Search Results For [Venezuela]

US Contact With Venezuelan Army to Change Its Stance Unacceptable – Moscow
This comes after reports of the United States being engaged in direct contact with members of Venezuela's military, encouraging them to pledge allegiance to self-proclaimed interim president Juan Guaido, while also working on new sanctions to ramp up pressure on Nicolas Maduro. [...]
‘You don’t get to authorize US military interventions’ – US Rep. Khanna to Venezuela’s Guaido
After self-proclaimed leader of Venezuela Juan Guaido said he might 'authorize' a US military intervention, he was rebuffed by Congressman Ro Khanna, who told him he doesn’t get to make the call on "US military interventions." [...]
The Yankee Plot to Overthrow Nicolás Maduro and Steal Venezuela’s Oil
The Trump administration is openly engaging in a blatant effort to overthrow the government of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela. It’s a campaign aimed at regime change, and it’s being publicly promoted as an opportunity to steal Venezuelan oil for the benefit of U.S. corporations. They’re not even pretending. But this is not some insane Twitter thought spewed by Trump after guzzling down gallo [...]
Pompeo Claims Hezbollah’s ‘Active Cells’ in Venezuela Are Cause for US Action
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro previously appealed to US citizens to ask them for support and to prevent the Trump administration from turning his country into “another Vietnam”. [...]
The Venezuela Crisis – Made In America – David Icke
David Vaughan Icke, formerly a footballer and sports broadcaster, is an English professional conspiracy theorist. He is the author of over 20 books and numerous DVDs, and has lectured in over 25 countries, speaking for up to 10 hours to audiences. The Venezuela Crisis - Made In America Historian: Venezuela Is “Staging Ground” for U.S. to Reassert Control Over Latin America Ch [...]
EU states fold like cheap tents to US demands on Venezuela, Italy one of few to stay independent
As the former British prime minister Harold Macmillan would have put it, "It's not one damned thing, it's one damned thing after another." For the European Union, Italy has become that turbulent priest of whom they wish they could be rid, the fly in the ointment, the spanner in the works of neo-liberalism and war. [...]
Pompeo: America ‘obligated’ to fight ‘Hezbollah’ in Venezuela to save ‘duly elected’ Guaido
Straining to explain Washington’s eagerness for regime change in Caracas, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Cuba was already occupying Venezuela, misunderstood how democracy works, and claimed Iran had a presence in the country. [...]
‘Hands off Venezuela’: Rally held in Caracas to support 10mn-signature petition drive (VIDEO)
Large numbers of Venezuelan citizens have come out to sign a petition against possible US intervention, as government activists began gathering signatures for a campaign to showcase “support for peace” amid mounting threats. [...]
Juan Guaido will open up Venezuelan oil to foreign companies, his US envoy says
An envoy to the US for Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó has said the country’s oil reserves would be opened to foreign investors, bolstering suspicions that Washington’s support of Guaidó is oil-dependent. [...]
‘Stop Trump’s insane actions!’ Venezuela’s Maduro talks to RT about avoiding war
At a time when the eyes of the world are closely watching his country, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has given an exclusive interview to RT Spanish, speaking about the threats of war and of foul play in politics. [...]
EU states’ recognition of Guaido is ‘direct interference’ in Venezuela’s affairs – Kremlin
Moscow slammed EU states for trying to legitimize “an attempt to usurp power” in Venezuela after a number of key European countries recognized opposition figure Juan Guaido as interim president. [...]
Chorus of EU states, incl UK, Spain, Austria recognize Guaido as Venezuela’s interim leader
The UK, France, and Spain among a number of countries, have announced their recognition of Juan Guaido as Venezuela's interim president after Caracas did not cave into an ultimatum calling for snap elections with eight days. [...]
Trump confirms use of US military in Venezuela among ‘options’ on table
The option of sending the US military to Venezuela is on the table, while talking to President Nicolas Maduro is not, President Donald Trump said in an interview on Sunday. While talking to CBS' Face the Nation, Trump would not expand on the prospects of military involvement in the crisis in the Latin America country besides replying that "it's an option." [...]
Venezuela Propaganda Debunked – People Are Against Coup
TheJimmyDoreShow is a hilarious and irreverent take on news, politics and culture featuring Jimmy Dore, a professional stand up comedian, author and podcaster. With over 5 million downloads on iTunes, the show is also broadcast on KPFK stations throughout the country. It is part of the Young Turks Network-- the largest online news show in the world. Venezuela Propaganda Debunked - [...]
Refusal to hand over Venezuelan gold means end of Britain as a financial center – Prof. Wolff
The freezing of Venezuelan gold by the Bank of England is a signal to all countries out of step with US interests to withdraw their money, according to economist and co-founder of Democracy at Work, Professor Richard Wolff. [...]
Venezuela Crisis: A Look Back at Three Times US Meddling Led to Catastrophe
The US has recognised Venezuelan National Assembly chief Juan Guaido as the country's "acting president", prompting President Nicolas Maduro to accuse Washington of trying to stage a coup. Sputnik looks at a few other times the US forgot about democracy and supported would-be leaders who attempted to gain power by circumventing the ballot box. [...]
‘Venezuela gets its Maidan’: Ukrainian minister makes connection between regime change ops
The current attempt to depose the president of Venezuela is similar to the toppling of the Ukrainian leader in 2014. Or at least that’s the view of the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin. [...]
How US-Venezuela Escalation Unfolded From Sanctions to Backing Anti-Maduro Coup
The Trump administration has officially recognised opposition figure Juan Guaido as the president of Venezuela and dismissed Nicolas Maduro’s inauguration as “illegitimate”. Maduro, on the other hand, hit back, saying that Washington has been trying to oust him. [...]
Act of gangsterism against Venezuela: Trump, Pence, Pompeo star in the Pirates of the Caribbean
You could scour the bowels of US imperial crimes, from the Mexican-American War to the Gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam, and you won’t find a more brazen cynical act gangsterism than that which is now underway against oil-rich Venezuela. [...]
US interfering in Venezuela? No need to ask Mueller to determine that – Lavrov
Russia accused the US of hypocrisy over its instigation of a coup in Venezuela, saying such actions are in sharp contrast to the outrage which Americans express over alleged interference in their own domestic political affairs. [...]
Maduro Discusses Ways to Boost Venezuelan Economic Independence With Russia
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said that he had discussed with a Russian delegation, led by Deputy Finance Minister Sergey Storchak, the ways to strengthen Venezuela's economic independence. [...]
‘Troika of tyranny’!? US sanctions entirety of Venezuela, warns Cuba & Nicaragua ‘you’re next’
The US is slapping far-reaching sanctions on Venezuela in its bid to re-assert hemispheric dominance over what National Security Advisor Bolton dubbed a “Troika of tyranny” in a groan-worthy throwback to Bush’s “axis of evil.” [...]