
TN Student Speaks Out About Common Core, Teacher Evaluations, and Educational Data
Ethan Young, a high school student, clearly explains what we have forgotten about education. Recorded at the Knox County School Board Regular Meeting November 6, 2013 Share this video and spread the message: we will not accept these issues with education. Share this video and spread the message: we will not accept these issues with education.   Full video available here: http://kc [...]
The Marijuana Conspiracy – The Real Reason Hemp is Illegal
MARIJUANA is DANGEROUS. Pot is NOT harmful to the human body or mind. Marijuana does NOT pose a threat to the general public. Marijuana is very much a danger to the oil companies, alcohol, tobacco industries and a large number of chemical corporations. Various big businesses, with plenty of dollars and influence, have suppressed the truth from the people. [...]
The Assassination of J. F. K 🎞
The mortal shooting of John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, as he rode in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. His accused killer was Lee Harvey Oswald, a former U.S. Marine who had embraced Marxism and defected for a time to the Soviet Union. Oswald never stood trial for murder, because, while being transferred after having been taken into custody, he was shot [...]
Brain drain: Funding and industry leave America, followed by top minds
The US government spending crisis has caused visible pain for research and innovation in America. Already this year, billions of dollars in federal cuts due to sequestration has affected federal grants for scientific research. But this problem is only the tip of a much bigger problem facing the redundant superpower. [...]
Finding Happiness Outside of Material Consumption
Abby Martin takes a look at humanity's dependence on technology, the toxic ideal of consumption equating to happiness, and highlighting the need to reflect on the dilemma of conscious simplicity. [...]
And The Question Still Remains Valid Today: What Has America Become? by Ken Huber
"What Has America Become" was the title of a letter to the editor written by Ken Huber of Tawas City, Michigan. It contains a series of comparisons and contrasts which causes one to think about the double-standards and conditions under which we now live here in America. Sadly America is in decline. [...]
Christopher Columbus: Celebrating a Genocidal Sociopath
Abby Martin breaks through the bogus history taught in American schools regarding Christopher Columbus. [...]
Why Being Bilingual Can Actually Make You Smarter
What if you were told there was a way you may avoid dementia, strengthen your cognitive skills, and heighten your intelligence, and all you had to do was learn to strike up basic conversaions in another language? It probably sounds great, because if you’re like most you would love to be able to speak a second language. [...]
What Happened to the Branch Davidians After Waco?
The Branch Davidians fell from public view after the disastrous raid of their compound, but they maintained a presence in Waco, Texas—and around the world. In April 1993, some 75 members of the millennial sect known as the Branch Davidians—including their messianic leader, David Koresh—perished in the blaze that destroyed their compound near Waco, Texas, after a 51-day siege by federal ag [...]
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