
“Naive” to think Russia will lose war, says Dr. Jordan Peterson 🎞
Notions that the Russians are going to lose the war in Ukraine are “naïve,” says clinical psychologist Dr Jordan Peterson. It’s an open season for Europe’s fiscal health. Governments are spending, and they’re spending big. Is the U.S., NATO, and Europe now at war with Russia? It’s an open season for Europe’s fiscal health. Governments are spending, and they’re spendin [...]
Will the United States and NATO Wake Up to What Happened at the Meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization?🎞
The speeches by Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping are especially noteworthy. Both countries put the United States on notice that the United States and NATO will be treated as a sponsor of terrorism because they supply weapons to Ukraine that are being used to attack civilian targets. You may accuse me of exaggerating because neither Putin nor Xi mentions the United States or NATO [...]
Europe’s Energy Armageddon from Berlin and Brussels, Not Moscow
On August 22 the exchange-traded market price for natural gas in the German THE (Trading Hub Europe) gas hub was trading more than 1000% higher than a year ago. Most citizens are told by the Scholz regime that the reason is Putin and Russia’s war in Ukraine. The truth is quite otherwise. EU politicians and major financial interests are using Russia to cover what is a Made in Germany and Brussels [...]
“Germany is Afraid of Russia,” Ukraine Slams Berlin After Putin-Scholz Call 🎞
In May this year, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said the West will not settle for “dictated peace” in Ukraine. That was an interesting take on the matter. It sounded almost like the West was fighting a war against Russia in Ukraine, and that it would not accept diktats from Moscow. That was four months ago. Ever since Russia has choked Europe of essential natural gas supplies and has refus [...]
About Edgar Cayce’s Predictions
One of the most esteemed visionaries of all time is Edgar Cayce. Many of Edgar Cayce’s predictions have already come true, making him one of the most accurate seers of the modern era.  Cayce used his gift of mediumship to give psychic readings to thousands of clients, informing them about everything from past lives to medical Diagnoses to future prophecies. Cayce, aka. The Sleeping Prophet cor [...]
“This war has been lost a long time ago” – U. S. Army Colonel Douglas MacGregor
Before critics denounced him as “the voice of Vladimir Putin,” United States Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor was known for his daring military exploits. During the first Gulf War, his squadron famously demolished nearly seventy Iraqi Republican Guard vehicles in 23 minutes. Now, the West Point graduate is battling the diplomatic establishment over Russia and its war against Ukraine. Retired Uni [...]
The Key Issues within Ukraine. The Big Picture
In 2014, the journalist and writer John Pilger wrote an article for The Guardian newspaper entitled ‘In Ukraine the US is dragging us towards war with Russia’.[i] Eight years later, in 2022, this prediction came true when Russia invaded Ukraine. Readers should be aware that I am anti-war, and therefore not in favour of any country invading any other. This article is to help readers understand [...]
Situation Update, April 21, 2022 – USA targeting of Moskva ship is Russia’s
To understand the sinking of the Moskva and Putin’s impending retaliation against the United States, you first have to realize that any national leader wanting to make bold military moves first needs the support of his own people. In 1941, Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen (the US government knew all about it and even provoked it) in order to create the emotional support for the US to enter the [...]
Bucha Massacre and Genocide of Ethnic Russians in Ukraine
n a speech to a meeting on socioeconomic support for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on March 16, Russian President Vladimir Putin succinctly elucidated the salient reasons for pre-emptively mounting a military intervention in Ukraine in order to forestall NATO’s encroachment upon Russia’s security interests, and cited the genocide of ethnic Russians by ultra-nationalists as [...]
Gravitas Plus: Did NATO push Ukraine into war?🎞
The Ukraine conflict has been 'west splained' enough. On Gravitas Plus, Palki Sharma tells you how Western arrogance & NATO's expansionism are also to blame, and how their actions precipitated the crisis in Ukraine. Russia – Ukraine conflict/crisis Explained | Everything in detail The Expansion of NATO Since 1949 The video shows the spread of NATO (The North Atlantic Treaty Or [...]
What buying gas in rubles means for Russia and the West
Importers are puzzled by the switch, while the ruble surges against the dollar and euro. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday gave the country’s central bank and government one week to come up with a way to switch payments for Russian gas exports to the national currency, the ruble. The prospect raised many eyebrows among Russia’s gas buyers, who started to speculate how exactly this [...]
Putin wants rubles for Russian gas
Russia will now accept payment for gas exports to "unfriendly countries" in rubles only, President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with the government on Wednesday. The president explained that Russia plans to abandon all “compromised” currencies in payment settlements. He added that illegitimate decisions by a number of Western countries to freeze Russia’s assets destroyed all confidence i [...]
The Man Who Sold Ukraine
Volodymyr Zelensky is the current President of Ukraine. He was elected in a landslide victory in 2019 on the promise of easing tensions with Russia and resolving the crisis in the breakaway republics in east Ukraine. He has made no attempt to keep his word on either issue. Instead, he has greatly exacerbated Ukraine’s internal crisis while relentlessly provoking Russia. Zelensky has had numerou [...]
Fyodor Lukyanov: The end of an era
Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine has spelled the end of an epoch in the state of global affairs after President Vladimir Putin launched the action last week. Its impact will be felt for years to come, but Moscow has positioned itself to “become an agent of cardinal change for the whole world.” The Russian Armed Forces’ operation in Ukraine marks the end of an era. [...]
How Western Press Has Kept Silent For Years on War in Donbass & Neo-Nazism in Ukraine
Russia on 24 February launched a "special operation" in Donbass aimed at protecting Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR), which were recognized as independent entities by Moscow on 21 February. The Western media called the operation "an invasion" they have long warned about. The "Russia invasion" narrative wasn't the West's "prophecy" but rather a cover-up for a new attempt to ret [...]
Why isn’t America listening to the advice on NATO expansion of its foremost 20th century expert on Russia?
The US diplomat George Kennan, an astute observer of Soviet Russia under Stalin, offered his observations later in life on the question of NATO expansion. The tragedy of our times is that those views are being ignored. Winston Churchill once famously quipped that the “Americans will always do the right thing, but only after all other possibilities are exhausted.” That bit of dry British h [...]
A War with Russia Would be Unlike Anything the US and NATO Have Ever Experienced
In a recent press conference held on the occasion of a visit to Moscow by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about continued NATO expansion, and the potential consequences if Ukraine was to join the trans-Atlantic alliance. “Their [NATO’s] main task is to contain the development of Russia,” Putin said. “Ukraine is simply a tool to achieve this [...]
“Do You Want a War Between Russia and NATO?” Macron Meets Putin
Emmanuel Macron is no Talleyrand. Self-promoted as “Jupiterian”, he may have finally got down to earth for a proper realpolitik insight while ruminating one of the former French Minister of Foreign Affairs key bon mots: “A diplomat who says ‘yes’ means ‘maybe’, a diplomat who says ‘maybe’ means ‘no’, and a diplomat who says ‘no’ is no diplomat.” Mr. Macron went to Mo [...]
Ukraine: It’s Over, Putin Has Won?
Victoria Nuland, the neoconservative warmonger appointed Undersecretary of State by the White House fool, announced Washington’s surrender when she called on China to use its influence with Russia to save Ukraine from invasion. She thus acknowledges what everyone had already concluded: the US and NATO lack the capability. Washington’s surrender followed the request of the Ukrainian presiden [...]
Russia unveils military plans in Cuba & Latin America
Russia has agreed to work closely with three Latin American nations, including on military matters. Russian President Vladimir Putin has agreed with the leaders of Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua to develop partnerships in a range of areas, including stepping up military collaboration, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has announced. [...]
Cracks Open Up in America’s Fragile Leadership Over Ukraine Crisis
The world is realizing the price for American hegemony and vanity is criminally insane as the Ukraine debacle demonstrates amply. This is precisely what Washington fears most: cracks appearing in its presumed leadership of European allies. The U.S.-led pressure campaign against Russia over Ukraine has been dangerously stoked up to the hilt to the point where a catastrophic war in Europe could be [...]
Biden Spits on Putin’s Request for Security
“The main issue is our clear position on the unacceptability of further NATO expansion to the East and the deployment of highly-destructive weapons that could threaten the territory of the Russian Federation.” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Washington delivered a slap in the face to Moscow on Wednesday when U.S. ambassador John Sullivan provided a written response to Russia’s prop [...]