s career at the moment is with a borrowed quote from ‘A Tale of Two Cities’: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of t [...]