Military Spending

Cosmonaut on How to End All Wars: ‘Gather Up Politicians & Send Them Into Space’
Yuri Usachov is no stranger to space travel, with four spaceflights, seven spacewalks and 553 days in orbit under his belt. He's also well-versed in person-to-person diplomacy, spending three of his missions interacting with foreign astronauts. Speaking to Radio Baltkom, Usachov revealed how the world's conflicts might be brought to a peaceful end. [...]
America is Tired
The major takeaway from the US Presidential election, and from the events which have shaped the first two weeks of Donald Trump’s Presidency - both his actions and the reactions of his opponents - is that America is tired. It is not difficult to see why since the US has for decades been behaving in a way that was guaranteed eventually to exhaust it. [...]
F-35 Fallout: How World’s Most Expensive Fighter Launched ‘Strike’ on Pentagon
With the new Pentagon chief already ordering the review of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program, RT's Viktor Astafyev looks into what went wrong with the most expensive weapon in history. Earlier this week, US Secretary of Defense James Mattis sent two memorandums for Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work to review the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program to "determine opportunities to signifi [...]
First-Rate MiG-35 Multirole Jetfighter to Join Russia’s Fleet
The MiG-35 multirole jetfighter fully meets the demands of modern-day aerial combat and will be a welcome addition to Russia’s fleet of light frontline fighters, the Russian Airspace Forces’ former deputy commander, Col. Gen. Nikolai Antoshkin told RIA. [...]
F-35 has 276 deficiencies and counting, unfit for combat operations –  Pentagon report
The F-35 stealth fighter jet suffers from hundreds of problems and won’t be fully combat-capable before 2020, says a scathing report from the Pentagon’s top evaluator. New issues keep cropping up, and fixing them all may cost over $1 billion. [...]
US Arms Makers Invest in a New Cold War
Behind the U.S. media-political clamor for a new Cold War with Russia is a massive investment by the Military-Industrial Complex in “think tanks” and other propaganda outlets, writes Jonathan Marshall. The U.S. military has won only a single major war since the end of World War II (the Gulf War of 1990-91). But U.S. military contractors continue to win major budget wars in Congress nearly e [...]
The Reason College Isn’t Free in America: US Army ‘Misreported’ $6.5 Trillion
The Department of Defense finds itself in a controversy that continues to unfold in the wake of an Inspector General Report in June that found that the US Army's financial summaries misstated balances by $6.5 trillion. A June report by the Defense Department’s Inspector General uncovered that the Army made $2.8 trillion in wrongful adjustments to accounting entries in one quarter alone in 201 [...]
Obama’s Offering of Largest Military Aid Package Ever Is Not Enough for Israel
Israeli officials play hardball, demanding that the Obama Administration pony up more than the record $40 billion ten-year offering made by the US -- by a cool $10 billion Last week, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford met with his Israeli counterpart at the Pentagon to discuss the new multi-billion-dollar military assistance package currently in negotiation between the Obam [...]
Trident nuke renewal plan blown out the water by govt’s own watchdog
Britain’s new multibillion-pound Trident nuclear submarine fleet may be in jeopardy after the government’s own watchdog warned the project faces “major risks.” The Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) has cast doubt on the Trident renewal plan. [...]
Why has NATO chosen Russia as its enemy instead of ISIS?
According to statements made at last weekend’s summit in Warsaw, NATO regards Russia as a bigger threat than ISIS. Of course, that's ludicrous but when you scratch beneath the surface, the use of these falsehoods makes perverted sense. [...]
Israel to Receive ‘Largest Military Aid Package in US History’
While criticizing Israeli policy, US National Security Advisor Susan Rice has nonetheless promised to provide a large military aid package to the Middle Eastern nation. Speaking at the American Jewish Committee Global Forum on Monday, Rice spoke of the necessity of a peaceful two-state solution. [...]
US still uses floppy disks to control nuclear bombers & ballistic missiles
Three-quarters of federal agencies’ IT budgets go on operation and maintenance rather than upgrades, and some legacy technologies, such as floppy disks used by the Pentagon for nuclear missiles, are over 50 years old. The overview of how the US government continues to use archaic technologies in some vital areas was given in a report released on Wednesday by the Government Accountability Offi [...]
Flat Refusal: India Dismisses US Offer of F-16 Jets
India's defense minister expressed that India is not interested in acquiring US F-16 fighter aircraft despite aggressive lobbying by Lockheed Martin. In what can be seen as a sharp denial to the US, India has dismissed a proposal made by Lockheed Martin Corp to build F-16 fighter jets in India. [...]
Time to think of legacy? The Obama Doctrine
Given what has happened to the Arab World with US attention, the rest of Asia must shudder at the prospect of what could happen to it with President Obama’s new doctrine: "Pivot to Asia." A recent Obama interview, conducted by noted American-Israeli journalist Jeffrey Goldberg entitled, "The Obama Doctrine: The US President Talks Through His Hardest Decisions About America’s Role in the Wo [...]
A Friendly Tax Day Reminder: You Are Spending More to Finance the War Machine Than You Might Realize
Up to 44 percent of our federal income tax dollars go to current or past military spending. Covert drone wars in Yemen and Somalia. Violent displacement from Afghanistan. Fresh troop deployments to Iraq. These might not be the first things that come to mind [...]
Tens of thousands march in London in largest #StopTrident demo in decades
Protesters opposing the renewal of UK's costly nuclear deterrent, Trident, have taken to the streets of London. With a number of organizations participating, many young people are at the demo, saying there are better ways to spend taxpayers' billions. [...]
EXCLUSIVE: Trident whistleblower William McNeilly breaks silence ahead of London demo (VIDEO)
MPs will soon vote on whether to renew Britain’s aging Trident nuclear weapons system. Ahead of Saturday’s anti-nukes protest in London, Royal Navy submariner-turned-whistleblower William McNeilly broke his silence and spoke exclusively to RT. [...]
‘Pentagon needs Russia as the next big enemy’ – retired US Air Force officer
The Pentagon is pointing fingers in advance because it is unhappy with having the brakes put on some of the things it wanted to do in Syria, Karen Kwiatkowski, a retired US Air force Lieutenant Colonel, told RT. he relationship between Russia and the US has often been very strained but recently [...]
‘Basic physics proves US missile defense system useless’
The US ruined relations with Russia and is doing the same with China over a useless defense system that causes anger and anxiety all over the world, says Theodore Postol, professor emeritus of science, technology, and national Security at MIT. [...]
‘What F-35 will do to ya’: Air Force general faints at Pentagon briefing on plane budget
Air Force Maj. Gen. James F. Martin Jr. fainted at the rostrum during a media briefing when he was talking about the F-35 plane in Pentagon on Wednesday. The high-ranking officer was delivering a report on the Air Force budget and in particular about the future of the ill-fated F-35 program when he experienced a dizzy spell. [...]
How Washington’s New Rich Live
The twin explosions of post-9/11 national security extravagance and Citizens United political spending bonanza have reshaped Washington — not only in its political outlook but physically, with this New Class preferring lavish McMansions to show off their newfound wealth, as Mike Lofgren describes. In 1927, H.L. Mencken rode by train through the Pennsylvania coal country. [...]
‘Acts of aggression come from Pentagon, not Russia or China’
The Pentagon’s claims that Russia and China are among the top challenges for the US is a justification to continue the flow of taxpayer’s money into major weapon systems and their corporate sponsors, Karen Kwiatkowski, retired US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel told RT. US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter announced Tuesday that the Pentagon will request a $582.7 billion defense budget in o [...]