
Why is no one STOPPING this? Germany and US leading us to WW3 | Redacted 🎞
Germany may have resigned itself to war with Russia. After dragging their feet on sending weapons, they have decided to just bite the bullet, so to speak. This could cost lives and it will absolutely cost them money. The Institute of German Economics calculated that the conflict in Ukraine will cost €175 billion, which equates to €2,000 per person and 4.5% of the country's GDP. Russ [...]
“Germany At War Against Russia!” – Says German Foreign Minister 🎞
The United States’ efforts to isolate Russia have long depended on Germany joining the contest against the Eastern giant, and now with the Ukraine War deeply entrenched, those efforts have borne fruit. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock recently announced that, for all intents and purposes, Germany is at war with Russia. And even if the German people don’t want it, Germany will continue [...]
All Masks Thrown Off. The Euro-Atlantic Elites Meeting in Davos, Profit Driven War on Ukraine
In January 2023, all masks were thrown off. The Euro-Atlantic elites, motivated after their meetings in Davos, realized that there was no more need to cover their true intentions with hypocritical appeals to “save the young Ukrainian democracy for the sake of world peace.” More and more representatives of the so-called “golden billion” from the West recognize the real goals of the belli [...]
Viktor Medvedchuk: Total Western support for Zelensky tells us that the US and NATO don’t want peace in Ukraine
The West must shoulder the blame for the conflict, as it has pushed Kyiv into this catastrophe. Listening to many Western politicians, it seems completely impossible to understand the essence of the current conflict in Ukraine, and the mechanisms which led us here. [...]
Selling a war: Report exposes how German media stirs up militancy in society and works to prevent negotiations with Russia
A shocking study exposes how the German media is selling war with Russia to the public. the University of Mainz published a study of German news coverage of events in Ukraine, and Berlin’s official response to the crisis. The conclusions confirm that since February 24, the media has played a major role in keeping the conflict going, and making a negotiated settlement less likely, due to almost u [...]
Russia top destination for Ukrainian refugees – report
More Ukrainian refugees have resettled in Russia than anywhere else, with Poland and Germany trailing in second and third, a report says. It revealed some 2,852,395 people had left their conflict-stricken homeland for the neighboring country as of October. [...]
How to Destroy Russia. 2019 Rand Corp. Report: “Overextending and Unbalancing Russia”
Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA. [...]
Angela Merkel’s revelation about Minsk Agreements | Russia Ukraine war | Geopolitics 🎞
Former German chancellor Angela Merkel spilled beans about the Minsk peace accord in an interview with a German national weekly newspaper on 7th December 2022. What did she mean, you will learn more about it in this video. [...]
Austria’s Former Top Diplomat Weighs in On “Deep Scars” in Russia-West Relations 🎞
As Brussels is preparing to hit Moscow with another round of economic sanctions over the situation in Ukraine, Austria’s former minister of foreign affairs, Karin Kneissl, points at the bigger picture of the sanction wars, saying that trust between the East and the West is broken. [...]
Currently, European politicians only supply weapons and impose sanctions instead of helping to resolve conflict
Heinz-Christian Strache also recalled that in 2014 “there was a revolution in Ukraine”, in the organization of which the US CIA was actively involved. After that, the conflict began, during which more than 10 thousand people were killed in eastern Ukraine, Donetsk and Lugansk. [...]
Global recession to begin in Europe? | UK inflation could hit 50-year high
Europe stares at recession: Euro hits 20-year low. Global recession fears: India emerges as the bright spot. China power crisis: Shanghai skyline goes dark. America’s student debt crisis: $1.6 trillion. Why are young people dying of heart attacks? [...]
Take the U.S out of NATO! Anti-U.S Calls Rise in Europe丨European Crisis丨American Hegemony
Although the U.S. is trying to play up Ukraine as a "victimized country" and the U.S. and NATO countries as righteous country that "supports the strong and the weak," it still can't fool the residents of European countries. In the past few months, Europe has been breaking out in "anti-American protests", demanding that their respective governments immediately withdraw from NATO, because NATO's pre [...]
Support Russia! German people set fire to the US Consulate!
The war in Ukraine is still going on, but the West behind Ukraine is in a bit of a mess. A few days ago, a massive anti-American demonstration broke out in the eastern German city of Leipzig, where a large number of people flocked to the U.S. consulate in Leipzig and displayed Russian and German flags outside the consulate, demanding that the U.S. "go home". The outbreak of anti-American demons [...]
German Statesman Slams EU Leaders’ Spinelessness, Demands NATO’s Dismemberment, Closure of US Bases
Germany has found itself reaping the consequences of the crisis in Ukraine, facing skyrocketing energy and food costs, recession and the danger of permanent deindustrialization as Washington and Brussels continue to call for more and more sanctions against Russian energy to try to “punish” Moscow for its military operation in Ukraine. [...]
Dutch Court Issues Guilty Verdict to Three Accused, Acquits Fourth in MH17 Trial
The verdict comes after years of controversial trials held in the Netherlands. Dutch judicial authorities willfully excluded the Russians from investigations into the plane crash and ignored evidence presented by Moscow. A Dutch court has issued a verdict in the trial in absentia of three Russians and a Ukrainian over their alleged roles in the 2014 downing of a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet an [...]
You are under contrôle: French elites privately fear the US and new research explains why
Intelligence services worry about American economic warfare more than terrorism or the prospect of confrontation with Russia or China. New research published by France’s Ecole de Guerre Economique has revealed some extraordinary findings about who and what the French intelligence services fear most when it comes to threats to the country’s economy. [...]
“EU Must Intervene,” France and Germany Want Tit for Tat Retaliation Against USA 🎞
Berlin and Paris have joined hands to shoot a warning to the United States. And in their warning, France and Germany have a message to the European Union as well – start acting to protect Europe’s interests. Both Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz have been at striking odds with each other over a range of issues. But their annoyance with Joe Biden seems to be bringing Europe’s two most powerful [...]
Who Blew Up The Nord Stream Pipelines? A Mystery! 🎞
The carefully documented video below on Who Blew Up Nord Stream Pipeline. Nord Stream which originates in Russia passes through the territorial waters of four EU member states including Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Germany. Permission was provided and approved by the parliaments of those countries prior to construction. [...]
The Nobel Peace Prize Committee has managed to unite Belarusian, Russian, and Ukrainian elites in collective anger 🎞
This year, the Nobel Peace Prize has gone to Russia for the fourth time in history and for the second year in a row. But not only that, together with the "Memorial" human rights society, the honor is shared by Belarusian human rights activist Alexander Bialyatsky, and the Ukrainian Center for Civil Liberties. The laureates have for many years promoted the right to criticize power and made an ou [...]
Austria sounds alarm over economy
The Austrian economy could encounter its worst crisis in almost eight decades, the Finance Ministry says. Magnus Brunner pointed to EU sanctions against Russia as the primary cause of the downturn and said predicting an end to the crisis is impossible, as the current situation could recur in the coming years. [...]
“Gone in 30 Minutes” Next on Europe’s Doomsday List Collapse of Cell Phone Networks
It’s not just heating that could be missing across Europe this winter: cell phones may be the next to go. That’s because if power cuts or energy rationing knocks out parts of the mobile networks across the region, mobile phones could go dark around Europe this winter according to the latest doomsday reporting from Reuters. [...]
“Pipeline Terror” Nord Stream 2 Offers Germany a Date with Destiny
The twists and turns of the Nord Stream 2 (NS2) saga have yielded yet another stunning game-changer. It started with Gazprom revealing that the Line B string of NS2 is intact; not only it escaped Pipeline Terror but may “potentially” be used to pump gas to Germany. That confirms once again that NS2 is an engineering marvel. In fact the whole system: the pipes are so strong they were not broken [...]