TSA will now “pre-screen” your taxes, car registration, passport, employment history, and more
Travelers are now being subjected to even more invasive screening procedures by the infamous Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Before “allowing” people to travel, the TSA is performing unwarranted checks of a wide variety of personal documents, going further than ever before into the lives of innocent passengers. As expected, Americans will roll over for the new intrusions and acce [...]
Britain allegedly spied on Merkel a mere stone’€™s throw from her desk
Britain is using its Berlin embassy to spy on the nearby Bundestag, as well as the office of Chancellor Angela Merkel. Concern was raised following the latest Snowden revelations and prompted the German FM to invite the British ambassador "for a talk." The news comes just one week after the alleged closure of an American listening "nest" just 150 meters away from the British embassy [...]
The Biggest Secret: Do Reptilian-Human Hybrids Run Our World?
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” – Martin Luther King Controversy has become the mantra of the whirlwind that is David Icke’s life over the past few decades. Since the early 90’s, he has [...] [...]
NSA files decoded: Edward Snowden’s surveillance revelations explained
When Edward Snowden met journalists in his cramped room in Hong Kong's Mira hotel in June, his mission was ambitious. He wanted to start a debate about mass surveillance.He succeeded beyond anything the journalists or Snowden himself ever imagined. His disclosures about the NSA resonated with Americans from day one. But they also exploded round the world. [...]
Edward Snowden says calls for reforms prove his leaks are justified
Debates about mass surveillance and calls for "€œreforms to politics, supervision and laws"€ mean leaks about US secret service were justified, a former NSA contractor, Edward Snowden wrote in his "€œManifesto for the Truth." In his opinion piece, published in German Der Spiegel news magazine on Sunday, Snowden writes that his revelations have in fact been useful and society will benefit fr [...]
Taming NSA?
With the US global surveillance program under scrutiny, what are the possible diplomatic and economic repercussions? Is France and Germany’s anger justified or is it being blown out of proportion? Why would the US spy on its allies? And is the US Department of Defense lying about economic espionage? [...]
Obama stops NSA spying on IMF, World Bank headquarters – report
US President Barack Obama has called on the National Security Agency to halt spying on the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in conjunction with a review of surveillance activities, Reuters reported. A US official told the news agency that President Obama curbed the spying within the last few weeks. [...]
Snowden ready to testify in Merkel tapping case |€“ German lawmaker
Whistleblower Edward Snowden has met with a German MP in Moscow. He passed a letter addressed to the German government and federal public prosecutor where he allegedly said he is ready to testify over Washington's probable wiretapping of Merkel'€™s phone. During the meeting, Snowden made it “clear that he knows a lot,” Greens lawmaker Hans-Christian Stroebele told ARD channel. [...]
€˜US, Europe can’€™t do business as usual: German min.
German Defense Minister Thomas de Maiziere says Europe cannot return to normal business with the US following revelations that Washington spied on Chancellor Angela Merkel. “We can't simply return to business as usual,” de Maiziere said in a Thursday interview in response to a question about possible effects of the act of espionage [...]
Snowden leak: NSA secretly accessed Yahoo, Google data centers to collect information
Despite having front-door access to communications transmitted across the biggest Internet companies on Earth, the National Security Agency has been secretly tapping into the two largest online entities in the world, new leaked documents reveal. Those documents, supplied by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and obtained by the Washington Post, suggest that the US intelligence agency and its Bri [...]
Ecuador’€™s Correa in Moscow amid reheated NSA debate
Ecuador's president, one of the most vocal critics of Washington'€™s spying methods, has met for talks with Vladimir Putin in Moscow. His visit follows new NSA revelations which have brought US surveillance and Edward Snowden into the spotlight yet again. [...]
Why Dianne Feinstein Is Suddenly Upset About the NSA
One of the National Security Agency's biggest defenders in Congress is suddenly at odds with the agency. There are lots of people wondering just what got into Dianne Feinstein that has her suddenly all hot and bothered over the NSA revelations (which, up until now, she's defended to the hilt.) [...]
Brain drain: Funding and industry leave America, followed by top minds
The US government spending crisis has caused visible pain for research and innovation in America. Already this year, billions of dollars in federal cuts due to sequestration has affected federal grants for scientific research. But this problem is only the tip of a much bigger problem facing the redundant superpower. [...]
White House: NSA intelligence-gathering may require additional constraints
The White House says the controversial intelligence gathering procedures that have attracted international scrutiny in recent months may require "€œadditional constraints." Jay Carney, the White House press secretary, made the remark during a scheduled Monday afternoon briefing on the heels of the latest revelations made possible through the unauthorized [...]
NSA oversight dismissed as “illusory” as anger intensifies in Europe and beyond
Condemnation by Latin American panel comes as US fields worsening outrage from Spain and Germany over surveillance. The international surveillance crisis deepened as representatives from a Latin American human rights panel told US diplomats that oversight of the programs was "illusory". [...]
Germany, Brazil enlist 19 more countries for anti-NSA UN resolution
Twenty-one countries, including US allies France and Mexico, have now joined talks to hammer out a UN resolution that would condemn "€œindiscriminate" and "€œextra-territorial" surveillance, and ensure "€œindependent oversight"€ of electronic monitoring. [...]
German Chancellor Merkel on NSA spy list since 2002
The German Chancellor'€™s mobile phone has been on an NSA target list since 2002 and was code-named "€œGE Chancellor Merkel"€, according to Der Spiegel. The paper also reports that President Obama assured Merkel that he did not know her phone was tapped. The monitoring operation was still in force even a few weeks before Obama's visit to Berlin in June 2013. [...]
The Good Germans in Government
"What a disgrace. The U.S. government, cheered on by much of the media, launches an international manhunt to capture a young American whose crime is that he dared challenge the excess of state power. Read the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and tell me that Edward Snowden is not a hero in the mold of those who founded this republic. Check out the Nuremberg war crime trials and ponder our [...]
The President Who Told The TRUTH!!!
President JFK (R.I.P.) revealed the presence of a certain "ruthless monolithic secret society" with a worldwide presence. Unfortunately, for this truth, he paid with his life, and until today is still widely considered by the mass public as a "conspiracy theory." Thanks to mainstream media manipulation and predictive programming.  SOLDIERS Expose Martial Law Agenda Plans 2013 JFK Related [...]
“Damage Accumulating”€™ after US Loses Trust Over Spying Activities
The White House is at a loss as it not only depended on espionage in formulating its policies, but also nobody can trust its word anymore, former US Senate foreign policy analyst James Petras told RT. The latest news on monitoring of phone calls in France, and probably German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s own cellphone, brought anger from the French and German governments this week. [...]
“Time to reform surveillance state”: Stop Watching Us rally challenges NSA spying
Twelve years after Americans were stripped of their rights in the name of fighting terrorism, thousands have gathered in Washington DC to protest unconstitutional NSA spying programs revealed by Edward Snowden, and call for repeal of the Patriot Act. [...]
Obama “€˜knew and Approved”€™ NSA spying on Chancellor Merkel report
President Obama was aware of NSA spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel since 2010, German media have revealed. That contradicts earlier reports that Obama personally assured Merkel didn’t know – and that he would have stopped it if he had. [...]