Late in the evening on September 30, 2013, the House Rules Committee Republicans changed the Rules of the House so that the ONLY Member allowed to call up the Senate's clean CR for a vote was Majority Leader Eric Cantor or his designee -- all but guaranteeing the government would shut down a few hours later and would stay shut down. Previously, any Member would have had the right to bring the CR u [...]
The effectiveness of the Indian government in evacuating people from the path of a deadly cyclone and the ineffectiveness of the US government to protect its own people from natural disasters. The corporate takeover of public education in America, speaking with Diablo Valley College Professor Adam [...]
A documentary about cannabis in the UK. It looks at the history of the plant, the facts, its many uses and the laws and politics surrounding it. Follow two young filmmakers on a shoe string budget, as they try to unravel what prohibition of cannabis really means, who it affects, who profits from it and why it was prohibited in the first place.
Featuring interviews with; a cannabis activist, a hyd [...]
Prisoner training: Don't complain about your grope down. Travelers who crack jokes about the TSA’s ludicrous security procedures could face arrest, according to a new loudspeaker warning being broadcast at airports in the U.S. While traveling through George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, Matt Miller heard a security announcement repeatedly aired on the airport intercom that left him d [...]
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Information on US death penalty costs, trends, statistics and other facts from Amnesty International. Join the campaign to end capital punishment! The death penalty, both in the U.S. and around the world, is discriminatory and is used disproportionately against the poor, minorities and members of racial, ethnic and religious communities.
>>>Click Here to read th [...]
The United States is not the first superpower to act as if it's exceptional and will likely not be the last, although US leaders could be squandering a fruitful opportunity for improved international relations, Noam Chomsky said in an interview with RT. [...]
Abby Martin speaks with former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, about his new book ' They Killed our President', going over the most compelling reasons why he thinks the assassination of JFK was a conspiracy, Bin Laden's death, and his potential presidential run in 2016 with Howard Stern. [...]
Edward Snowdenâs revelations of NSA surveillance programs prove that the US has abandoned the rule of law, betraying its own constitution, whistleblower Thomas Andrews Drake, told RT. A group of US whistleblowers and activists has present Snowden with a Sam Adams Award for ‘Integrity in Intelligence’ in Moscow on Wednesday. [...]
Americans are growing increasingly frustrated with the first federal government shutdown in 17 years. Here is a photo collage of 22 images about the effects of the U.S. Government shutdown ! [...]
Traffic snarl still planned, but news coverage causes schism in ride's leadership. News coverage of a trucker protest seeking to clog the roads in and around Washington, D.C., this weekend prompted a schism between the ride's leaders. The ride's loosely organized leadership is now in agreement, however: truckers will not seek to "arrest" congressmen. [...]
Police must detain 'accessories' to 'treason' or truckers will, organizer says. ractor-trailer drivers will intentionally clog the inner loop of the Washington, D.C., beltway beginning on the morning of Oct. 11, according to a coordinator of the upcoming "Truckers Ride for the Constitution" rally. Organizers of the three-day ride want to call attention to a litany of trucker frustrations and expre [...]
The top Republican in the House of Representatives warned President Barack Obama over the weekend that he’s ready to let the United States default — and that the White House is to blame. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) told ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday that Republicans in his chamber would not immediately honor the White House’s request to raise the US debt ceiling, setting the stag [...]
Thom Hartmann discusses how privatization is destroying American society and what we can do about it with Lisa Graves of the center for Media & Democracy. Also, Climate Week continues with a discussion with Dr. Paul Wignall on Permian Extinction. And in tonight’s Daily Take, Thom explains why Republicans want all Americans to be greedy shills. [...]
IInteresting times are in the offing between the US and Iran as the American government says it is now “ready for talks” with the Islamic Republic - after 34 years of hostility since the Iranian Revolution of 1979. US Secretary of State John Kerry has said that economic sanctions imposed on Iran could be lifted within six months. [...]
A poll says nearly nine in 10 Americans are unhappy with the way things are going in Washington amid the US government shutdown. The poll conducted by CBS News said that nearly nine in 10 Americans are unhappy, including 43 percent who are angry. Seventy-two percent of respondents disapprove of how congressional Republicans are handling the budget talks [...]
The objective of the United States National Security Agency is to eliminate privacy around the world, the American writer who helped expose the NSA's far-reaching surveillance powers said on Tuesday. Glenn Greenwald of the UK’s Guardian answered questions about the ongoing NSA leaks and his source, the now notorious former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, [...]
America is waking up to the danger which Israel poses to her continued existence as a world superpower, writes Mark Glenn. The good news however is that America is waking up to the danger which Israel poses to her continued existence as a world superpower and it is highly unlikely that the US, at the political, military and intelligence levels, would be willing to cooperate with the same depth and [...]
California Governor Jerry Brown has signed a law barring state cooperation with any attempt by the federal government to indefinitely detain people. The legislation targets the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Brown signed into law AB351, which goes beyond any other state in rejecting federal indefinite detention power, according to the Tenth Amendment Center. [...]
Abby Martin remarks on the latest NSA revelation, showing how the agency compiles charts on not only you, but your connections to friends, and friends of friends. Miko Peled, Israel peace activist and grandson of one of Israel’s founding fathers, talks about his book ‘The General’s Son’, which dispels the myths and misconceptions about the Jewish State and the true nature of the Israeli oc [...]
US Vice President Joe Biden said they would have to invent Israel if it did not already exist.
Biden made the remark during a speech at a pro-Israel lobbying organization called J Street in Washington D.C. He also pointed out several times to President Barack Obama’s commitment to Israel.
There’s a moral connection between the US and Israel, Biden said, but there also are clear national [...]
In an address from the White House Rose Garden Tuesday afternoon, President Barack Obama blamed Republican lawmakers for triggering the first government shutdown in nearly two decades. Obama spoke roughly 12 hours after a longstanding budget stalemate on Capitol Hill caused a midnight shutdown, impacting a number of government agencies and initiatives across the board. [...]
Senator suggests temporary solution to counter political stalemate. Amid endless bleating, blame and finger pointing from both Democrats and Republicans regarding the government shutdown, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul stepped up this morning and offered a solution to open up the government again and reinvigorate negotiations over funding. [...]