Roughly 40 percent of New York Cityâs military veterans are finding themselves facing hunger with few options for help, and the problem may be get worse in the future. According to Margarette Purvis, the president and CEO of the Food Bank for New York City, about 95,000 veterans need food aid such as those offered by soup kitchens and other hunger-relief organizations. [...]
The second-largest telecom country in the United States has been on the Central Intelligence Agencyâs payroll to the tune of $10 million a year in exchange for voluntarily handing over troves of phone logs, the New York Times reported Thursday. Citing federal officials with knowledge of the program, The Times’ Charlie Savage [...]
Anthony Gucciardi | Award winning scientist says another 7.0 earthquake hitting Fukushima would mean US evacuations, "bye bye Japan." “I have seen a paper which says that if in fact the fourth plant goes under in an earthquake and those rods are exposed, it’s bye bye Japan and everybody on the west coast of North America should evacuate,” he said.
☢ Fukushima: Beyond U [...]
Travelers are now being subjected to even more invasive screening procedures by the infamous Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Before “allowing” people to travel, the TSA is performing unwarranted checks of a wide variety of personal documents, going further than ever before into the lives of innocent passengers. As expected, Americans will roll over for the new intrusions and acce [...]
Britain is using its Berlin embassy to spy on the nearby Bundestag, as well as the office of Chancellor Angela Merkel. Concern was raised following the latest Snowden revelations and prompted the German FM to invite the British ambassador "for a talk." The news comes just one week after the alleged closure of an American listening "nest" just 150 meters away from the British embassy [...]
Despite more than two-dozen video recordings showing otherwise, President Obama said that he never promised Americans they'd be able to keep their health care plans under the Affordable Care Act. Speaking to supporters in Washington on Monday, Obama claimed that in the past, he said, “You could keep [your plan] if it hasn’t changed since the law was passed.” [...]
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” – Martin Luther King Controversy has become the mantra of the whirlwind that is David Icke’s life over the past few decades. Since the early 90’s, he has [...] [...]
Bitcoin is an indiscriminate and pure technology, with which you can be anywhere and be anybody and still be able to spend - that's why it's very popular in the developing world, economist Jeffrey Tucker told RT. "Bitcoiniacs" has set up the first ever bitcoin ATM. Is this pushing legal boundaries? How will the authorities view this? [...]
When Edward Snowden met journalists in his cramped room in Hong Kong's Mira hotel in June, his mission was ambitious. He wanted to start a debate about mass surveillance.He succeeded beyond anything the journalists or Snowden himself ever imagined. His disclosures about the NSA resonated with Americans from day one. But they also exploded round the world. [...]
It seems that President Obama is very much aware of the effects of his drone campaign, as he reportedly told aides he's "really good at killing people." The quote comes from a new book called “Double Down,” by journalists Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, which chronicles the inside story of the 2012 election. [...]
An anti-nuclear lawmaker broke a taboo, drawing heavy criticism in Japan, by handing the Emperor a letter of concern over the issue of the growing Fukushima radiation and the impact on childrenâs health. [...]
Supporters of the Taliban and al- Qaeda in Afghanistan have been getting U.S. military contracts, and American officials are citing “due process rights” as a reason not to cancel the agreements, according to an independent agency monitoring spending. [...]
Chinese Politburo member Yu Zhengsheng said reforms to be discussed at a Communist Party meeting next month will be unprecedented, adding to signs that leaders are resolved to spur far-reaching policy changes. [...]
A new study has found that levels of air pollution downwind of the largest tar sands, oil and gas producing region in Canada rival levels found in the world’s most polluted cities. And that pollution isn’t just dirtying the air — it also could be tied increased [...]
Debates about mass surveillance and calls for "reforms to politics, supervision and laws" mean leaks about US secret service were justified, a former NSA contractor, Edward Snowden wrote in his "Manifesto for the Truth." In his opinion piece, published in German Der Spiegel news magazine on Sunday, Snowden writes that his revelations have in fact been useful and society will benefit fr [...]
This past Monday the government-controlled Chinese media aired a detailed nuclear attack plan on major U.S. cities and military bases. Outlets on which it appeared included China Central TV, the Peoples Daily, the Global Times, the PLA Daily, the China Youth Daily and the Guangmin Daily. [...]
Check out Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick with Abby Martin. Being a patriot is a lot more than agreeing with the government, it means making a country better than it was even if the truth is unpleasant. For far too long people chose not to recognize the truth about foreign policy even when it was staring them in the face. Oliver Stone is a patriot.
JFK and the Untold History of Oliver Stone
T [...]
Federal whistleblowers have alerted the White House to what they say is a âgross waste of government fundsâ by Department of Homeland Security agents, the likes of which has cost the United States approximately $8.7 million a year. The US Office of Special Counsel sent a report to President Barack Obama on Thursday, [...]
We are facing a unique crisis as our renewed vigor for attaining enlightenment clashes with our materialist based economy and fear-based politics. Is there a way we can reconcile our current systems with the new spiritual paradigms? If not, how can we reform them? Daniel Pinchbeck explores the cultural benefits of enlightenment [...]
With the US global surveillance program under scrutiny, what are the possible diplomatic and economic repercussions? Is France and Germanyâs anger justified or is it being blown out of proportion? Why would the US spy on its allies? And is the US Department of Defense lying about economic espionage? [...]
This week saw the most extraordinary scene materialize in Washington DC. Nine-year-old Nabeela ur Rehman, from North Waziristan in the remote tribal region of Pakistan, arrived to a media blitz. She came to tell her own personal story to the nation, in front of the US Congress and national media, of drone horrors and the savagery of America’s secret assassinations overseas. [...]
President Barack Obamas approval rating has declined to an all-time low as public frustration with Washington and pessimism about the nations direction continue to grow, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. Just 42 percent approve of the president’s job performance, which is down five points from earlier this month. By comparison, 51 percent disapprove of his job in office -- [...]