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Can Ukraine be pulled back from the brink?
Kiev'€™s military offensive into the east and south of Ukraine has all but ensured the failure of the Geneva agreement, setting the stage for a Russian response as NATO deploys troops to the region. As the bloody military crackdown continues in predominately Russian-speaking areas of the country, the deteriorating situation in Ukraine has given rise to appalling inter-ethnic violence. [...]
Radicals shooting at people in Odessa’€™s burning building caught on tape
New video has emerged online which shows a man shooting at the windows of Odessa'€™s burning House of Trade Unions. At least 39 anti-government activists died in the flames on May 2 in the building besieged and set ablaze by radicals. [...]
Avoiding facts? MSM uncertain who is behind deadly Odessa blaze
Despite clear evidence that the pro-Kiev radicals set Odessa's House of Trade Unions ablaze on Friday killing dozens, the mainstream media is being ambiguous about the causes of the tragedy.  On Friday, Ukraine’s eastern town of Odessa saw brutal street battles between pro-autonomy activists and nationalist radicals which left 46 people dead. [...]
Dozens of FBI, CIA agents in Kiev ‘assisting Ukraine security’
Numerous US agents are helping the coup-appointed government in Ukraine to "€œfight organized crime"€ in the south east of the country, the German newspaper Bild revealed. According to the daily, the CIA and FBI are advising the government in Kiev on how to deal with the ‘fight against organized crime’ and stop the violence in the country’s restive eastern regions. [...]
No Russians among Slavyansk self-defense forces – NYT reporters
Self-defense forces in the anti-Kiev stronghold of Slavyansk are Ukrainians, not Russians, who distrust the new regime and the Western powers that support it, New York Times reporters have discovered. The forces also said they are not being paid to fight. Two New York Times reporters have spent a week in the city of Slavyansk in eastern Ukraine, talking to members of the self-defense forces. [...]
Ukraine Crisis Today: Democracy caught on camera (this will never be shown on mainstream media)
[Exclusive footage] Rebirth of Fascism. U.S. warmongers along with EU/NATO politicians have installed (through violent, artificial revolution) a pro-fascist government in Ukraine and are now trying to start a civil war within the country. Ukraine Crisis - What You're Not Being Told Ukraine Crisis. Democracy Caught On Camera! This will not be shown on mainstream media and is PASSWORD [...]
Odessa slaughter: How vicious mob burnt anti-govt activists alive (GRAPHIC IMAGES)
Dozens of people died in flames in Odessa, when radicals set ablaze the local House of Trade Unions with anti-government protesters blocked inside. The city is now in mourning for those who died, suffocated in smoke or had to jump out of windows. [...]
“€˜Why do they hate us so much?”€™ Southeast Ukraine seeks to understand new regime
"€˜Anger"€™, "€˜disenchantment" and "pride"€™ are three words that perfectly sum up the mood in southeastern Ukraine at the moment. However, there is one thing the majority of citizens in this region crave more than anything -€“ a referendum on their future. [...]
Coups, False Flags, Covert Wars, Color Revolutions: Ukraine and America’s Neocolonial Adventure
"All that glitters is not gold; all that shivers is not gold" Mythology has it that Midas, the king of Phrygia, was able to turn everything he touched into gold -- "the Midas Touch".  According to Aristotle, the legendary figure died of starvation as a result of his greed to transmute everything from its natural substance to gold. [...]
Vermont poised to enact toughest US GMO-labeling law yet
Vermont lawmakers have passed legislation that requires food made with genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, to be labeled as such. The law, the first of its kind in the US, must now get approval from Gov. Peter Shumlin, who has supported the bill. [...]
Britons’€™ privacy at ‘€˜real risk’€™ from weakly-regulated street cams-watchdog
Britain's "€˜surveillance society"€™ increasingly functions in ways the public is unaware of. An abundance of CCTV -€“ and roadside -€“ cameras misleads the public as to the true nature and scope of government snooping, the surveillance watchdog says. [...]
Lavrov: US should face responsibility for powers it installed in Kiev
The Russian Foreign Minister says the US should take responsibility for those whom they put in power instead issuing ultimatums to Moscow. "Before giving us ultimatums, demanding that we fulfill demands within two or three days with the threat of sanctions, we would urgently call on our American partners to fully accept responsibility for those who they brought to power,” said Lavrov during a pr [...]
“Easter truce”€™ broken: Five deaths reported in overnight checkpoint raid in E. Ukraine
Five people have been killed in a gunfight in Slavyansk, a city in eastern Ukraine held by anti-government protesters. The fatalities include three protesters and two attackers, who are believed to be from the Right Sector paramilitary. The deaths came after a night attack on a protester checkpoint on the outskirts of the city. [...]
Russia on Eastern Ukraine shooting: Kiev must fulfill Geneva de-escalation pledge
The Russian Foreign Ministry expressed outrage over the deadly gun battle on Saturday night in the protester-held city of Slavyansk in eastern Ukraine. It said Kiev must deliver on its commitment to de-escalate the violence. Russia, Ukraine, the US and the EU agreed this week in Geneva on a roadmap to calm tension down in protest-gripped eastern Ukraine. [...]
Death toll in S. Korean ferry disaster rises to 61 as divers find more bodies
Divers have recovered more than two dozen bodies from the South Korean ferry that capsized on Wednesday, bringing the death toll to 61. Almost 240 people, most of them high school students, are still unaccounted for. [...]
UN envoy slams Israel’€™s “€˜unacceptable”€™ police handling of “€˜Holy Fire”€™ ritual in Jerusalem
Israeli police reportedly blocked a top UN diplomat, alongside other diplomats and Palestinians, entrance to a pre-Easter Holy Fire ceremony at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, which Israeli authorities called a "€˜micro-incident."€™ Robert Serry, the UN special envoy for Middle East peace, said he and Palestinian Christians were making their way to attend the ‘Holy Fire’ cer [...]
“We’€™re considered terrorists for anti-govt views”€™: Eastern Ukrainians fear Kiev crackdown
People in eastern Ukraine fear the worst is yet to come after Kiev authorities launched a military operation in eastern regions of the country. Residents in the town of Izyum in the Kharkov region share their worries with RT. “The first military contingent began arriving at the start of this week,” Elena, a local resident from Izyum, told RT. [...]
Stalling Ukraine – CossTalk Video
With the government in Kiev lacking legitimacy and meaningful political resources, Washington and Brussels face a public relations disaster of epic proportions. Meanwhile, Russia watches from the sidelines. How are things playing out in Ukraine right now? CrossTalking with Mitch Feierstein, Andrew Korybko and Gilbert Mercier. [...]
IRS awarded contract to surveillance company that tracks license plates
A California-based surveillance vendor that sells access to license plate databases and the devices that indiscriminately collect that information has been reportedly cashing checks from the Internal Revenue Service and other federal offices. [...]
Out of control: Fukushima manager admits to “€˜embarrassing failure”€™
The manager of the stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant has admitted not having full control of the facility. Contrary to the statements of the Japanese PM, TEPCO's Akira Ono said attempts to plug the leaks of radioactive water had failed. [...]
€˜Question of whether West really wants de-escalation of Ukraine crisis€™
While the Geneva framework agreement seems to be an attempt to de-escalate tensions over Ukraine, it’s a question to what degree the US and the West are really genuine in this agreement, geopolitical analyst Eric Draitser told RT. The US and the EU are still mulling more sanctions against Moscow. [...]
Here Is Why You’re Not Making It In America: Your Sunday Morning Conversation
Is the United States a strong nation? There's a notion that it is, of course -- based mainly on the disruptive philosophical underpinnings upon which this country was established. But these are all really the fumes of nostalgia. What else is there? W... [...]