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Right Sector leader: Kiev should be ready to sabotage Russian pipelines in Ukraine
The leader of ultranationalist group Right Sector, Dmitry Yarosh, has threatened to destroy Russian pipelines on Ukrainian territory if a diplomatic solution is not reached with Moscow. In a fiery address loaded warmongering rhetoric, Yarosh told his followers they should be ready to resist the Russian “occupiers.” [...]
€‹Crimean “€˜referendum at gunpoint”€™ is a myth |€“ Intl observers
The referendum on Crimea's status is going peacefully, with record-breaking turnout, international observers report. Most of them told RT that the referendum is credible and the vote of the Crimean people should be respected. [...]
Defensive blockade: Activists stop Kiev’€™s military trucks heading to Russian border
Activists in eastern Ukraine in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions are blocking columns of heavy military equipment heading from Kiev to the border with Russia. Late Thursday activists from the Donbass people's militia blocked the way of columns with about 20 trucks carrying heavy military equipment near Donetsk heading to the Russian border, [...]
Crimean govt: Referendum website downed by cyber-attack from US
The official website of the Crimean referendum is down due to a cyber-attack that originated from the US, Crimean authorities say. The exact location from which the website’s servers were attacked was Illinois University, Crimean minister of information and mass communications Dmitry Polonsky told Itar-Tass news agency. [...]
Snowden leak: NSA plans to infect “€˜millions”€™ of computers
Yet more previously secret surveillance operations waged by the United States National Security Agency were made public Wednesday morning thanks to leaked documents supplied by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. [...]
“They are fascists!”€™ German Left leader blasts Merkel’s support of illegitimate Ukraine govt
The recognition of Kosovo independence set a precedent that gives Crimeans, as well as Basques and Catalans, a right for self-determination, German opposition leader said, lashing out against Angela Merkel'€™s support of sanctions against Russia. Gregor Gysi, a parliamentary head of the largest lower-house opposition party in Germany – the Left Party – has spoken out on Thursday against Germ [...]
Paving the future: Ukraine’s Crimea goes to independence poll
A crucial referendum on either becoming an integral part of Russia or staying within Ukraine on conditions of wide autonomy has kicked off in the Republic of Crimea despite international condemnation and pressure from Kiev. The polling stations of 27 regional Crimea election commissions are going to be open all day long [...]
U.S. Rushing Headlong Into War with Russia
So, let’s get this straight. The United States is all for democracy and democracy is about voting and making sure the majority rules. If a majority in Crimea votes to align itself with Russia because most Crimeans have an affinity for Russia, the United States and the United Nations, the latter sitting on the lap of the former, will decide democracy is illegal. [...]
The Ukraine Crisis – What You’re Not Being Told
The European and American public are being systematically lied to about the Ukraine crisis. In this video we're going to provide you with compelling evidence that the crimes against humanity committed in Kiev earlier this year were in fact committed by the new coalition government, and that officials in the E.U. and the United States knew full well who committed these crimes, and that they are pr [...]
Debtor nation: Americans pay interest on $163 billion held by top tech firms overseas
United States taxpayers make large interest payments to the top four technology firms for the $163 billion in US government debt the companies own and shelter in tax-free offshore accounts. United States taxpayers make large interest payments to the top four technology firms for the $163 billion in US government debt the companies own and shelter in tax-free offshore accounts. [...]
Supreme Court Refuses To Hear Case On “€˜No-Knock”€™ Police Raids
Cops are using lawful gun ownership as justification for entering homes unannounced. The Supreme Court has rejected an appeal and refused to hear the case of a man in Texas who was SWAT teamed by police in a "no-knock" raid, under the justification that he was a registered gun owner. [...]
Call Exposes U.S. Scheming on Ukraine & Hypocrisy about Ukrainian Democracy
Hear the phone call exposing U.S. Diplomats Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt scheming about Ukraine. Contrary to professed respect for democracy, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador cook up a deal for Ukraine's government. "This is talking about a deal that the U.S. was cooking up." See transcript for video:   [...]
US to violate own laws by financially aiding Ukraine’s coup-installed govt |€“ Moscow
Washington'€™s decision to provide financial aid to the coup-appointed government of Ukraine goes against the US laws, Russia'€™s Foreign Ministry said, urging American politicians to think about the consequences of supporting the radicals in Kiev. Ukraine’s ousted president, Viktor Yanukovich, said on Tuesday that the US plans to loan $1 billion to the country’s new authorities are illega [...]
CBS journalist reportedly resigns over network’s pro-Obama bias
CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson announced on Monday that she had resigned from the network after more than two decades, and sources say her departure stems from disagreements over her former employer's alleged bias. [...]
Ukraine crisis: US will not recognise Crimea referendum, says ambassador
Washington threatens further action against Russia if Vladimir Putin uses poll to legitimise military occupation, says Kiev envoy. America's ambassador in Kiev said the US would refuse to recognise next Sunday's "so-called referendum" in Crimea, and said Washington would take further steps against Russia if it used the poll to legitimise its occupation. [...]
Ukraine turmoil | LIVE UPDATES
The coup-imposed government in Kiev is seeking foreign aid from the US, the EU and the IMF to address its budget shortage. The east remains defiant of the new authorities, while Russia reserves the right to deploy troops in order to prevent bloodshed. Nearly 15,000 people in the Russian city of Perm in the Urals have gathered for a demonstration to support Russian speakers in the autonomous republ [...]
Panama’€™s 1st solar power plant begins operating
Panama's government has put into operation the country's first solar plant at a cost of approximately $10 million, authorities said. The 2.4 MW plant, inaugurated Thursday by President Ricardo Martinelli at the Sarigua National Park in central Panama, was built with the support of the Italian government and Rome-based Enel Green Power... [...]
“F**k the EU”: Snr US State Dept. official caught in alleged phone chat on Ukraine
A senior US State Department official has allegedly been caught giving an unexpected message to the EU while discussing Ukrainian opposition leaders’ roles in the country’s future government. The phone call was taped and posted on YouTube. [...]
Snipers Are Commonly Used as “False Flag” Terrorists
A Common Tactic to Discredit Opponents Or to Create Momentum for “Regime Change.” The powers-that-be often use agent provocateurs to disrupt protests and paint protesters as violent and unlikeable. It's brutal … but effective and cheap. [...]
New Snowden Documents Show that Governments Are “€œAttempting To Control, Infiltrate, Manipulate, and Warp Online Discourse”€
Spy Agencies Manipulate and Disrupt Web Discussions to Promote Propaganda and Discredit Government Critics. The alternative media has documented for 5 years that the government uses disinformation and disruption (and here) on the web to discredit activists and manipulate public opinion, just like it smears traditional television and print reporters who question the government too acutely. [...]
Russia Threatens to Drop The Dollar and Crash The U.S. Economy if Sanctions Are Imposed – Obama Signs Sanctions Anyway
Is Russia bluffing, or is the world as we know it about to change for ever? On Tuesday Reuters reported that a Kremlin aid Sergei Glazyev had announced that if the U.S. were to impose sanctions on Russia Moscow may drop the dollar as a reserve currency... [...]
Russia hits back at US “€˜barefaced cynicism and double standards”€™ over Ukraine
The Russian Foreign Ministry has accused the US State Department of double standards and low-level propaganda after it published a list of President Vladimir Putin'€™s "€œfalse claims" about the events in Ukraine. [...]