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The 9 Best Herbs for Lung Cleansing and Respiratory Support – Global Healing Center
There are many herbs that provide nutritional support for the body and in this article we'll take a look at the nine best herbs for lung cleansing! Your respiratory system is constantly working. All day, every day, it is the vehicle for oxygen to enter your body. Unfortunately, it can also be an entry point for pollutants, irritants, dust, mold, fungus, harmful organisms, and other toxins. [...]
Nuclear Iodine: Doctor Reveals Fukushima Intel
In a special overdrive segment, Alex takes an in-depth look at the way our bodies react to radioactive fallout from the Fukushima meltdown with Dr. Edward Group, an expert in heavy metal detox and other detox protocols and creator of >>>Click Here for Larger Pop-Up Player<<< /* */   Anthony Gucciardi is the Foun [...]
Newly Declassified Government Documents: Pre 9/11 Bin Laden Hijack Plot Was Ignored By US Intelligence
No one believed al Qaeda, Taliban could pull it off. File this under 9/11 government prior knowledge with the mountains of other examples from the past twelve years. Newly uncovered government documents show that the US government ignored a specific warning [...]
Desperate MSM Moves to Kill Off Article Comments
New wave of online censorship as establishment panics about losing ability to dictate reality. Studies confirm that article comment sections – for better or worse – are heavily swaying public opinion. How many times have you read a mainstream news article about NSA spying, drones, gun control or any other other hot button issue where the author sides with the establishment, only to have their [...]
Dollarocracy: Desecrating Democracy One Dollar at a Time | Interview with Robert McChesney
Abby Martin speaks with Robert McChesney, communications professor and author of 'Dollarocracy' about the money and media elections complex, and how this cycle profits from the erosion of American democracy. Democracy One Dollar at a Time /* */ Peter Schiff Warns of Economic Collapse and Martial law Collapse of the Industrial Civilization | Interview with [...]
Senator Says Politics Have Reached Civil War Levels
The Iowa Democrat, who previously knocked Ted Cruz for his "little tirade," has a warning for Congress. As the clock ticks down toward a possible government shutdown, Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, isn't holding back. On the Senate floor before 10 a.m. Friday, the senator gave a speech describing how American politics have reached the level at which "a small group of willful men and women who have a cer [...]
Obama to World: Bad News. The American Empire Is Dead.
U.S. President Barack Obama presented world leaders at the United Nations with an image of America as a reluctant superpower, ready to confront Iran's nukes and kill its enemies with targeted drone strikes, but unprepared to embark on open-ended military missions in Syria and other troubled countries. That, he hinted, should give the world cause for anxiety. [...]
Pentagon denies $200 million request for Guantanamo upkeep
A US military request for funding to renovate the prison base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba was denied by Pentagon officials in the Obama administration who, while pledging to close the prison, have been consistently prevented from doing so by Congress. General John F. Kelly, the chief of US Southern Command and the officer in charge of Guantanamo Bay, requested $195.7 million to update and modify the p [...]
Intelligence agencies want ‘all the phone records,’ defend surveillance programs
Leading members of the United States intelligence community continued to defend the government's vast surveillance programs in Washington on Thursday and suggested that those agency's capabilities exceed what's been previously reported. During a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on Capitol Hill Thursday afternoon, lawmakers asked representatives from the National Security Agency, [...]
It’s Not Just Rouhani. Many Israelis Want to Come Clean About Their Nukes, Too.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani demanded on Thursday that Israel to join the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, a step that would require Israel to dismantle the nuclear weapons it has never publicly acknowledged that it possesses. It's a time-honored talking point from Tehran's leaders. But it comes with an ironic twist. [...]
Greenpeace activists detained for 2 months in Arctic ‘piracy’ case
Eleven people who were aboard Greenpeace’s ship Arctic Sunrise will spend two months in pre-trial detention, a Murmansk court ruled. The ship's crew faces charges of piracy for boarding an Arctic oil rig. In addition, five activists are to be held for three days ahead of a new hearing. The 30 defendants in the dock include four Russians and foreigners from 19 countries, including the US and [...]
US intelligence chiefs urge Congress to preserve surveillance programs
Officials refuse to say in Senate testimony whether cell site data had ever been used to pinpoint an individual's location. US intelligence chiefs used an appearance before Congress on Thursday to urge lawmakers not to allow public anger over the extent of government surveillance to result in changes to the law that would impede them from preventing terrorist attacks. [...]
Breakthrough hailed as US and Iran sit down for nuclear deal discussion
John Kerry has 'substantive' talks with foreign minister as hopes grow for a timetable to end bitter stalemate. Iran and the US held their first substantive high-level meeting since the 1979 Islamic revolution on Thursday night at multilateral talks hailed on both sides as a fresh start for nuclear negotiations, raising hopes of a solution to the long running stalemate. [...]
Krugman: Rich Are Waging “Pure Class Warfare”
The Nobel Prize-winning New York Times columnist argues the rich are even more selfish than you thought. In a post at his blog, New York Times columnist and award-winning economist Paul Krugman argues that while it may appear the rich want to destroy all forms of government, that isn’t the case. What they really want to do, Krugman writes, is destroy all forms of government that don’t benefit [...]
UN nuclear meeting rejects Arab push for Israel to join weapons pact
Member states of the UN nuclear agency voted down an Arab-backed resolution targeting the Jewish state for criticism over its clandestine nuclear weapons arsenal. Fifty-one countries voted against the so-called ‘Israeli Nuclear Capabilities’ measure and 43 states voted for it in what was viewed as a victory for the United States, which opposed the initiative. [...]
Victory: Senate to Kill Monsanto Protection Act Amid Outrage
New legislation changes will shut down the Monsanto Protection Act rider that granted Monsanto protection from legal action. This unprecedented move shows the true power of the anti-GMO, anti-Monsanto movement, and how elected officials are now being forced to side with the concerned population over the money-spewing Monsanto. [...]
Breaking: Whistleblower Reveals U.S. State Dept. Ships Arms Directly to al-Qaeda
The murder of Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi was an organized hit to cover up direct arm deals. A former CIA gun runner revealed that the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, was killed in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in order to cover up the U.S. State Department’s direct arm shipments to al-Qaeda. [...]
Brazilian Leader Gives Obama Hell Over NSA Surveillance
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff took to the world stage yesterday at the United Nations General Assembly meeting and blasted the U.S.’s global spying empire.The leader of Brazil has had enough of the National Security Agency’s (NSA) spying on her country. And she’s not hiding any of her outrage. [...]
20 Ordinary Americans Talk About The Economic Despair That Is Growing Like A Cancer All Around Them
There are hundreds of formerly prosperous communities all over America that are being steadily transformed into rotting, decaying hellholes. The good paying middle class jobs that once supported those communities are long gone, and they have been [...]
Insider Reveals Arms Deals Behind Recent Major Events
Recipients of arms sales include the Department of Homeland Security. Money makes the world go round. Nowhere is this motto more relevant than in the shadowy world of smuggling weaponry and drugs, not to mention legal arms sales which all too often lead to modern weaponry falling into the hands of America’s worst enemies. [...]
What Sleep Is All About
Several theories have surfaced explaining the many different reasons why we sleep. However, up to this point in time, the exact reason why we do it remains an elusive truth. Nevertheless, the importance of sleeping can neither be denied nor dismissed. Sleep is so important to each one of us that it warrants no surprise why sleeping aides have gained a considerable following in the market. [...]
Self-Disclosure: Good for the Soul
You know when you first meet a stranger and that stranger babbles on and on, disclosing way too much information within the first ten minutes of your meeting? And you kind of think, hey, I hardly know you–please, stop! And then later, you vow to avoid that person who clearly has no personal boundaries? [...]