
US the biggest threat to world peace in 2013 €“ poll
The US has been voted as the most significant threat to world peace in a survey across 68 different countries. Anti-American sentiment was not only recorded in antagonistic countries, but also in many allied NATO partners like Turkey and Greece. [...]
Not Socially Acceptable: NSA boss video “most hated”€™ on YouTube in 2013?
A YouTube video in which NSA boss Keith Alexander tries "€œto set the record straight"€ on the agency's spying antics has nosedived. The half-hour interview triggered a wave of criticism from users, branding it the "€œmost hated"€ video on YouTube. [...]
“€˜I already won”€™: Snowden is helping the NSA though it brands him a traitor
Edward Snowden has said he feels satisfied and a winner despite the espionage charges confronting him. Denying claims he is a traitor, Snowden said he is working to improve the NSA, something that US spy chiefs do not realize. [...]
NSA review group member wants to expand data collection program
A review group hand-picked by United States President Barack Obama said last week that the National Security Agency needs to reform dozens of the ways it does business. One member of that panel, however, says the NSA doesn’t do enough. [...]
€˜”It’€™s a crime what’€™s happening at Fukushima”
It is beyond tragic that people resettling near Fukushima have to figure out how bad the contamination there is, with Japan's government allowing it to happen, Kevin Kamps, a nuclear waste specialist from the Beyond Nuclear organization, told RT. [...]
Clapper reveals Bush-era docs showing NSA spying dragnet started 2001
Obama'€™s Director for National Intelligence, James Clapper, has declassified new documents that reveal how the NSA was first given the green light to start collecting bulk communication data in the hunt for Al-Qaeda terrorists after 9/11. [...]
DNA samples taken at police checkpoint “€˜gross abuse of power,” say PA drivers
A Pennsylvania community is asking questions after a government contractor, with help from the local police, pulled drivers off the road and into a parking lot to ask about their driving and 'most notably'€“ pressure them into providing a DNA sample. [...]
“We cannot trust them anymore”€™: Engineers abandon encryption chips after Snowden leaks
The developers of the FreeBSD operating system say they no longer trust computer processor chips manufactured by two of the top tech companies,€” and cite National Security Agency secrets spilled by former contractor Edward Snowden as the reason why. [...]
NSA uses advertisers’ cookies to track specific web browsers – report
The US National Security Agency has quietly subverted the tools used by online advertising companies in order to track surveillance targets and improve its monitoring ability, according to a report based on documents obtained by Edward Snowden. [...]
US deploys newest surveillance aircraft to Japan amid tensions with China
As tensions mount over China'€™s declaration of a new air defense zone, the United States Navy has deployed next-generation surveillance aircraft to Japan. [...]
“Revolution!”Thousands pour in for pro-EU rally in Ukraine, storm govt buildings
Thousands of demonstrators chanting "€˜Revolution!"€™ have flocked into 'Maidan' square in Kiev despite a court-imposed ban on rallies. The protesters have reportedly taken several government buildings. [...]
Canadian denied entry to the US after agent cites private medical records
A wheelchair-bound Canadian woman was denied entry to the United States this week because she was previously diagnosed with clinical depression. Now she wants to know why the US Department of Homeland Security had her medical history on file. [...]
Cyber Command and NSA breakup looming over Snowden leaks – report
The fallout over the Snowden affair hits "critical stage" as Washington continues the push to separate Cyber Command, which oversees cyberspace operations, from the National Security Agency. [...]
Bob Woodward questions Washington Post colleagues’€™ handling of Snowden affair
Four decades after his reporting on the Watergate scandal reshaped investigative journalism, Bob Woodward of the Washington Post told Larry King this week that he’d have handled Edward Snowden’s NSA scoop differently than those who first covered it. Speaking to King for an episode of Politicking that aired Thursday evening on RT, Woodward said he would have preferred it if the source res [...]
NSA broke its own rules in “virtually every” record, declassified documents show
The National Security Agency systematically broke its own rules and collected information it wasn't supposed to, according to 1,000 pages of highly redacted classified files released for the first time by the Obama administration. [...]
Despite repeated warnings, US “€˜subsidizing”€™ Afghan companies with ties to terrorism – report
American taxpayers have unwittingly paid more than $150 million to companies throughout the Middle East that are known to have helped finance terrorist attacks on US soldiers stationed in Afghanistan, according to a new internal US government report. [...]
AT&T gets paid millions by the CIA to give up user data
The second-largest telecom country in the United States has been on the Central Intelligence Agency’s payroll to the tune of $10 million a year in exchange for voluntarily handing over troves of phone logs, the New York Times reported Thursday. Citing federal officials with knowledge of the program, The Times’ Charlie Savage [...]
“Damage Accumulating”€™ after US Loses Trust Over Spying Activities
The White House is at a loss as it not only depended on espionage in formulating its policies, but also nobody can trust its word anymore, former US Senate foreign policy analyst James Petras told RT. The latest news on monitoring of phone calls in France, and probably German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s own cellphone, brought anger from the French and German governments this week. [...]
FIRST VIDEO: Snowden receives Sam Adams Award in Moscow
The first videos of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden have surfaced since he received asylum in Russia. The footage, provided by WikiLeaks, was taken during the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence awards ceremony. [...]