Mass media

Putin’s approval rating hits historic high at 89 percent
Russian independent pollster, the Levada Center, says the share of Russians who are happy with Vladimir Putin's work as president has reached 89 percent, which is his highest-ever approval rating. The poll was conducted over the period June 19-22, with the Levada Center releasing its results on Wednesday. [...]
Snowden destroyed files before going to Russia – Greenwald debunks Sunday Times report
Glenn Greenwald, a US journalist who published the first reports on documents leaked by Edward Snowden, says allegations in the British press that Russian and Chinese spies accessed Snowden's documents are lies aimed at smearing the whistleblower. Greenwald, writing in the Intercept, said that reports by the BBC and the Sunday Times that claimed Chinese and Russian intelligence services had acc [...]
“Why Putin’s meeting with the Pope ruffled the West”
Vladimir Putin and Pope Francis are popular figures who impact people's thoughts, and their meeting in the Vatican represented a reunification of Western and Eastern worlds, Ukrainian journalist Halyna Mokrushyna told RT's In the Now. Why did the US ambassador to the Holy See Kenneth Hackett call on the Vatican for a tougher stance on Russia ahead of Vladimir Putin’s meeting with Pope Francis [...]
US to sidestep own sanctions to challenge Russian narrative in Crimea
The US has created a loophole in the sanctions that it implemented against Russia to allow communications software to be sent to Crimea. Washington wants to increase its influence in the area, but critics say the move is a waste of money. A Commerce Department spokesperson, who asked not to be named, told Reuters, "The general license allows personal Internet-based communications – such as so [...]
Nuland in Moscow: Squeaky bum time for Kiev?
Victoria Nuland arrived in Moscow last weekend and declared that Ukraine's government doesn't intend to resume the civil war. Either Nuland was being mendacious or President Poroshenko is on a dangerous solo-run. It’s all gone Lethal Weapon. Not in the sense of munitions, although some of those are definitely in play, but rather the movie series. [...]
Over 50% Europeans do not trust mainstream media coverage of Ukraine crisis – poll
The majority of Europeans - UK, French, German and Greek residents among them - distrust mainstream media coverage of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, a recent poll targeting over 4,000 people, reveals. Greeks appear to have showed the least faith in their domestic media, with a total of 76 percent saying they were ‘fairly’ or ‘totally distrustful’ of mainstream reports on Ukraine. [...]
World War III will start with Pentagon bombing of RT – Kusturica
Award-winning Serbian director and musician Emir Kusturica believes that when Washington eventually starts World War III, RT will become one of its first and primary targets, being an extremely powerful weapon challenging US state propaganda. In an article published by the Serbian daily Politika, Kusturica has aligned RT with Russia’s most powerful weapons, specifically the SS-18, an intercon [...]
Journalists’ killings: Western media blind spot on what’s happening in Kiev
The recent killings in Ukraine are reported in Western media in a completely distorted way says investigative journalist Tony Gosling. It's a dangerous situation that may provoke further killings and less reporting of certain points of view, he told RT. Opposition journalist Oles Buzina was killed near his home in Kiev on Thursday. Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko has ordered a full investi [...]
Any reader of Orwell would be perfectly familiar with US maneuvers – Chomsky to RT
Major American media organizations diligently parrot what US officials want the public to know about global affairs, historian Noam Chomsky told RT. To US leaders, any news outlet that “does not repeat the US propaganda system is intolerable,” he said. The culpability of the West – namely the United States – for world affairs, such as the Ukrainian conflict or tensions with Iran, is ano [...]
Personal details of murdered journalist & ex-MP found posted on Ukrainian ‘enemies of state’ database
The journalist and ex-MP who were gunned down in Kiev this week were on an ‘enemies of the state’ database – a social media website supported by the aide to Ukraine's interior minister. The bloggers also have a Twitter account to share "successes." [...]
End of the “special relationship?” Secret US memo reportedly says UK losing influence with Washington
A secret memo prepared by a Congressional think tank and seen by the Daily Mail says that the US may need a "reassessment of the special relationship" with its key economic partner, Britain, "because its geopolitical setting has been changing." Winston Churchill's 1946 speech to Westminster College, in Fulton, coined the phrase "special relationship" to describe the exceptionally friendly polit [...]
Vladimir Putin steals the show in TIME 100 reader’s poll
In a diverse field of competitors made up of pop stars, technology gurus, visionaries and politicians - and at a time when US-Russia relations have hit rock bottom - President Putin has emerged victorious in Time magazine - 2015 reader poll. Among the 100 most influential people in the world, as hand selected by the editors of TIME, the Russian leader proved his rock-star credentials by edging [...]
Rosencrantz, Guildenstern and King Hamlet might be dead – but Putin’s the ghost in everybody’s room
For the paranoia industry, the spectre of Vladimir Putin is the gift that keeps on giving. Theres rarely a situation these days in which many media elements won't invoke the Russian president's name. Shakespeare wasn’t exactly a horror writer, but the bard was rather fond of using ghosts as plot devices. Arguably the most famous is ‘King Hamlet,’ the eponymous hero’s late father. [...]
California moves to protect citizens’ right to record, photo police
California lawmakers took a step forward in protecting citizens who record or photograph the actions of police - but do not obstruct their duties - from reprisals by law enforcement, passing legislation out of committee. [...]
5 ways Vladimir Putin is driving America crazy
Although Russian President Putin has worked to form a strong and lasting partnership with Washington - in fields as diverse as fighting terrorism and exploring outer space - the spirit of goodwill and bilateral relations has not been reciprocated. [...]
Germany slams NATO European commander’s comments on Ukraine as “dangerous propaganda” – Spiegel
A top NATO European commander’s exaggerated comments on the Ukrainian conflict are ‘dangerous propaganda,’ and put the West at risk of losing credibility, sources in the German Chancellor’s Office told Der Spiegel. General Philip Breedlove made [...]
West’s “propaganda war for public opinion”
The West, particularly NATO states, have launched an aggressive and sophisticated propaganda war accusing Russia for the Ukraine crisis in order to get public support, Patrick Heningson of 21 Century, told RT's In the Now. Why don’t facts seem to go anywhere in this Ukraine crisis? [...]
“US is cheerleader of East-West tension”
Maintaining tension and making boldfaced accusations for decades has suited the US’ purpose to try to divide and rule in Europe and to put a split between Eastern and Western Europe, investigative journalist Tony Gosling, told RT. The murder of Russian opposition activist Boris Nemtsov provoked a vast amount of comment in the West, some of which according to the Russian envoy to the EU Vladim [...]
Ukraine media falsely claim Dutch prosecutors accused Russia of MH17 downing
Ukrainian media in unison are misquoting Dutch investigators as accusing Russia of shooting down Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine in July last year. The concert of reports by Ukrainian media on Thursday claimed that the Dutch team had established that it was a Russian Buk surface-to-air missile that shot down the Boeing airliner, killing almost 300 on board. The fact is they [...]
Britain couldn’t defeat its own separatists, so why is Kiev asking for London’s help?
Ukraine asking the United Kingdom for advice on fighting separatists is akin to questioning the Marlboro Man about how to prevent cancer. It's not only futile - it makes both Kiev and London look stupid. Apparently the day Henry Kissinger won the Noble Peace Prize, satire died. [...]
UK media demonizing Russia as “guilty” of daring to resist US Empire
The demonization of Vladimir Putin and Russia by the British political establishment and media has never been as intense as in the wake of the recent Ukraine peace talks in Minsk. Rather than preparing British public opinion for peace and a negotiated settlement to a conflict which thus far has cost the lives of over 5,000 people and seen over a million displaced, the opposite has been evident: [...]
“Stop blaming everything on Russia”: Heirs to 1917 revolutionary-era emigrants appeal to EU
Over 100 descendants of the Russian nobility residing outside the country have addressed European nations with a call to stop irrationally alienating Russia and give an unbiased appraisal to the current Ukrainian crisis. The open letter written by Prince Dmitry [...]