
“Putin is preparing a MASSIVE invasion to end this war” Col. Douglas MacGregor | Redacted News
Russia is warning today that Ukraine is about to launch a massive false flag operation... where they would strike children's hospitals using Russian weapons in order to rally support from the west... Jeffrey Sachs Interviews - The Thing They call Victory. UK wants US directly involved in UKRAINE CONFLICT Russia Thwarts Ukraine's Fiery 54 Drone Blitz? Putin's Men March On As Zelenskyy's C [...]
Scott Ritter: Russia is DESTROYING Ukraine’s Army and NATO Won’t Survive Putin’s Next Move
Vladimir Putin's latest move has Ukraine, and NATO, scrambling. US Marine Corps Intelligence officer and UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter breaks down just how Putin has been able to outmaneuver NATO and what it means for the future of Russia. Tucker Carlson JUST Leaked The Final US Government Secret That No One Was Supposed To Know Scott Ritter Warns: US Joins War After Russia DESTROYED A S [...]
Putin inaugurated for fifth term as Russian president
Vladimir Putin’s fifth term as president of Russia has begun, following his inauguration in Moscow on Tuesday. The ceremony was held at the Grand Kremlin Palace, after the 71-year-old leader took a short car ride to the location from his workplace. The current protocol was first used in 1996, when Boris Yeltsin assumed his second term in office. [...]
Kremlin says NATO expansion in Ukraine is a “red line” for Putin
MOSCOW, Sept 27 (Reuters) - The Kremlin warned on Monday that any expansion of NATO military infrastructure in Ukraine would cross one of President Vladimir Putin's "red lines", and Belarus said it had agreed to take action with Moscow to counter growing NATO activity. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, a close Moscow ally, accused the United States of setting up training centers in Ukrai [...]
‘We prefer Putin’s approach’: How Russian leader’s iconic phrase went viral after Paris attacks
In the wake of Friday’s Paris attacks, French social media users have been posting and reposting a catchphrase by Vladimir Putin, who famously called for terrorists to be “wasted… in the outhouse.” Some say they like this approach better than Hollande's “non-action” calls. [...]
Can Putin Stop the NWO
Alex Jones talks about Russian president Vladimir Putin and how despite his numerous faults, Putin does want what is best for his country and is doing what he can to prevent the destruction of Russia. Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Can Putin stop the New World Order? About America, the most honest 3 minutes of tel [...]
Putin wants to ax dollar from Russian trade
Russian President Vladimir Putin blasted the government for turning a blind eye on US dollar payments in the domestic oil trade. "I would like to mention one crucial issue in the development of the energy industry, and the economy as a whole. It is a question of finally stopping the use of foreign currency in internal trade,” said Putin at the fuel and energy presidential commission on Tuesda [...]
Putin: “Not important how I’m called, only what I do for my country”
It is important what you do for your country, not the names you are being called, Russian President Vladimir Putin told CBS’s ‘60 Minutes,’ saying that the nickname ‘tsar’ does not fit him. Charlie Rose sat down with Putin to discuss, among other issues, how the world views the Russian leader. CBS has published a preview of the interview. [...]
Putin goes to Crimea – but where’s the Western outrage?
It's almost eighteen months since the people of Crimea voted overwhelmingly in a democratic referendum to join the Russian Federation. President Putin visited Crimea, an event that was greeted with an unexpected Western media reaction. Think back to March 2014, when the Crimean referendum took place. [...]
Despite NATO propaganda, Russia not planning to invade Baltic States
The latest US narrative on Russia is straight from the plot of a Hollywood fantasy: US superheroes versus a Russian villain. Sadly for the Baltic States, they are being used by Uncle Sam as bait. Here's a starter for ten question: Russia’s reunification with Crimea last year was prompted by which of the following… [...]
Putin’s approval rating hits historic high at 89 percent
Russian independent pollster, the Levada Center, says the share of Russians who are happy with Vladimir Putin's work as president has reached 89 percent, which is his highest-ever approval rating. The poll was conducted over the period June 19-22, with the Levada Center releasing its results on Wednesday. [...]
“West’s foreign policy leaders – intellectual dwarfs compared to Cold War”
Western leaders seem not to have a clue about conflict resolution and confidence building and their mentality will sooner or later lead to war, says Jan Oberg director of the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research. Poland is on its way to hosting NATO heavy weapons. Warsaw has confirmed it expects ongoing talks to come to an agreement. [...]
“Why Putin’s meeting with the Pope ruffled the West”
Vladimir Putin and Pope Francis are popular figures who impact people's thoughts, and their meeting in the Vatican represented a reunification of Western and Eastern worlds, Ukrainian journalist Halyna Mokrushyna told RT's In the Now. Why did the US ambassador to the Holy See Kenneth Hackett call on the Vatican for a tougher stance on Russia ahead of Vladimir Putin’s meeting with Pope Francis [...]
Japan: Putin,s visit to Tokyo may settle Kuril Islands dispute
Tokyo has signaled it would like Vladimir Putin to finally resolve a territorial dispute and sign a peace treaty 70 years after the end of World War II. The Kremlin said it would welcome dialogue. Moscow is willing to restart peaceful dialogue with Tokyo to finally sign a WWII peace treaty, but Russian FM Sergey Lavrov said that claiming sovereignty over Kuril Islands makes Japan the only count [...]
Russia unimpressed with NATO’s “We are the War” performance
Let's consider for a moment what the response would be from Washington if Russia announced the start of international war games near American borders. Impossible you say? Yet that is almost exactly what the Pentagon has announced near Russia. “The Russian Ministry of Defense has announced that over 350 Russian soldiers and 80 armored vehicles with Air Force cover will begin a 300-mile march a [...]
“Kerry’s Russia visit shows US seeks to soothe relations”
Kerry's trip to Sochi to meet FM Lavrov and President Putin demonstrates that the US is now aware that sanctions they imposed on Russia have failed and they are looking for a way out of the row, says Marcus Papadopoulos, editor of Politics First Magazine. In the past US Secretary of State John Kerry used harsh words to describe Russia's stance on Ukraine. How does he feel now meeting President [...]
Putin: Russia can influence E.Ukraine, but it’s up to Kiev to solve crisis
Vladimir Putin placed the onus on Petro Poroshenko's government to follow through on the Minsk agreements to resolve the Ukrainian conflict in comments made at a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Moscow. “The success of the peace initiative depends on those who hold the reins of power.   [...]
Obama’s outrageous snub to the Russian people
Barack Obama's decision to play political games with the 70th anniversary of Victory Day was probably intended as a snub to Vladimir Putin. However, it's actually an outrageous insult to the Russian people. I remember my first Russian May 9th very well. For the simple reason that following a rather raucous Saturday night, I plain forgot about it. [...]
15 years in power: RT traces Vladimir Putin’s presidential path
Today marks 15 years since Russian President Vladimir Putin's first inauguration. RT looks back at his years as president and all the important benchmarks on the way. After former Russian leader Boris Yeltsin resigned back on December 31, 1999, his Prime Minister Vladimir Putin took over the reins, inheriting a country in a dire economic situation and struggling with lawlessness. [...]
“My breathing mom was among corpses”: Putin recalls his parents’ WWII ordeal
Vladimir Putin has written a column (something he very rarely does), recalling the stories of his parents who survived the hardships of the Leningrad blockade, his dead brother and World War II with very personal details. ‘My dad was breathing via a reed in a swamp while the Nazis passed by, just a few steps away’ [...]
Putin makes it clear that Moscow will continue to stand up to America
Much commentary about Russia is hyperbolic and infused with emotive exaggeration. By contrast, Vladimir Putin's 13th annual Q&A was an extremely calm and assured affair. So that’s a baker’s dozen for Putin: Thirteen years of a unique question and answer marathon which has no comparison that I know of in the rest of the world.   [...]
Putin not the devil, says CNN co-founder
Vladimir Putin is defending Russian interests, and is not the devil the US media make him out to be, the CNN's founding CEO wrote. Arguing using historical facts and personal experience, Reese Schonfeld expressed a belief that Russia is not the enemy. The Russian president “may not be a nice man, but he certainly is not the devil that we are making him,” Reese Schonfeld wrote in his Huffing [...]