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Joe Biden Tariffs Against China Just Backfired on the US Economy!
Joe Biden has just passed numerous tariffs against China. But these tariffs will not help America close the manufacturing gap with China, nor will it stop China's rise. The real loser in this entire trade war is the American consumer, who will pay more for the products they need. In today's video we break down the new tariffs against China, the myth of overcapacity and how the US is facing an inco [...]
Putin sends Russian warships, nuclear submarine to Cuba. What happens next?
Russian warships, a nuclear submarine, are sailing towards Cuba. This comes days after Putin warned NATO that he would supply weapons to countries where they can be used to strike the West. Is Putin backing his threat with real action? As West Ignores Putin's Threat, Russian Navy Heads To USA's Backyard? Watch What Moscow's Planning Here's how Putin will respond to a NATO attack | Redacted w [...]
Douglas Macgregor Exposes: NATO’s Secret Role in Escalating the Ukraine Crisis!
Explore the hidden depths of the Russia-Ukraine conflict through the expert analysis of Douglas Macgregor, a former U.S. military officer and renowned strategist. This gripping series delves into the strategic maneuvers, geopolitical implications, and the often obscured roles of NATO and the U.S. in escalating the crisis. Macgregor unveils shocking truths and makes bold predictions about the futur [...]
NATO issues ULTIMATUM: Putin, remove that weapon NOW or face the CONSEQUENCES
Imagine a missile so fast it practically becomes invisible to radar. A missile that can change the course of a war in seconds. This is the Zircon, the Russian hypersonic missile causing concern around the world. But why is NATO so alarmed by it? And how could it impact the war in Ukraine? In this video, we explore the development of the Zircon missile, from the early 2000s to the most recent tests [...]
BOMBSHELL Report Details How The Israel Lobby CONTROLS The U.S. Congress | Redacted News
The New York Times is out with a bombshell story confirming that Israel is secretly targeting US members of congress with influence campaigns. Congressman Thomas Massie was the most recent target. Five things to know about AIPAC, the powerful pro-Israeli lobby in the US "Propaganda Machine": NY Congress member Jamaal Bowman on AIPAC's $25 Million Campaign to Unseat Him The US-Israel relat [...]
You Won’t Believe What US Government is Doing in Gaza Now!
Will Netanyahu be arrested for war crimes? This is a major concern of the Israeli government, but no matter what happens, the US government will step in and support Israel. In today's video, we break down the secret plan of the US government to save Netanyahu and Israel no matter what happens!  Israel is Destroying America (But Not How You Think) [...]
Turkey Leaves NATO After They Do Nothing To Israel For Latest Attacks On Rafah!
n this video, we look at the huge geopolitical upheaval as Turkey withdraws from NATO due to the organization's perceived passivity in response to Israel's new strikes on Rafah. This decision represents a watershed event in international affairs, calling into question NATO's future and the Middle East's power balance. Jeffrey Sachs: ENDGAME for Ukraine, Israel as Zelensky's Exit, Netanyahu's De [...]
Scott Ritter Warning: The Real Risk of Nuclear Escalation with Russia!
Join us for an eye-opening series with Scott Ritter, a former UN weapons inspector and military strategist, as he delves into the undercurrents shaping today’s global conflicts. In this series, Ritter brings his unique perspective to controversial and often misunderstood aspects of military strategies and global politics. From exposing secret Pentagon strategies and the real impacts of NATO's e [...]
BRAVE German MP Destroys NATO Lies Publicly! | Sevim Dagdelen
In her latest book, Sevim Dagdelen, a member of the Bundestag (German Parliament) not only dispels the myths of NATO but also explains why Germany needs more "courage for neutrality" to resist Washington's dictates and pursue an independent foreign policy that is focused on Germany's welfare. The war in Ukraine must be ended as quickly as possible through negotiations, not prolonged with more weap [...]
Douglas Macgregor: The West’s DECLINE Is Inevitable! Ukraine Is DEVASTATED After Too Many MISTAKES
Best comment by @bundeswehr1131! Zelensky didn't try to prevent the conflict through diplomacy because he lacks honor and integrity. In 2014 there was a coup. Soon after, there was a massacre in Odessa (dozens of people were burned alive). Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine were treated as subhuman. Their language and culture was being oppressed. A civil war broke out due to the rise in ethnic ten [...]
EU To Arrest Netanyahu? Allies France, Germany Shock Biden; Back ICC After Warrant Bid
European nations, including France, Belgium, & EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell have expressed support for the International Criminal Court's (ICC) decision to seek arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders. France's Foreign Minister reiterated the country's commitment to humanitarian law and Belgium described the ICC's move as an important step in investigating crimes in Palestine. A [...]
Jeffrey Sachs Interview – The Urgent Need for Peace
Jeffrey Sachs is a well-known American economist, academic, and public policy analyst who has made significant contributions to the fields of sustainable development and economic development. He has held various prestigious positions throughout his career, including serving as the director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University and as a special advisor to the United Nations Secretary-Genera [...]
US is Militarizing Itself to Death, While China Emphasizes Cooperation.
Referencing the recent Xi-Biden meeting, Jan Oberg argues that the US exaggerates the threat of China in order to justify its military buildup and maintain global dominance, instead of accepting a multipolar world. He explains that the US Military-Industrial-Media-Academic Complex propagates this Cold War agenda, portraying China as a threat which allows the US to cling to the outdated belief that [...]
Israel is Destroying America (But Not How You Think)
With campus protests erupting at universities throughout the US and the world, we are reaching a tipping point as the American people can no longer support Israel's war in Gaza. In reality, Israel is destroying America with this war, let's break it down. Why so many young Jews are turning on Israel | Simone Zimmerman | The Big Picture New Film Examines American Jews’ Growing Rejection of I [...]
Israel Just Announced They Attacked The Helicopter Of Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi Who Died!
In this video, we look at Israel's bombshell disclosure about its suspected role in a helicopter crash that killed Iran's President, Ebrahim Raisi. The helicopter accident has caused ripples in international politics, with Israel claiming responsibility for the attack. The event, which apparently featured an Israeli agent as the pilot, represents a dramatic escalation in Israel's already strained [...]
Putin inaugurated for fifth term as Russian president
Vladimir Putin’s fifth term as president of Russia has begun, following his inauguration in Moscow on Tuesday. The ceremony was held at the Grand Kremlin Palace, after the 71-year-old leader took a short car ride to the location from his workplace. The current protocol was first used in 1996, when Boris Yeltsin assumed his second term in office. [...]
COVID Pandemic Was a Fraud, a Lie, a Hoax! There Was Never Ever a Pandemic, Never Met the Threshold of a Pandemic and We Were Lied To Deliberately for Nefarious Reasons by Governments
COVID was a fraud PCR created pandemic. A fraud! A lie! Greatest hoax in history on peoples. Populations. I can say it no other way. We were detecting a pathogen that was always circulating, it was not ‘new’, not ‘novel’, our immune systems dealt with this prior in some manner. Driven by a PCR test or process that was overly sensitive and whereby the vast majority of those taken out of sc [...]
Breaking! 97 Countries Coming To Attend BRICS 2024 In Russia!
A total of 97 countries have confirmed their presence in the BRICS 2024 Games in June this month. The event will be hosted by Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kazan region between June 12 to 24. “97 countries had already confirmed their participation,” said Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko. The minister added that the BRICS 2024 Games are an integral part of the development [...]
Ukraine Crisis Today: Democracy caught on camera (this will never be shown on mainstream media)
[Exclusive footage] Rebirth of Fascism. U.S. warmongers along with EU/NATO politicians have installed (through violent, artificial revolution) a pro-fascist government in Ukraine and are now trying to start a civil war within the country. Ukraine Crisis - What You're Not Being Told Ukraine Crisis. Democracy Caught On Camera! This will not be shown on mainstream media and is PASSWORD [...]