
‘Germany needs our party as new alternative’ – AfD chairwoman to RT
Following her party's success in the German regional elections, the chairwoman of the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party told RT that the results were “even better” than anticipated, and that AfD is needed in the country. Official election results proved significant success for AfD, which received enough votes to get into three state legislatures. [...]
Major misfire: Clinton ‘forgets’ Sanders’ prominent support for healthcare reform (VIDEO)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton suffered an interesting memory lapse when slating her opponent’s track record on healthcare reform at a political event Saturday. Speaking at a rally in St. Louis, Missouri, Clinton was addressing the issue of “standing up” against “powerful forces” to reform US healthcare when she questioned Sanders’ past efforts in this area. [...]
The Donald Can Happen Here: Trumpenstein’s Neo-Weimar Creators
Now that Trump is under attack from a fair part of the Republican establishment, it is worth remembering that much of Trump’s noxious shtick is consistent with the longstanding GOP playbook. What are we to make of the arch-authoritarian, white-nationalist Donald Trump phenomenon? [...]
Republican pres candidates: Ground war with ISIS now!
The four remaining Republican presidential candidates clamored during their latest debate to be considered most likely to begin another massive ground war in the Middle East, this time in pursuit of an end to jihadist group Islamic State. On Thursday night, during their 12th presidential debate, GOP candidates Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and John Kasich [...]
Greed is not good: Real-life Gordon Gekko backs Sanders for ‘velocity of money’ stance
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, fresh from his upset win in Michigan, received an unexpected endorsement from a real-life symbol of Wall Street greed. Asher Edelman, who inspired the Gordon “greed is good” Gekko character in Oliver Stone’s Wall Street films, was asked who he supported for president on CNBC’s Fast Money program. [...]
‘Sanders’ Michigan win – Biggest upset since 80s’
Bernie Sanders’ triumph in Michigan is a huge unexpected victory as pundits predicted Hilary Clinton would defeat the ‘socialist’, investigative journalist Max Blumenthal told RT. Bernie Sanders won in Michigan despite projections it would be an easy win for Clinton. How significant is this state in the race? [...]
Clinton Stalls on Goldman Sachs Speeches
Hillary Clinton has judged that she can wait out public calls for her to release the transcripts of speeches to Goldman Sachs, which earned her $675,000 in 2013, since she expects to soon wrap up the Democratic presidential nomination, as Chelsea Gilmour describes. One of Bernie Sander’s standard attack lines against Hillary Clinton has been to call attention to the hundreds of thousands of d [...]
Hillary Might Break the Glass Ceiling If She Wins, but She Won’t Put a Dent in the Military-Industrial Complex
In the lead-up to International Women's Day on March 8th, we present an excerpt from False Choices: The Faux Feminism of Hillary Clinton. In March 2003, just before the US invasion of Iraq, about one hundred CODEPINK women dressed in pink slips weaved [...]
Foreign diplomats voicing alarm to U.S. officials about Trump
Foreign diplomats are expressing alarm to U.S. government officials about what they say are inflammatory and insulting public statements by Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, according to senior U.S. officials. Officials from Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and Asia [...]
Neocons Panic That Trump Presidency Would Mark End to Their New World Order
As eccentric billionaire Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump continues to rack up primary victories, the party's establishment is beginning to wonder whether the political outsider can be stopped. Alarmed, neoconservative pundit Anne Applebaum goes so far as to suggest that a Trump presidency would mark "the end of the West as we know it." [...]
Success of Trump and Clinton Depends on US Public’s Hunger for Fresh Faces
Republican front runner Donald Trump is 'repetitive' and a lot could happen over the next two weeks to change the course of the US presidential nominations, Dr. Robert Guttman, Director of the George Mason University’s School of Policy, Government and International Affairs, told Sputnik.ure of the world with a truly diverse range of views, Sputnik tells the untold. [...]
‘Clinton Wants to Lecture Russia; Trump Just Wants to Do Business’
As the race for the White House heats up, Russian observers have noticed something different this cycle: that one of the race's leading contenders isn't anti-Russian, for a change. Political analyst Gevorg Mirzayan takes a closer look at candidates Clinton, Sanders and Trump, trying to fathom their positions on Russia.   [...]
Who Is The Real Ted Cruz?
Vladimir Lenin said, “There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel.” I can’t think of a better description of Ted Cruz’s relationship with the DC-Wall Street Establishment – Cruz being the scoundrel of course. Cruz’s claim of not being a tool of the political elite is like Bill Clinton telling the world, [...]
Trump is America with its mask removed
The consensus among US political analysts is that Trump is an aberration, a candidate who stands in contradiction to the high morals and ideas associated not with only the White House but also the US itself. They couldn’t be more wrong if they tried. In truth, Trump represents not the idea but the reality of America, the ugly reality of a country and society with its mask removed. [...]
Merkel deputy slams Donald Trump as ‘threat to peace’
German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel has attacked Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump saying he poses “a threat to peace” as well as “economic development.” In February, Trump criticized Chancellor Angela Merkel for her refugee policy. The German vice chancellor took aim at Trump and also right-wing politicians in Europe, saying they were all a threat to “social cohesion. [...]
Party Loyalty in an Election Year Gone Mad
Loyalty to political parties that stand for something, or that stood for something once upon a time, something worth caring about, would be understandable. But Democrats and Republicans stand for nothing except getting in each other’s way. If they ever stood for anything loftier than that, no one still living remembers. [...]
Trump’ s hostile takeover [CrossTalk VIDEO]
American presidential election politics is a cross between a talent show and a beauty contest. Being smart and coherent does not necessarily pay dividends. Case in point: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Both are front-runners of their parties. Trump is idiosyncratic and raw; Clinton the ultimate establishment insider. Is this a choice, or merely bad theater? CrossTalking with Brandon Andr [...]
Trump wants ‘American-first’ version of European nationalism and therein lies the rub
Donald Trump represents a challenge to the US status quo, he doesn’t want the US to be the ‘world’s policeman’ and democratize the world through bombing raids, says Richard Spencer from Radix Journal. Mitt Romney devoted his recent speech to bashing Donald Trump.  What does that tell us about Donald Trump's current standing in the presidential race? [...]
Americans ‘totally disillusioned’ with US politics as usual
Americans are tired of national mainstream politics with all the hopes and expectations the US middle class and youth entrusted to the first black US president. Now they are 'totally disillusioned,' political expert Leonid Dobrokhotov told RT. Americans have been taught that when they go the ballot box they decide the fate of their country and even the entire world, said the Russian historian, [...]