War Crimes

Israel Confronted at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Does it Matter? Will It Effectively Take on Israel for its Atrocious Crimes?
Does anybody believe that the ICJ will accuse Israel of committing genocide on Palestinian people, notably in Gaza, as accused by the government of South Africa? Is there any lawyer, or team of lawyers in the world, that would dare to condemn Israel for crimes against humanity?   [...]
You Won’t Believe what Brave South Africa did to Israel!
International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, holds public hearings on the request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by South Africa in the case South Africa v. Israel. Tembeka Ngcukaitobi testified at The Hague, presenting evidence in South Africa's case against Israel at the International Court of Justice regarding the ongoing bombar [...]
Russia Issues Serious Warning To Israel In The Red Sea!🎞
Over the course of centuries, Islam has emerged as one of the leading religious forces in the world. Introduced in the late 7th century, this religion which grew out of Arabia made very shocking in-roads into Africa, Europe, Middle-east and other parts of Asia. [...]
Middle East: Arsonists Shout “Fire”. Netanyahu’s Insidious “Prerequisite for Peace”
The one waged by Israel in Gaza is called by the Washington Post “one of the most destructive wars of this century.” This war – implemented by Israel with the full support of the U.S. NATO and the EU – has so far left more than 20,000 Palestinians dead and 55,000 seriously wounded, most of whom will not survive as Israeli forces systematically destroy Gaza’s hospitals.   [...]
Biden’s America Surrenders to War Criminal Netanyahu
I don’t have anyone whom I would consider a friend who supports the genocide being carried out by Israel in Gaza. But my occasional interaction with the psychopaths who infest the US government and media and who are intimately connected by virtue of their political instincts as well as their personal interests in campaign donations and/or elevated salaries derived from Israel and its powerful lo [...]
Irish Politician Attacks EU Commission Chief Over Gaza War; ‘Overriding Elected Govts’🎞
An Irish MEP has accused the EU Commission President of escalating the war in Gaza . Member of European Parliament, Clare Daly, called Ursula Von Der Leyen "Frau Genocide". Daly added Von Der Leyen was elevated to power without a single vote from citizens. This after Von Der Leyen has repeatedly voiced support for Israel amid the war against hamas. Watch this to know more. Best of: MEP Clare Da [...]
Jeffrey Sachs Interview – Huge Miscalculation🎞
Jeffrey Sachs is a well-known American economist, academic, and public policy analyst who has made significant contributions to the fields of sustainable development and economic development. He has held various prestigious positions throughout his career, including serving as the director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University and as a special advisor to the United Nations Secretary-Genera [...]
“The Worst Days in Gaza”
“The Worst Days in Gaza” — these are the words of an extraordinary testimony by Lara Elborno, Palestinian journalist, talking directly from Gaza – with video illustrations – showing in a 4-minute video clip a reality that most of the west ignores, or wants to ignore. [...]
US blocks Gaza peace proposal at UN for 3rd time, holding world hostage🎞
The US government has paralyzed the United Nations, voting against the rest of the world and preventing peace in Gaza by vetoing three different resolutions in the Security Council. Meanwhile, Washington continues giving weapons to Israel. Journalist Ben Norton explains the scandal.   [...]
The ‘Greater Israel’ Scheme and Its Global Power Play: A Delusional Recipe for Armageddon
In 1996, a nest of American-born imperialists revolving around Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Richard Perle created a new think tank called “The Project for a New American Century.” While the principled aim of the think tank ultimately hinged on a new “Pearl Harbor moment” that would justify a new era of regime-change wars in the Middle East, a secondary but equally imp [...]
The Western Order’s Downfall: Ray McGovern’s Eye-Opening Revelations🎞
In today's rapidly changing world, the once unshakable Western Order is on its last leg of dominance. For many years, the United States stood as the undisputed leader of the global order, but this era came at a cost for Europe. Now, a new chapter is unfolding before our eyes – the rise of the old powers of the East, led by China. As the East emerges from the shadows, the West finds itself facing [...]
Israel Lies Exposed Amidst Shifting Global Tide for Palestine. Soaring Death Rate
In less than two months, the soaring death rate in Gaza has now surpassed 15,000. The slaughter of Palestinians is recognized by UN experts as “genocidal incitement.” Israel nor the US never anticipated the global pushback against the Israeli carnage in Gaza. As of late, even the Mockingbird Mainstream Media outlets are turning against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s regime in it [...]
The End of America begins in the Middle East/Larry Johnson🎞
In this video we'll be talking with former CIA analyst Larry Johnson about challenges faced by the United States and the western world as the Middle East plunges into an abyss of turmoil. As chaos engulfs the Middle East, the United States finds itself entangled in a web of conflicts, struggling to maintain its balance amidst force-producing events. Lacking a comprehensive strategy to effectively [...]
Turkey’s Powerful Position on the Israel Palestine War Revealed!🎞
What does Turkey think about the Israel Palestine War? I recently traveled to Istanbul, Turkey and had the chance to met Birol Güger, the Managing Director of the Cumhuriyet, Turkey's oldest newspaper. I asked him about Israel and Palestine and the potential for a larger regional conflict in the Middle East. [...]
Turkey Sanction Israel With No More Oil! 🎞
In this video, we go deep into the Middle East's geopolitical landscape as we analyse Turkey's recent and crucial attempt to put sanctions on Israel and cut off its oil supplies. This decision, based on historical conflicts, is redefining regional dynamics and has global ramifications. This significant transformation is set in motion by the historical framework of Turkey-Israel ties. Their rela [...]
Scott Ritter: Israel has dug it’s own grave… They will not exist in 20 years!🎞
Scott Ritter issues a grave warning, suggesting that Israel, feeling the pressure in the Palestine conflict, may resort to extreme measures, including a nuclear threat. The title implies a heightened sense of urgency, urging viewers to explore Ritter's perspective on the potential consequences of Israel's actions in response to challenges in the region.       [...]
Russia & Saudi Arabia Warn US To Stop Israel In Gaza Now!🎞
In this video, we delve into the nuances of the continuing Gaza conflict, including fresh warnings from Saudi Arabia and Russia to the US regarding its support for Israel. This geopolitical conflict in the Middle East has captivated worldwide attention and prompted serious concerns about the role of major players such as the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Russia in the region. For decades, the G [...]
Ireland must refer Israel to the International Criminal Court now🎞
Israel must be held to account. No more excuses, it's time to say stop. Debate of a Sinn Féin will Dáil motion which calls on government to refer the brutal Israeli attacks in Gaza to the International Criminal Court for investigation. [...]
NATO Desperate For Zelensky’s Surrender? Gaza On Fire / Brian Berletic🎞
Brian Berletic joins me to discuss the latest disaster for NATO in Ukraine as the world watches Israel's massive escalation of war on Gaza.       [...]
Historical Analysis (1897-Present): Crimes Committed against the People of Palestine.
The Context of the Current Conflict The genesis of the current Israeli/Palestine conflict began in 1897 when the First Zionist Congress was held in Switzerland, establishing the World Zionist Movement. The Jews strove for their own homeland after suffering systemic anti-semitism and pogroms in Europe. The Zionists initially considered countries like Cyprus, Argentina, Uganda, and the State of Te [...]
How Colonialism Created Israel w/ Prof. Nazia Kazi🎞
In a historic event, on Monday the United Nations commemorated al-Nakba, which means “catastrophe,” and marked the beginning of the apartheid state of Israel and the massacre and displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes. Despite what Americans are taught, Israel was not created as a safe haven from oppression — in fact, the origin of Israel has anti-Arab, anti-S [...]
BREAKING! It’s starting, Israel begins Gaza ground invasion🎞
Israel began a preliminary ground invasion into Gaza using ground forces. Israeli forces said the raid was "part of preparations for the next stages of combat." Is a chemical weapon attack coming next? "We are watching ARMAGEDDON unfolding before our eyes" Col. Douglas MacGregor  Jeffrey Sachs Interview - A bogged-down Battle               [...]