Whoa, look out! Someone gave Roseanne 13 minutes on TV and she’s got something to say! Abby Martin interviews television legend Roseanne Barr, discussing everything from Saudi Arabia's connection to 9/11, to her VIVID porn pitch, to her next US presidential run.
Demanding NSA Reform, Human Extinction by 2030, and Roseanne Barr Takes on Trolls
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The brain is a complicated piece of machinery scientists still full don’t understand. Each lobe of the brain serves a different function and within those lobes are sub-functions, but many researchers argue that certain types of people can be divided into halves of the brain.
According to the theory of left-brain or right-brain dominance, each side of the brain controls different types of thin [...]
Think of these 9 New Year's resolutions as contributions toward mental wealth. I know resolutions are supposed to be concrete and associated with specific goals, but today I'd like to present some holistic resolutions that have the potential to cause a shift in everyday mentality, habits and lifestyle choices. [...]
Live performance of The Poppy Girls new charity single sung live at the Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance on 9 November 2013. There is a lovely surprise just after they finish. [...]
The battle between Bitcoin users and investors on the one hand and central bankers on the other has been turning ugly. Anyone who follows the Bitcoin market closely cannot help but get dizzy. After racing from low $200 to low $1200s in less than two months, the digital currency dropped more than 35% in five days, and more than 50% from its all-time high two weeks ago. [...]
Kombucha is a fermented tea rich in probiotics and antioxidants. The fermentation process yields many potential health benefits that we discuss right here. f you’re into health food, you may have heard of kombucha. Kombucha is a lightly fermented tea which has achieved considerable popularity among the healthy eating crowd. [...]
The timing of astral disembodiment in which the spirit leaves the body has been captured by Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov, who photographed a person at the moment of his death with a bioelectrographic camera. [...]
Ethan Young, a high school student, clearly explains what we have forgotten about education. Recorded at the Knox County School Board Regular Meeting November 6, 2013 Share this video and spread the message: we will not accept these issues with education. Share this video and spread the message: we will not accept these issues with education.
Full video available here: http://kc [...]
The US has test-fired a nuclear-capable missile despite a pledge to destroy thousands of its nukes. The Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), which is capable of carrying multiple nuclear warheads, was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base into a 4,200 mile flight over the Pacific to a target on the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. [...]
A Pennsylvania community is asking questions after a government contractor, with help from the local police, pulled drivers off the road and into a parking lot to ask about their driving and 'most notably' pressure them into providing a DNA sample. [...]
Police in Texas may now obtain a search warrant based on "a prediction of a future crime," according to a dissenting judge on the state's criminal appeals court. The ruling by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals came last week, ending a controversial case in which police searched a house before obtaining a warrant but were still able to present the confiscated evidence during a trial. [...]
The release of GMO vaccine by PaxVax Austraila that consist of live bacteria into the environment of South Austraila, exactly Queensland, and western Austraila is on it’s way to be approved by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator. According to the regulator, it qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of & [...]
Choosing not to password protect your devices is the digital equivalent of leaving your home or car unlocked. If you're lucky, no one will take advantage of the access. Or maybe the contents will be ravaged and your favorite speakers and/or secrets stolen. [...]
Magic mushrooms are not good only for psycho-logic health, but also for repairing brain damage PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) That is caused by the extreme trauma. This was studied in the University Of South Florida after researching magic mushrooms’s active ingredients The study confirms previous research by Imperial College London, that psilocybin, a naturally occurring compound pre [...]
I'm reading with mounting incredulity the increasingly frenzied reports about the radiation problems at the site of the crippled reactors at Fukushima. The idea seems to be gathering speed that there is some major problem at the site, one that's going to have regional or even global implications for health [...] [...]
To paraphrase an oft-misattributed quote, pseudoscience can travel halfway around the world while good science is still putting its lab coat on. This would appear to be the case for “At the Very Least, Your Days of Eating Pacific Ocean Fish Are Over,” a hysterical blog post alleging that all fish out of the Pacific will be unsafe to eat forever because of leaking radioactive water from the Fuk [...]
Scientists have discovered a secret second code hiding within DNA which instructs cells on how genes are controlled. The amazing discovery is expected to open new doors to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, according to a new study. [...]
Pope Francis says trickle-down economics do not help the poor, in a wide-ranging interview with Italian daily La Stampa. Pope Francis has rejected accusations from rightwing Americans that his teaching is Marxist, defending his criticisms of the capitalist system and urging more attention be given to the poor in a wide-ranging interview published today. [...]
A ten-dimensional theory of gravity makes the same predictions as standard quantum physics in fewer dimensions. A team of physicists has provided some of the clearest evidence yet that our Universe could be just one big projection. [...]
It's probably not the kind of recognition he wanted to receive, but President Barack Obama has been awarded PolitiFact's "Lie of the Year" for 2013. The infamous prize, handed out annually by the fact-checking website PolitiFact, was given to Obama because of his statements claiming that Americans would be able to keep their health insurance under the Affordable Care Act if they liked th [...]
Iran has halted fraught nuclear talks with the West, saying that Washington has acted contrary to the spirit of a "landmark agreement" established last month. The US has widened its blacklists, adding further people and companies under current sanctions. [...]
Russia does not seek the role of a regional or global hegemony, but will defend its core values and interests, Russian President Vladimir Putin said. All attempts to impose on other nations have failed, he added. [...]