Health Risk

5 Shocking Facts About Aspartame – Global Healing Center
Did you know aspartame is made from the poop of GMO bacteria and it turns into poison inside your body? What else might you discover about aspartame? Aspartame is a nasty chemical that’s sold as a zero-calorie healthy sweetener. But did you know that it’s technically not calorie-free? Not a lot, only about 4 calories per gram. [...]
US Death Rates Increase from Fukishima Fallout
Dr. John Apsley reported on increased deaths in North America that he believes are associated with the Fukushima catastrophe, and the leaking of radiation. There was a spike in infant mortality rates within the first 10 weeks of the catastrophe in cities across the US, and the radiation contamination likely came through rainfall, he said, adding that infants were particularly susceptible because o [...]
Nuclear Iodine: Doctor Reveals Fukushima Intel
In a special overdrive segment, Alex takes an in-depth look at the way our bodies react to radioactive fallout from the Fukushima meltdown with Dr. Edward Group, an expert in heavy metal detox and other detox protocols and creator of >>>Click Here for Larger Pop-Up Player<<< /* */   Anthony Gucciardi is the Foun [...]