
Kissinger’s Possible Role in US-Russia Normalization is ‘Great News for Moscow’
In late-December, the German newspaper Bild reported that former United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger would be involved in normalizing ties between Moscow and Washington. The analysis of information, obtained by European intelligence from President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team and cited by Bild, revealed that the White House would go for a "constructive cooperation" with the [...]
‘Most Damaging and Embarrassing Answer We Could Receive,’ – Putin Shocks Experts
Russian President Vladimir Putin has responded to the outgoing US administration’s efforts to provoke conflict through new sanctions in what some are calling the “most embarrassing” way possible for US President Barack Obama. [...]
Aleppo’s Liberation ‘Delivers a Heavy Blow to US and its Allies’
The liberation of Aleppo by the Syrian Army delivers a "heavy blow" to all terrorist groups which have been fighting in the country for over four years, according to Argentine journalist Leandro Albani. Leandro has worked as a reporter in the Middle East for the magazine Sudestada and websites such as Resumen Latinoamericano and [...]
Either Europe changes the rules, or we lose the EU – Norbert Hofer
[Elite_video_player id="11"]   Although Austria’s right-wing presidential candidate was defeated in a close election, his success has sent ripples of panic across the EU. As anti-establishment politicians gain momentum across the bloc, many predict a political storm gathering in Europe. With the victory of Donald Trump in America’s presidential election emboldening right-wing pol [...]
EU-Ukraine association deal won’t make Kiev candidate member – EU Council
The European Union-Ukraine association deal does not automatically make Kiev a candidate for the bloc and does not include such a “commitment” for the future, the EU Council has stated. The decision was listed in the Council’s conclusion on Ukraine, following a meeting of EU leaders on Thursday in Brussels. [...]
‘As if she was Mother Teresa herself’: Russia’s Churkin snubs US Power’s speech at UNSC
Russia’s UN envoy Vitaly Churkin hit back at his US counterpart, Samantha Power, at a UN Security Council meeting, saying that she was not Mother Teresa and represents a country with a long record of violations. Power and Churkin both spoke at a UN Security Council meeting on Aleppo in New York City on Monday. [...]
Obama blames Russia for hacking, says response won’t be public
US President Barack Obama said Russia "in fact" had "hacked into the DNC," but that the actual voting process was not compromised. The White House was just trying to "let people know" what was going on, and the media interpreted the reasons, he said. [...]
Putin, Abe agree on joint Russia-Japan activities on Kuril Islands
Vladimir Putin and Japanese PM Shinzo Abe have worked out a statement on the prospects of joint Russian-Japanese economic activities in the South Kuril Islands as the Russian leader arrived in Japan for what’s seen as a breakthrough visit. [...]
German MoD Ex Official: NATO Stance on Russia ‘Same Policy Hitler Carried Out’
Angela Merkel's CDU party is working on a policy paper that advocates a tougher stance towards Russia. Commenting on the issue, former State Secretary of the German Ministry of Defense Willy Wimmer told Sputnik that Merkel's politics have completely moved away from the foundations that it had in the past. [...]
Coincidence? German Stats Show Surge in Sex Crime Rate Around Refugee Centers
A group of German activists have carried out a study which found that rates of sexual offenses increase significantly in the vicinity of asylum reception centers, Germany's Journalistenwatch news portal reported. [...]
Leaked Memos Show George Soros Plotted to Oust Putin, Destabilize Russia
The Hungarian billionaire appeared to have a fascination with not just fostering but creating anti-Putin opposition forces inside of Russia in a bid to destabilize the country. The recent DC Leaks document dump of over 2,500 documents from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations illustrates a disturbing trend by the billionaire of using his wealth and influence to sow chaos across the world in a [...]
Merkel ‘Has No Qualms About Squandering Germany’s Political Legacy’
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has squandered the inheritance of the old Federal Republic, German political scientist Jurgen Dittberner writes, referring to Merkel's inconsistent domestic policies and the deterioration of Russo-German relations. In the period from 1945 to 1990 it seemed that Germany could become a country that had learned a lesson from its previous arrogance and militarism, ab [...]
When Putin Bailed Out Obama
As pressure again builds on President Obama to attack Syria and press a new Cold War with Russia, the extraordinary events of three years ago after a sarin attack near Damascus are worth revisiting, says ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern. Three years ago, when a reluctant President Barack Obama was about to launch an attack on Syria, supposedly in retaliation for President Bashar al-Assad crossing a [...]
US Arms Makers Invest in a New Cold War
Behind the U.S. media-political clamor for a new Cold War with Russia is a massive investment by the Military-Industrial Complex in “think tanks” and other propaganda outlets, writes Jonathan Marshall. The U.S. military has won only a single major war since the end of World War II (the Gulf War of 1990-91). But U.S. military contractors continue to win major budget wars in Congress nearly e [...]
Brazil Coup Government Wins Gold for ‘Total Destruction’ of Social Security
As the 2016 Olympic Games kicks off in Rio, Radio Sputnik discusses with Dr. Francisco Rodriguez, the head of Middlesex University's Centre for Brazilian and Latin American Studies, developments in the ongoing coup against suspended Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. Talking about the roots of the ongoing impeachment process with Loud & Clear, Rodriguez suggested that it is a result of politi [...]
The Two Things China Really Wants in Syria
Earlier this month, Chinese Admiral Guan Youfei visited Syria. Few details were made available on the specifics of Beijing's cooperation agreement with the Syrian military, but the pact itself represents a landmark shift both in the military sense and from the perspective of international geopolitics, says French political analyst Thierry Meyssan. [...]
America Death By China – Full Documentary
From best-selling author and filmmaker, Peter Navarro, comes DEATH BY CHINA, a documentary feature that pointedly confronts the most urgent problem facing America today – its increasingly destructive economic trade relationship with a rapidly rising China. Since China began flooding U.S. markets with illegally subsidized products in 2001, over 50,000 American factories have disappeared, more [...]
Austrian far-right Hofer wants to suspend naturalization of Turks, says ‘Auxit’ still possible
Far-right Austrian Freedom Party (FPO) presidential candidate Norbert Hofer has called for a ban on naturalization of Turkish residents in Austria until dual citizenship issues are resolved and said that his country could still leave the EU if Turkey joins the bloc. [...]
EU Lies to Moscow: Official Reveals Sanctions Not Related to Ukraine Peace Deal
Jan Tombinski, the European Union's outgoing ambassador to Ukraine, has revealed that the EU's sanctions against Russia are not really connected to the Minsk agreements on peace in eastern Ukraine, but on 'Russian aggression' against Kiev. Accordingly, the diplomat implied that anti-Russian sanctions may be extended indefinitely.   [...]
Putin now more popular than Merkel in Czech Republic – German media
Vladimir Putin’s popularity in the Czech Republic has surged and could now be higher than that of Angela Merkel, who has seen steadily falling ratings, German mass media report, referring to data from recent opinion polls. Die Welt newspaper reported that just a year ago more than 70 percent of Czechs said they trusted the German chancellor. [...]
Russia is trying to reestablish its global status, and the West doesn’t want this to happen
Interview with Vadim Trukhachev, Senior Lecturer, Department of International Relations and Foreign Area Studies, Russian State University for the Humanities. Rethinking Russia: What are some of the reasons you would give for the political tensions between Russia and Western Europe and the USA? [...]
Ukraine’s representative in Minsk group recognizes Crimea as part of Russia
Viktor Medvedchuk, Representative of Ukraine in the Minsk contact group, claimed that the Crimea is part of Russia and it will not return under control of the Kiev authorities. Medvedchuk explained during his interview with the Radio Liberty, that de facto ‘it [Crimea] belongs to Russia. Do not expect that the peninsula will be returned to Ukraine’. He also pointed out that the Kiev authoritie [...]