EU To Arrest Netanyahu? Allies France, Germany Shock Biden; Back ICC After Warrant Bid

EU To Arrest Netanyahu? Allies France, Germany Shock Biden; Back ICC After Warrant Bid

European nations, including France, Belgium, & EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell have expressed support for the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) decision to seek arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders. France’s Foreign Minister reiterated the country’s commitment to humanitarian law and Belgium described the ICC’s move as an important step in investigating crimes in Palestine. All this a day after Biden & Netanyahu lashed out at ICC for comparing Israeli & Hamas Leaders for war crimes in Gaza. Watch the full report.

Establishment FREAKS Over ICC Warrants for Israeli Leaders: Calls Accountability ‘OUTRAGEOUS’

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Biden and Netanyahu Trash ICC Arrest Warrant Bid | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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