Search Results For [Venezuela]

Pompeo seeks to recruit top world oil execs to promote US foreign policy
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has sought to recruit some of the top oil industry guns to serve as Washington's foreign policy tools to crack down on "bad actors" like Venezuela, Russia and Iran. [...]
‘Sick & twisted’: US Senator Rubio tweets picture of Gaddafi’s murder as a threat to Maduro
US Senator Marco Rubio has posted a picture of the brutal murder of late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in a less-than-subtle threat to Venezuela’s Maduro. Twitter blasted Rubio as a manic warmonger… who has extremely poor taste. [...]
4 ways India is putting its own interests before Washington’s
India appears to be defying every foreign policy goal relentlessly pursued by the US, stubbornly striking deals with nations Washington is trying to isolate from global trade. Russia, Iran and now Venezuela – all among the top targets of Washington's aggressive rhetoric and sanctions – are also among the nations India has been refusing to turn its back on. [...]
Domino effect: Pompeo vows US will help uproot ‘authoritarianism’ in Nicaragua & Cuba
The United States will help the people of Nicaragua and Cuba to resist “non-democratic regimes” in their countries, Mike Pompeo has said. His comments come as Washington steps up calls for a new government in Venezuela. [...]
Where are the ‘empty shelves’? Max Blumenthal tours Caracas supermarket (VIDEO)
Corporate media grieve for the barren shelves and empty bellies in Venezuela, but are the alleged food shortages real? After touring a supermarket in Caracas, Max Blumenthal found plenty to buy – even craft beer. [...]
Backed by UNSC? 5 moments from Guaido’s interview with RT that don’t quite add up
Did Caracas steal money from Russia and has Venezuela’s self-proclaimed leader Juan Guaido got solid backing from the UNSC? RT breaks down an interview with Guiado, looking at whether some of his claims are more than far-fetched. [...]
‘Neo-con wine in an America First bottle’: Foreign policy analysts rail against Trump’s SOTU address
Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech sent mixed messages about where the president stands on foreign policy, analysts told RT, as his anti-intervention views clash with his threats against Iran and Venezuela. [...]
AOC Blows Anderson Cooper’s Mind With Popular Solutions
TheJimmyDoreShow is a hilarious and irreverent take on news, politics and culture featuring Jimmy Dore, a professional stand up comedian, author and podcaster. With over 5 million downloads on iTunes, the show is also broadcast on KPFK stations throughout the country. It is part of the Young Turks Network-- the largest online news show in the world. AOC Blows Anderson Cooper's Mi [...]
Moscow To Set Up Military Base In Caribbean
You will hear the following headlines in this Broadcast: -Moscow To Set Up Military Base In Caribbean -Kremlin chiefs call for Putin SHOWDOWN with Trump -Small ‘miscalculation’ over disputed islands could spark Major crisis -Russian nuclear-capable bombers fly over Caribbean Sea -North Korea condemns U.S. sanctions, warns denuclearization at risk -US to Resort to Use of Force if Iran Blocks St [...]
US Meltdown Over TU-160s
Two long-range Russian bombers landed in Venezuela this week and the United States immediately flew into a fit of rage. Top diplomat Mike Pompeo had a virtual mental meltdown on Twitter, denouncing Russia and the South American country for daring to cooperate in holding a military exercise. [...]
Pompeo blasted for hypocrisy on Twitter after saying Russia ‘squandering’ public funds on military
A tweet posted by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo condemning the landing of two Russian bombers in Venezuela as a “squandering” of public money, has quickly backfired, with many eager to point out some glaring hypocrisies. [...]
How India Courts Trump’s Latin Neighbors, Pursues Ties in US Backyard
New Delhi is maintaining an independent foreign policy course with regard to Latin American countries, Indian political analysts told Sputnik. They stressed that Donald Trump's pressure on Cuba and Venezuela would unlikely affect India's ties with these countries and explained how New Delhi avoids a clash of interests with China in the region. [...]
Back to $100? Crude oil prices to soar as Iran crisis adds to global supply headache
Prices for crude may skyrocket to $100 per barrel as soon as next year as major supply risks in Iran and Venezuela are likely to strain global energy markets, say analysts at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. According to the bank, Brent futures, currently hovering around $77, will reach $90 in the second quarter of 2019 due to the larger cut in world inventories. [...]
Hungary Repatriating Tons of Gold From UK Amid Fears of Economic Crisis
Central banks around the world have been building up their gold stockpiles to make sure they are stored on soil they can trust. The National Bank of Hungary (MNB) says it is bringing back three tons of the country’s gold reserves stored at the Bank of England in London, Gold Seek reported. The move to repatriate 130 million dollars’ worth of gold from Budapest previously stored on Britis [...]
Russia may turn to cryptocurrencies in oil trade to challenge sanctions & the petrodollar
The gradual acceptance of digital currencies, with major exchanges about to launch bitcoin futures trading, may prompt some oil producing nations to ditch the US dollar in crude trade in favor of cryptocurrencies, an oil analyst says. Russia, Iran and Venezuela have more than one thing in common. All three are major oil producing nations dependent on the dollar since the global crude market i [...]
The Syrian War What You’re Not Being Told
What's really going on in Syria? Let's look at the evidence. Decades of wars in the middle East, it's non stop. Why are we always over there? What's over there? People used to think it was oil. But there's oil in Alaska, there's oil in Venezuela, which is a lot closer. We have plenty of oil. The truth is we're fighting Israel's enemies. The Syrian War What You're Not Being Told The Road [...]
Ukraine can return to ‘uncontrolled crisis’ – Finance Minister
Kiev risks returning the country to an uncontrolled economic crisis if reforms and tight fiscal policy are not continued, Ukraine’s Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko said on Wednesday. Last year Ukraine's GDP contracted 10.5 percent while inflation hit more than 45 percent, the second-worst after Venezuela. [...]
“CIA fingerprints” all over Kiev massacre – Oliver Stone
The armed coup in Kiev is painfully similar to CIA operations to oust unwanted foreign leaders in Iran, Chile and Venezuela, said US filmmaker Oliver Stone after interviewing Ukraine's ousted president for a documentary. Stone spent four hours in Moscow talking to Viktor Yanukovich, who was deposed from power during the February 2014 coup, the filmmaker wrote on his Facebook page. [...]
The US is behind the current drop in oil prices – Bolivia”s president
The US is behind the current drop in oil prices as it is aiming to undermine the economies of large petroleum producers Russia and Venezuela, Bolivian President Evo Morales told RT. In his interview with RT’s Spanish-language channel, Morales said that it’s was “a pity” that Washington remains on a “wrong course” by continuing to use sanctions against its political rivals. [...]
Argentina to get $1bn in currency swap with China before end of 2014
Argentina will receive the first tranche of yuan worth up to $1 billion in a massive currency swap with China before the end of this year. The deal will boost the troubled economy's foreign reserves. It comes as part of a loan worth $11 billion signed in July by Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping during hisLatin America tour- shortly before t [...]
Argentina to Host Russian Military Bases While America Sleeps | Defenceradar News
Argentina, South America's second largest country, has agreed to host Russian military bases on the South American continent. Long a political ally of militant Islam, Argentina seeks to bring economic relief to the region. Argentina, and its close ally, Venezuela, have long been on friendly terms with Iran and this latest move opens the door... [...]
US defends drone strikes as “necessary and just” in face of UN criticism
Brazil, China and Venezuela sharply critical of 'illegal' programme but US says it has taken steps to introduce new guidelines. The US government has defended its use of drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and other countries in front of the UN, telling a chamber full of largely critical nations that in President Obama's view the deployment of unmanned aerial attacks [...]