Steve Watson | Security hole appeared just one month before NSA bragged it had penetrated Apple servers. Following an admission by Apple that a “bug” in its operating system had left devices open to potential hacking, experts are questioning whether the security hole was intentional, in order to allow the NSA backdoor access as part of its mass spying program. [...]
In the wake of President Obama's promise to stop spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the US intelligence has switched its attention to her top government officials, a German newspaper reported. Washington's relations with Germany were strained last year after revelations that the US National Security Agency (NSA) was conducting mass surveillance in Germany and even tapped the mobile phone o [...]
Kurt Nimmo | Russian general urges his government to wise up to the threat on its borders. On February 5 a Russian news website,, posted an interview with Gen. Leonid Ivashov, the former foreign relations head of the Russian Ministry of Defense and current president of the Academy of Geopolitical Studies. [...]
Press freedom in the United States has suffered "one of the most significant declines" in the last year after sacrificing information to national security, with the NSA surveillance scandal topping the list of wrongdoing. That’s according to The World Press Freedom Index for 2014 from Reporters Without Borders (RWB), which put the US in 46th place out of 180 countries, a 13-place drop fr [...]
A landmark legal battle between two farmers over alleged GM contamination has started in the Western Australian Supreme Court. The case is expected to determine GM farmersâ liability if their crops affect neighboring territories. [...]
A record number of Americans renounced their citizenship or green cards in 2013, according to new data that may draw a complicated picture for US tax assessors who impose financial obligations on citizens living outside the country. [...]
Europe's largest association of hackers has filed a criminal complaint against the German government for aiding foreign spying by NSA and GCHQ, and violating the right to citizens' privacy, basing their case on leaks by whistleblower Edward Snowden. [...]
A landless Chilean farmer has won a landmark lawsuit against Monsanto and thus exposed the dangers posed by the transnational corporation to the whole country. José Pizarro Montoya, a 38-year-old landless farmer from Melipilla (Santiago, Chile), and ex GMO producer (season 2009-2010) is the first and perhaps the only Latin American who has won a [&] [...]
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Post by America's Funniest Home Videos. [...]
Dr. Sandra Rangel took good care of herself by exercising and eating what she thought was healthy.
Nevertheless, a few years later in December of 2006, she was diagnosed with cancer of her left vocal cord, which was already at stage three. Hear her story of how God healed her and now she is on a raw vegan diet. [...]
Documents released by US whistleblower Edward Snowden show the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) used airport Wi-Fi to track passengers from around the world. Travelers passing through a major Canadian airport were potentially caught up in a vast electronic surveillance net, which allowed the nation’s electronic spy agency to track the wireless devices of thousands of airline p [...]
Mexico is signing up vigilantes in the fight against drug cartels in the western state of Michoacan as an official rural defense group. But not all of the militias are eager to be "institutionalized" by the government. Michoacan will initially register 400-600 militia members in the coming days, AFP reported, citing the state’s federal commissioner for security, Alfredo Castillo. [...]
The Transportation Security Agency was aware that, before they were even introduced, the full-body scanners used at airport security checkpoints were flawed, according to a former TSA agent who alleges employees regularly peered and laughed at travelers. [...]
A conscientious shopper always reads labels when shopping for groceries. But if you are in the United States, those labels won’t tell you if there are genetically modified ingredients inside. Instead, you have to be a bit of a food detective, digging for the information yourself because the government and food producers alike don’t think you have a right to know. [...]
As scientists continue to track the shrinking population of the North American monarch butterfly, one researcher thinks she has found a big reason it's in danger: Monsanto's Roundup herbicide. [...]
The speech by a 95-year-old witness of the Nazis' WWII Siege of Leningrad, Russian writer Daniil Granin, stirred German MPs to the core. Some, in tears, said it had made them ponder the need to reassess the entire history of the war. [...]
This video is hosted on LiveLeak and may not play on mobile devices. It is worth seeking out a computer to watch it.
This is just an ordinary dam in a National Park in Northern Italy. But wait, there is something hidden within the picture. Can you see it? Well how about now? No? Then keep scrolling down. Wait.. are those... Just Amazing! [...]
Countries spying on their allies sow distrust that could result in less, rather than more security, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned. She particularly referred to the surveillance and spying activities by the US and the UK. [...]
14-year-old Laura Dekker sets out—camera in hand—on a two-year voyage in pursuit of her dream to be the youngest person ever to sail around the world alone.
In the wake of a year-long battle with Dutch authorities that sparked a global storm of media scrutiny, Laura now finds herself far from land, family and unwanted attention, exploring the world in search of freedom, adventure, and dista [...]
Ciccio, aka Tommy, a German shepherd, attends mass every day hoping to see his deceased owner again. Most of us have experienced the loss of a pet. But there are times when a pet loses his human.
That’s what happened to Tommy. According to the Daily Mail, Tommy is a 7-year-old German Shepherd living in Italy. He was adopted as a stray by a woman named Maria. The two were super close – Tommy e [...]
Cuts average 25.3% in 10 most deprived areas of England, and 2.54% in 10 least deprived areas. The most deprived communities in the country are bearing the brunt of government cuts while more affluent areas are escaping relatively unscathed, according to an analysis of official figures. [...]