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The Church of Humanitarian Intervention Threatens the Survival of Our Species. The Destruction of Russia and China on the Drawing Board of the Pentagon
As the 21st century unfurls its harrowing shadow, a moldering American republic groans in its agonizing death throes. Its heritage, collective memory, and canon lie in ruins. Its ties to reason, the rule of law, and the intellect rest in ashes. For the avarice of empire has hollowed out once noble institutions and the voracious hunger for hegemony increasingly wields no other tool but the bloody t [...]
Dutch Court Issues Guilty Verdict to Three Accused, Acquits Fourth in MH17 Trial
The verdict comes after years of controversial trials held in the Netherlands. Dutch judicial authorities willfully excluded the Russians from investigations into the plane crash and ignored evidence presented by Moscow. A Dutch court has issued a verdict in the trial in absentia of three Russians and a Ukrainian over their alleged roles in the 2014 downing of a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet an [...]
Putin just destroyed the WEF’s energy lie with this one move 🎞
Politicians have been perverting fuel and energy supplies since way before the pandemic but it seems to be ramped up even more. Is this something we can really blame on Putin when the action of politicians can be so easily linked to energy supplies? We break through this rhetoric. [...]
America’s Neo-Nazi bedfellows in Ukraine are latest in long line of odious allies Washington has used against Russia
From pogrom-mongers to Hitlerites to radical Islamists, the US has collaborated with repugnant partners for more than a century. Soviet leader Joseph Stalin was furious when he found out in March 1945 that his supposed World War II ally, Washington, was negotiating with the German Nazis behind his back. [...]
You are under contrôle: French elites privately fear the US and new research explains why
Intelligence services worry about American economic warfare more than terrorism or the prospect of confrontation with Russia or China. New research published by France’s Ecole de Guerre Economique has revealed some extraordinary findings about who and what the French intelligence services fear most when it comes to threats to the country’s economy. [...]
Warnings this is about to get much worse, Putin readies for NATO attack 🎞
Col. Douglas MacGregor joins Redacted with the very latest warning signs of NATO and multinational forces mounting for an invasion of Russia. Putin continues the mobilization of forces. Military whistleblowers are demanding answers for vaccine mandates that forced 80,000 members of the armed forces out of their jobs. Trudeau asked for help from the FBI in the trucker convoy crisis. NOTE: To byp [...]
Scott Ritter: Ukraine cannot win this war. It’s a “fantasy” 🎞
Former US Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter explains why a Russian victory is inevitable, and what it costs the West to refuse to accept this. William Scott Ritter Jr. is an author and pundit, and a former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer and United Nations weapons inspector. Dimitri Lascaris is a lawyer, journalist and activist from Montreal, Quebec. In 2020, Dimitri r [...]
Washington Keeps Alienating Its Policy Partners
Instead of subtly courting China, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, the administration and its congressional allies have petulantly demanded their compliance with U.S. wishes. A top priority for the Biden administration when the Russia-Ukraine War erupted was to secure maximum international support for a strategy to penalize and isolate Moscow. It is clear that the strategy has failed outside of NATO an [...]
FULL INTERVIEW: Dr Jordan Peterson sits down with Piers Morgan🎞
Clinical psychologist and public intellectual Dr. Jordan Peterson have sat down with Sky News Australia host Piers Morgan for an insightful and emotional interview discussing his work, free speech, and the world today. 🎞“Naive” to think Russia will lose the war, says Dr. Jordan Peterson [...]
Exclusive: U.S. Torpedo Appeared at Explosion Site of the Nord Stream 🎞
According to reliable sources, an American torpedo was found at the explosion site of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. It was the torpedo type carried by the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Paul Ignatius (DDG 117) – RGM-84 harpoon missile. The Harpoon has been the primary anti-ship weapon in the United States Navy, it has a range of 300 km and is known as a “ship-killer”. &n [...]
We can’t keep treating talk of negotiations to end the Ukraine war as off limits
The war in Ukraine shows no sign of abating, let alone ending. Unable to make headway on the battlefield, Russia has been bombarding Ukraine’s electrical infrastructure in hopes of freezing Ukrainians into submission as winter looms. The Ukrainians continue to press their offensive against Russian troops, many ill-trained and poorly motivated, to gain as much territory as possible before the c [...]
Self-Destructive Social Habits, Loneliness, and Propaganda
When many people share thoughts, speech, or conduct that is frequently repeated and becomes automatic, it is fair to call it a social habit. Such habits tend to become invisible and unspeakable. They become part of our taken-for-granted-world. When I recently wrote an essay about hoarding – “The Last Temptation of Things,” many people got angry with me. A friend wrote to me to say: “I c [...]
Scott Ritter on The End Of American Hegemony, Poland Becoming a Bumper State 🎞
COMMENT: by Michael Kennedy. Thank you Ania, this is one of the best interviews I've seen in a long, long time. Talking about Poland l feel for you because I'm from the UK and totally understand what it's like to have a government that doesn't represent my welfare. Scott was also very truthful about the terrible relationship the US government has with its people. I pray that Russian patience a [...]
“Preemptive Nuclear War”: The Historic Battle for Peace and Democracy. A Third World War Threatens the Future of Humanity
At no point since the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945, has humanity been closer to the unthinkable. All the safeguards of the Cold War era, which categorized the nuclear bomb as “a weapon of last resort”, have been scrapped. Vladimir Putin’s statement on February 21st, 2022 was a response to US threats to use nuclear weapons on a preemptive basis against Rus [...]
Biden Surrenders First Use Nuke Policy to Pentagon Neocons
It’s not unusual, in fact is typical, for presidents to ditch campaign promises. One such promise Joe Biden made on the campaign trail was a “no first use” of nuclear weapons. That was then, this is now. “The Pentagon’s new National Defense Strategy rejected limits on using nuclear weapons long championed by arms control advocates and in the past by President Joe Biden,” Bloomberg r [...]
China and Putin are about to change everything, the West is not ready 🎞
China is about to become the world's dominant superpower. President Xi Jinping has aligned China with Russia in a very cozy relationship that undermines western hegemony. This is all about the power of the US dollar. "The Collapse Of America Is Much WORSE Than Expected" - Ray Dalio's Last WARNING Blatant sanctions against the United States! Eight countries form "Central American U [...]
The Endless Proxy War, by Design & Many Related Articles📜
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has presented the White House with a geopolitical crisis that it played a critical role in creating. In February 2014, Victoria Nuland, a current senior State Department official and former Dick Cheney advisor, was caught on tape plotting the installation of a new Ukrainian government – a plan, she stressed, that would involve Biden and his then-top aide, and curre [...]
COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia
There are over 1000 peer-reviewed papers in the preprint server system and or in the National Library of Medicine (PUBMED) describing side effects after mRNA or adenoviral DNA COVID-19 vaccination. One of the most dreaded complications is vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT). [...]
Judgment Day Is Fast Approaching
A hair-raising video montage of excerpts from US, German, European, and British news reporting about dirty bomb accusations, the current exercises of the aircraft carrier George Bush Sr. in the Eastern Med and its loud message to Mr. Putin about nuclear attack capabilities, about the 2400 American ground assault troops just delivered to Romania and placed at the border with Moldova, ready to move [...]
Russia and China can shatter dollar dominance – diplomat
The two nations have been promoting settlements in national currencies. The transition to trade in national currencies between Russia and China will contribute to a global de-dollarization process, China's Charge d'Affaires in Russia said this week at a conference on Russian-Chinese relations. [...]
Is Russia Poised To Win The Ukraine War? 🎞
Despite a recent successful counter-offensive by Ukraine, the war between Russia and its smaller neighbor to the west appears to have settled into a stalemate, suggesting that a window for possible negotiations may be opening up. But what would the two sides be willing to compromise on? Will either side accept giving up control of the disputed Donbas territory? The war in Ukraine can be sto [...]
The War in Ukraine. Scott Ritter’s Switcheroo: “Why I Radically Changed My Overall Assessment”
On Sunday, the foreign policy blogs were abuzz with the news that Scott Ritter had done “an about-face in his assessment of the war”. It appears that the ex-Marine had examined recent developments in Ukraine and concluded that it’s going to be much harder for Russia to win than he had originally thought… [...]