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Russia’€™s actions in Crimea “completely understandable”€™ |€“ German ex-chancellor
Moscow'€™s actions in the Crimea are comprehensible, former German chancellor, Helmut Schmidt said, criticizing the Western reaction to the peninsula'€™s reunification with Russia. President Vladimir Putin’s approach to the Crimean issue is “completely understandable,” Schmidt wrote in Die Zeit newspaper where he’s employed as an editor. [...]
Solar energy now same price as conventional power in Germany, Italy, Spain – report
Solar energy now costs the same as conventionally generated electricity in Germany, Italy and Spain, a report has revealed. The research has warned, however, that high installation costs are impeding other countries from achieving grid parity. [...]
US leaders reject democracy, once again
In Crimea, some may be surprised by the US'€™s blatant rejection of a clear democratic mandate for independence, as leaders in Washington constantly boast of being "€œdefenders of democracy." €Back in 2003, George W. Bush justified his invasion of Iraq by saying he was “bringing freedom” to Iraq and “removing a dictator.” [...]
A War Of Words: Media Coverage Of Ukraine
The standoff between Russia and Ukraine still hints at World War III, but a media battle has been the main center of conflict -€“ much of it coming from a hacked phone call posted on YouTube. The voices are clear, but the tone is downhearted and dispirited. The call, in English, apparently came from EU Foreign Minister Catherine Ashton'€™s office on Feb. 26, seeking an update from Estonian For [...]
Only 11% of Ukrainian soldiers opted to quit Crimea
Only about a ninth of Ukrainian military personnel currently doing service in Crimea have made a decision to leave the peninsular, Russia'€™s Defense Ministry announced on Saturday. “As of March 21, less than 2,000 out of 18,000 soldiers of Ukrainian military forces, who are currently stationed in the Republic of Crimea, have wished to leave for Ukraine,” says the Ministry’s statement. [...]
MH370 lost, plane went down in Indian Ocean, no survivors – Malaysia Airlines
Malaysian airlines have announced beyond any reasonable doubt that flight MH370 has been lost and that none of those on board have survived. Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has made an announcement, saying “It is therefore with deep sadness and regret that according to this new data, flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean." [...]
Homeless man shot to death by police after being caught illegally camping
The Albuquerque Police Department in the state of New Mexico is coming under fire following the release of video footage taken from the helmet-mounted camera of an officer who shot and killed a man earlier this month for camping. James Boyd, a 38-year-old homeless man thought to be schizophrenic, was shot by the Albuquerque PD on Sunday, March 16 after he became engaged in an hours-long standoff w [...]
Russia not clinging to G8 if West does not want it |€“ Russian FM
Russia is not clinging to the G8 format, as all major world problems can be discussed at other international venues such as G20, Russia'€™s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said. “The G8 is an informal club, no one gives out membership cards and no one can expel members,” Lavrov told a media conference at the Hague. [...]
Why the EU won’€™t annex Ukraine
The new Ukraine of "€œYats,"€ Tyahnybok and Yarosh, in a rush, signed the political points of an association agreement with the EU in a Brussels summit last Friday. No less than 30 (unelected) EU bureaucrats also signed it, including European Council President Herman Van Rompuy and European Commission (EC) President Jose Manuel Barroso. [...]
Time to grab guns and kill damn Russians |€“ Tymoshenko in leaked tape
Ukrainians must take up arms against Russians so that not even scorched earth will be left where Russia stands; an example of former Ukrainian PM Yulia Tymoshenko'€™s vitriol in phone call leaked online. ymoshenko confirmed the authenticity of the conversation on Twitter, while pointing out that a section where she is heard to call for the nuclear slaughter of the eight million Russians who rema [...]
Majority of Germans recognize accession of Crimea |€“ Poll
A new opinion poll has revealed that the majority of Germans recognize the accession of Crimea to Russia. At the same time, most of them also view the West'€™s response as appropriate. The public opinion poll was conducted by TNS Research at the request of Der Spiegel. [...]
15 years ago: Looking back at NATO’s “€˜Humanitarian”€™ bombing of Yugoslavia
Exactly 15 years ago, on March 24, NATO began its 78-day bombing of Yugoslavia. The alliance bypassed the UN under a “humanitarian” pretext, launching aggression that claimed hundreds of civilian lives and caused a much larger catastrophe than it averted. [...]
SS in the Ukraine
In June 1941, German mobile killing squads, known as Einsatzgruppen, were dispatched throughout Eastern Europe. By the spring of 1943, the 3000 members of the Einsatzgruppen, led by highly-educated officers and aided by local collaborators in each country, had systematically murdered over a million Jews and tens of thousands Roma, handicapped, Poles, Russians, partisans and non-combatants. [...]
Israel closes embassies all over the world as diplomats go on indefinite strike
Employees of Israel's Foreign Ministry went on an all-out strike Sunday for the first time in the country'€™s history over a dispute surrounding workers' salaries and conditions. The dispute has been going on for nearly two years. [...]
Massive anti-Maidan rallies grip eastern Ukraine as residents demand referendum
Rallies have swept eastern Ukraine, with residents protesting against Kiev’s coup-imposed government and demanding a referendum to decide on the future of the region. Thousands took to the streets in Kharkov, Donetsk, Lugansk, and Odessa on Sunday. [...]
War is over -€“ now Serbs and Bosniaks fight to win control of a brutal history
Serb nationalists trying to suppress reminders of atrocities committed against country's Muslims 20 years ago. After survivors and bereaved families put up a memorial to the mass slaughter in 1992 of Muslims in Višegrad, the response of the Serb authorities in the eastern Bosnian town was as unsubtle as it was symbolic. [...]
Moscow: No troop build-up or undeclared military activity near Ukraine borders
Russia is observing all international agreements on troop limits in regions bordering Ukraine, the Russian Deputy Defense Minister said, adding that foreign missions'€™ inspections can confirm that. The statement was made in response to reports by several foreign media outlets over concentrations of "thousands" of Russian servicemen on the Russian-Ukrainian border. [...]
Ukraine: Donetsk’s old Soviet faithful and young radicals look to Moscow
Luke Harding: Lenin's statue still stands in Donetsk where loyalty to the old regime and Russian propaganda have inspired protests against the Kiev 'fascists'. But is this really the next Crimea? In Donetsk's main square, Ukraine's communist leader, Petro Symonenko, was giving an impromptu address to the party faithful. [...]
Ukraine and Crimea: what is Putin thinking?
Recent events are both a knee-jerk reaction by Putin and a culmination of his years of grievances with the international order. When Vladimir Putin summoned the entirety of Russia's political elite to the St George's Hall of the Kremlin to announce that Russia would "welcome back" the territory of Crimea last week, the atmosphere was almost as if they were celebrating a military victory. [...]
Belarusian president: Crimea is de-facto part of Russia
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has stated that his country accepts that Crimea is now de-facto a part of Russia. "We agree with the Russian Federation on that," the leader said. “Crimea isn’t an independent state. It’s part of the Russian territory. One can recognize or not recognize that, it will change nothing,” Lukashenko told journalists in Minsk on Sunday. [...]
Targeting Huawei: NSA Spied on Chinese Government and Networking Firm
The American government conducted a major intelligence offensive against China, with targets including the Chinese government and networking company Huawei, according to documents from former NSA worker Edward Snowden that have been viewed by SPIEGEL. Among the American intelligence service's targets were former Chinese President Hu Jintao, the Chinese Trade Ministry, banks, as well as telecommuni [...]
Ukraine’s Right Sector radical group to become political party, nominates Yarosh for president
The ultra-nationalist Right Sector movement has decided to become a political party, while slamming current authorities in Kiev and demanding early parliamentary elections. The group has nominated its leader, Dmitry Yarosh, as a presidential candidate. [...]