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Somnolent Europe, Russia, and China
On September 19, 2000, going on 16 years ago, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the London Telegraph reported: “Declassified American government documents show that the US intelligence community ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties to build momentum for a united Europe. It funded and [...]
Is Parliament preparing to ignore public vote for Brexit?
MPs who support remaining in the European Union may use their majority in Parliament to sidestep the public altogether and vote to keep Britain in the EU’s single market, meaning free movement of people, goods and services would stay despite a ‘Brexit’. A number of pro-‘Remain’ MPs have suggested using their 257 person majority to vote to keep the UK within the European Economic Area [...]
NATO Baltic wargames have ‘political, economic & military motives’
The US strategy in Europe is aimed at strengthening its control over EU and NATO states, selling more military equipment to its European allies to make super-profits for its military-industrial complex and to isolate Russia, political author Diana Johnstone told RT. [...]
Washington has no control over ‘moderates’ in Syria
The US doesn’t have any leverage over “moderate rebels” in Syria who coordinate their attacks with the Al-Nusra Front terrorist group; and it does not have a strategy for the region, experts tell RT. The Al-Nusra Front in Syria has started a major offensive. The terrorists resumed artillery barrages on residential areas of Aleppo. [...]
Blair blame game: Ex-PM prepares Iraq War excuses ahead of Chilcot report
Former PM Tony Blair will respond to the Chilcot report on the legality of the 2003 Iraq invasion by arguing the Middle East state was devastated by Iran, Al-Qaeda and a powder keg of tribal animosity unleashed by Saddam’s removal, reports suggest. He is expected to defend the war while trying to externalize the continuing bloodshed, but not before the Chilcot Inquiry reports on July 6. [...]
‘Snowden changed the course of history’
Thanks to Edward Snowden’s revelations, the US government can no longer directly collect everything that we communicate with each other electronically, Tom Devine, legal director at the Government Accountability Project, told RT America’s Manila Chan. [...]
Assange: Vote for Hillary Clinton is ‘vote for endless, stupid war’ which spreads terrorism
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has spoken out against US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, calling her a “war hawk with bad judgment” who gets an “emotional rush out of killing people.” “A vote today for Hillary Clinton is a vote for endless, stupid war,” Assange wrote via the @wikileaks Twitter account on Tuesday. [...]
Russia Becomes Globe’s Top Buyer of Gold Bullion, Boosting Reserves
The Central Bank of Russia became the world's leading purchaser of gold when it bought 356,000 ounces of the precious metal in February, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). China took second place; its Central Bank purchased about 320,000 ounces of gold in February, according [...]
How to Lose Friends: Ankara Losing its ‘Last Ally in Europe’
Turkey has had numerous problems with other nations recently. But after the German Parliament voted in favor of labeling the 1915 killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks as genocide, Ankara is losing its "only friend in Europe," an article in Foreign Policy read. [...]
Behind Closed Doors: Five Secret Deals That Transformed Global Economy
History has seen a number of secretive agreements which had major impact on the global economy, from hiding investments to taking gold reserves. Some of the stories are real, and some are rather legends. Here are some examples of how global financial decisions have been made behind closed doors. [...]
Why the Europeans Have Signed Up for the US’s ‘Insane March on Russia’
The Europeans have let themselves to be drawn into an ‘insane march on Russia’ by concentrating the largest amount of military hardware on Russia’s borders since the Second World War, putting Europe at risk of a hot conflict. However, if there is one spark, Europe will be the first victim, according to Danish author Jens Jorgen Nielsen. [...]
Broken Promises: EU Tightens Visa Regime for Ukrainians
The European Union has toughened its visa regime for Ukrainians as verification of applicants’ documents in consulates has become more rigorous and the number of refusals for multiple visa claims has rapidly increased, Kiev-based newspaper Vesti wrote. Even those in Ukraine willing to travel to the Euro-2016 in France are now seeing their visa applications turned down even though the EU earli [...]
China Spends $1 Trillion on ‘New Silk Road’ to Surpass US on World Stage
Beijing looks to garner international favor through a massive investment effort in Europe and Asia. China is now nearly three years into Xi Jinping’s cooperative development strategy with European partners known as "One Belt, One Road," or the "New Silk Road." The plan is part of China's push to leverage their economic potential to maximize geopolitical influence. [...]
Perfect Timing: Why Syrian Army Joined ‘Race’ to Liberate Raqqa
The Syrian Army launched on June 3 a large-scale offensive to liberate the city of Raqqa, the de-facto capital of the Daesh caliphate. Retired Syrian Major General Sabet Muhammad told the Russian newspaper Izvestia that the operation started from the town of Isriya, in Hama province, nearly 140 km to the west from Raqqa. [...]
From Lisbon to Vladivostok: Merkel Seeks Free Trade Zone Between Russia, EU
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has come out with her approval for the creation of a common economic zone between the European Union and Russia. The chancellor made the statement during a congress of the regional branch of the Christian Democratic Union in the federal state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, according to Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. [...]
What Americans Abroad Know about Bernie Sanders and You Should Know Too
As the prospect of Donald Trump in the White House moves from ludicrous to terrifying, it’s time to reconsider the electability question. Despite polls suggesting that Hillary Clinton is more likely to lose the general election than Bernie Sanders, her supporters routinely argue that Sanders’ program is too radically utopian to have a chance. [...]
With NATO knocking, it’s time for Russian military games in Latin America
With Washington undertaking the greatest military expansion in world history, oblivious to the global ramifications of its sheer arrogance and audacity, the time is ripe for Russia to make a symbolic gesture in America’s backyard. At the time of this writing, three US B-52 Stratofortress Bombers have just departed from a US airbase in North Dakota, [...]
Overpowered: Too much solar electricity makes Chile give it away for free
Chile’s main solar power plants are supplying so much electricity that they have to give it away for free or face prices going down. The glut has been driven by the country’s booming copper industry. Chile’s growing energy demand has prompted the development of 29 solar farms to supply the central grid. [...]
$2,500 to one and all: Swiss vote on landmark monthly ‘basic income’ law
Switzerland may become the first country in the world to introduce a universal basic income after Sunday’s referendum. If passed, every adult legally residing in the country would receive a monthly income of around $2,500, whether they work or not. [...]
From partner to rival: Germany to designate Russia ‘a security challenge’ – report
In the upcoming government security policy guidebook currently being prepared by the German Defense Ministry, Russia will be designated one of 10 major challenges on par with terrorists, migrants and global climate change, reported Die Welt. The so-called White Paper is to be released sometime after the British referendum on EU membership, [...]
Deepak Chopra: AI Will Never Rival the Deep Complexity of the Human Mind
The field of artificial intelligence has been a boom market almost from its beginning 60 years ago with the brilliant but doomed British mathematician Alan Turing. One branch of AI believes that a computer will one day duplicate how the human brain works, once the technical difficulties are worked out. Turing was more clever than that. [...]
Weekend Roundup: Being Is Not an Algorithm
Recently, The WorldPost published an interview with “Sapiens” author Yuval Harari in which he envisioned a future where “organisms become algorithms” as computer and biological sciences converge. In a response, Deepak Chopra writes this week that being cannot be reduced to an algorithm, nor can the mind be reduced to the wiring of the brain which artificial intelligence strives to mimic. [...]