
Russia’s ‘surprise & unexpected’ Syria withdrawal welcomed as signal of ‘true peace process’
Global political figures have welcomed the Russian military pullout from Syria, and while many have called the Kremlin’s decision “unexpected,” it is seen as clearing the way for dialogue while a truce in the five-year-old war is negotiated in Geneva. Acknowledging that five months of military campaigns have mostly succeeded in their primary objective of eliminating the immediate wider th [...]
Ukraine fire sale: 60% discount for state assets
Kiev has announced a massive discount on the sale of state assets which have failed to find foreign buyers. Ukraine’s State Property Fund says all of the assets have been put up for sale more than 10 times and have found no takers. As a result, 22 of 34 state assets are now being put up for sale at a 60 percent discount, nine with a discount of 50 percent, and three are up for auction at a re [...]
Polish Constitutional Reforms Blasted as Undermining Democracy
Controversial changes to the Polish Constitutional Tribunal brought in by the Law and Justice (PiS) party, following its election in October 2015, have been blasted as "crippling" and undermining the basic principles of democracy. A report by the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe — a separate body from the European Union founded in 1949 to protect democracy, human rights and the rule [...]
US Waging ‘Geopolitical Warfare’ Against China, Russia in Bolivia – Morales
The United States doesn't want to see Chinese and Russian companies operating in Bolivia, and has instructed Washington-supported opposition forces to try and stop them, says Bolivian President Evo Morales, citing the recent scandal around China's CAMC Engineering Co, which managed to unfairly [...]
Euro-Russian Mission to Mars ‘a Response to Foolish Political Sanctions’
The launch of the first joint ESA-Roscosmos mission to the Red Planet serves partly as a response to the "stupid political" anti-Russian sanctions, according to Alexey Novikov, spokesman for the Russian Federal Space Agency Roscosmos. In an interview with Sputnik, Alexey Novikov, spokesman for the Russian Federal Space Agency Roscosmos, described the launch of the first joint ESA-Roscosmos miss [...]
American ISIS fighter arrested in Iraq after ‘mistaking it for Turkish border’ – reports
An Islamic State fighter from the US was arrested in Iraq after emerging from territory controlled by the militant group in Syria, a local commander told Kurdish media. The man reportedly mistook the area for the Turkish border. A local commander told Kurdish news outlet Rudaw that the arrested man was 27-year-old Muhammad Jamal Amin, a Virginia-born US citizen of a Palestinian father and an Ir [...]
Communists ask Putin to slap sanctions on Hillary Clinton over Yaroshenko case
A group of Communist Party lawmakers is seeking to impose sanctions on US officials involved in the kidnapping and jailing of Russian pilot Konstantin Yaroshenko, proposing Hillary Clinton as the first candidate for the blacklist. In their letter, quoted by popular daily Izvestia on Monday, the MPs reminded that at the moment of Yaroshenko’s kidnapping, Hillary Clinton occupied the post of US [...]
‘Germany needs our party as new alternative’ – AfD chairwoman to RT
Following her party's success in the German regional elections, the chairwoman of the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party told RT that the results were “even better” than anticipated, and that AfD is needed in the country. Official election results proved significant success for AfD, which received enough votes to get into three state legislatures. [...]
Third Republic: Germany Enters a Dangerous New Political Era
Stability used to define Germany's political system. But the refugee crisis has fundamentally changed the country's party landscape. The rise of the fringe has eroded the traditional centers of power. Seven or eight months ago, Germany was a different country than it is today. [...]
Alone in Berlin: How Merkel Has Gambled Away Her EU Power
With her refugee policies, Chancellor Merkel has isolated Germany to a greater degree than any of her predecessors. The Balkan Route has been closed down against her will and many EU leaders believe her overtures to Turkey are delusional. There were times when interactions between the German [...]
Contrary to West’s Humpty-Dumpty Allusion Syria is ‘Coming Together Again’
Western media is ignoring what is really going on on the ground in Syria, presenting its own, largely distorted narrative, Canadian freelance journalist and rights activist Eva Bartlett notes. What lies beneath the attempts to hide the truth? For years US policy-makers have been repeating the mantra "Assad must go," turning a deaf ear to warnings that once Bashar al-Assad is toppled, [...]
At Least 27 People Killed After Major Explosion in Ankara
An explosion that hit the center of Ankara on Sunday killed at least 27 people, 75 injured. An explosion at a bus stop in Ankara caused at least 27 people killed and multiple wounded, according to reports. Some 27 people were killed and 75 injured in an explosion that struck the Turkish capital on Sunday evening, the office of the mayor of Ankara confirmed. [...]
Disinformation Warfare: US Officials Working to Keep Russia, Europe at Odds
NATO Supreme Allied Commander Philip Breedlove recently took US hawks' campaign of Russia-baiting up a notch, suggesting Russia and Syria have 'deliberately weaponized' refugees to 'break European resolve'. The remarks, and the mainstream media's ability to convey them with a straight face, are an indication of a broken system, experts suggest. [...]
A Matter of Life and Death: Why Ukraine Needs Russia Like Never Before
The economic survival of Ukraine depends not on Western bailouts but on the resumption of Russian investments. Until that happens, no one can predict a bright future for Ukraine, an American political analyst wrote. "In January Ukraine’s president, Petro Poroshenko, congratulated the country on surviving its first winter without buying Russian gas. [...]
‘Cooker bomb’: 4yo who mispronounced ‘cucumber’ threatened with counter-terrorism program
A four-year-old Asian boy who mispronounced “cucumber” as “cooker bomb” was recommended for a de-radicalisation programme by staff at a UK nursery, the boy’s family has said. According to the child’s mother, who has not been named, workers at the [...]
Zoom to Mars in 6 weeks with new Russian nuclear-fission engine
A nuclear power propulsion system could propel a spacecraft to Mars in just over a month, a huge step forward from the current 18 months required. Russia might test a nuclear engine as early as 2018, the head of the Rosatom nuclear corporation revealed. Another advantage of a nuclear engine is that it enables a spacecraft to maneuver throughout the flight, whereas existing technology only makes [...]
600+ tractors in downtown Helsinki as Finnish farmers decry anti-Russian sanctions
Hundreds of tractors disrupted traffic in the Finnish capital on Friday, when thousands of farmers arrived in Helsinki to protest the catastrophic situation in the agricultural sector and ongoing sanctions against Russia. [...]
Russia’s New Nuclear Engine to Enable Spacecrafts to Reach Mars in 45 Days
A nuclear engine currently being developed in Russia by the nuclear agency Rosatom and the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) will allow a spaceship to reach Mars in an unprecedentedly short period of just 1.5 months, Rosatom’s General Director Sergei Kirienko said Wednesday. [...]
Is This the End, My Friend? ‘EU Collapse Possible as Never Before’
The European Union is no longer able to tackle the economic and migrant crisis gripping the 28-nation bloc and is closer to collapse than it has ever been before, Neue Zürcher Zeitung wrote citing the European Central Bank’s former economist Jürgen Stark. “The risk of collapse is at its highest now… [...]
Ex CIA Official Names Factors Behind Crimea’s Reunification With Russia
It has now been two years since Crimea declared independence from Ukraine, with a referendum on joining Russia approved by 96% of voters. Ex-CIA official Ray McGovern told Radio Sputnik’s Brian Becker that the reunification was predetermined, taking into account Russia’s history, events in [...]
‘Extremely critical’: Austria slams ‘breakthrough’ EU-Turkey refugee deal
Austria’s interior minister signaled its opposition towards a mooted but not yet finalized EU-Turkey refugee deal. The minister says she is “extremely critical” of the agreement, citing the situation with freedom of speech in Turkey. "I am extremely critical. I am seriously wondering whether we are taking ourselves and our values seriously or if we are throwing them overboard," Johanna Mi [...]
‘Evil Joke’: Iran Told to Pay $10.5 Billion to 9/11 Kin, Insurers
Iran was ordered by a New York City judge to pay more than $10.5 billion in damages to the families of those killed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Bloomberg reported. US District Judge George Daniels ruled on Wednesday that Tehran must pay $7.5 billion to the families of people who died at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. [...]