Search Results For [US citizen]

If Russia Wanted to Poison Navalny Would Never Let Him Cross Into Germany – Putin
The Russian authorities would have never let Alexey Navalny leave for treatment in Germany if they pursued poisoning him, especially given his travel restrictions under a criminal case, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday. "If the authorities wanted to poison him, they would have not let him go to Germany for treatment, would they? As soon as the wife of this citizen sent me a req [...]
Gift from Trump? More than 100 Austrians get US Treasury stimulus cheques by mistake
Nearly 130 Austrians have been stunned to receive $1,200 cheques signed by none other than US President Donald Trump. Washington’s sudden generosity appears to be a result of a mistake in its Covid-19 relief package system. Citizens of the small Alpine nation, located thousands of miles away from America, were baffled by the envelopes containing what was described as economic relief money from t [...]
Most Americans believe US government is corrupt and unaccountable to the people, poll finds
Most US citizens believe their government, legislators and courts are corrupt and unaccountable to the public, according to a new poll. Strikingly, both Democrats and Republicans share this opinion. Seventy-three percent of Americans say that elected officials do not face “serious consequences” for misconduct, according to a new Pew Research Center poll. A closer look reveals that a mere 21 pe [...]
Americans give up citizenship in record-smashing numbers as expats find ‘pandemic & political climate too much to bear’ – report
Americans are ditching their US citizenship in droves thanks to an unbearable political atmosphere and the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, new research shows, indicating that both residents and expats are cutting ties in record numbers. More than 5,800 Americans [...]
‘What’s the US hiding?’ Beijing slams Washington’s Covid-19 response & ‘desperate’ attempts to pin blame on China
Beijing has called on Washington to address the concerns of its own citizens about the US response to the Covid-19 pandemic, while condemning American politicians for shifting blame for the crisis squarely onto China’s shoulders. Asked to comment on a series of American media reports on the US government’s slow and often inept response to the health crisis on Monday, Foreign Ministry spokesman [...]
Woman Who Concealed Coronavirus Symptoms During Beijing-Bound Flight Could Face Prison Time
A Chinese citizen and US permanent resident infected with COVID-19 who flew from Los Angeles to Beijing on March 12 is accused of concealing her coronavirus symptoms and could face prison time as a result. According to reports, the woman, who has only been identified by her surname Li, became sick with symptoms consistent with the novel coronavirus while living in Massachusetts. After being denied [...]
Mother of all ironies: US veterans are returning to Vietnam ‘for a better life’
It sounds almost unbelievable, but a number of US citizens are deciding to cash out of the elusive ‘American dream’ as they settle down in foreign places, such as Vietnam, where many of them were once loathed as invaders. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia. For many Americans, those names invoke powerful memories and images of unspeakable violence, and perhaps the last places on earth to consider visitin [...]
Pentagon’s Concern About Rising Support for Russia Among US Troops ‘Runs Deep’ – Report
The trend is not limited to the US - in February polling revealed the average German holds Russia and China in higher regard than the US, with which their government is allied. Washington outlet Voice of America (VoA) has reported the Pentagon is “concerned” by rising sympathy for Russia among US citizens, in particular those serving in the military. [...]
Fakes for me, not for thee: US govt to use false social media profiles to monitor immigrants
US Citizenship and Immigration officers can now use fake social media accounts to surveil foreigners seeking visas and citizenship, even after years of US lawmakers blasting foreign rivals for supposedly doing the same. [...]
‘Americans are war-weary, while Iran was never a threat to us’ – Virginia State senator to RT
US citizens are weary of endless wars, Virginia State Senator Richard Black believes. He warned President Donald Trump against dragging the country into another one with Iran, and blamed John Bolton for being the top warmonger. [...]
You’ve been warned: Widespread US face surveillance is ‘imminent reality’, says tech privacy report
Georgetown researchers are warning Americans about a sophisticated real-time face surveillance system that’s about to become an “imminent reality” for millions of citizens across the country. [...]
Assange Can Explain DNC Leak, Seth Rich Incident & ‘Trump-Russia Case’ – Analyst
On 11 April, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London after being deprived of asylum and Ecuadorian citizenship by Quito. Speaking to Sputnik, Adam Garrie, director of Eurasia Future, explained how the Trump administration could benefit from questioning Assange and who is interested in muting the journalist. [...]
EU to use ‘all means’ necessary to defend its firms in Cuba against US lawsuits
The European Union is ready to stand by its companies and launch a WTO case should Washington enact a law allowing US citizens to sue foreign firms doing business in Cuba. [...]
Pompeo Claims Hezbollah’s ‘Active Cells’ in Venezuela Are Cause for US Action
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro previously appealed to US citizens to ask them for support and to prevent the Trump administration from turning his country into “another Vietnam”. [...]
5G Wireless: A Dangerous “Experiment on Humanity”
Scientists, environmental groups, doctors and citizens around the world are appealing to all governments to halt telecommunications companies’ deployment of 5G (fifth generation) wireless networks, which they call “an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under international law.” Research has shown that wireless radiation can cause DNA damage, neuropsychia [...]
Persecution & intimidation: Fate of Russians in US prisons casts shadow on American justice system
As Washington continues detentions of Russians across the world the plight of those, who have already fallen into the clutches of the US authorities, raises suspicion about the true colors of the US justice system. In mid-December, yet another Russian citizen was detained outside of Russia's borders – this time in Finland – at the request of the United States, marking the latest episode in wha [...]
Pentagon Unaware of US Hostages Taken Near Syria’s Deir Ez-Zor
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The US Department of Defense has no information regarding US nationals being taken hostage near the Syrian city of Deir Ez-Zor, Pentagon spokesperson Cmdr. Sean Robertson told Sputnik. Earlier on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Daesh* terrorists had recently begun expanding their presence on the left bank of the Euphrates river in Syria, taking nearly 700 peo [...]
‘End of love story’: Poll says for 2/3 of EU citizens life wouldn’t be worse without the bloc
Nearly two-thirds of EU citizens think that life wouldn’t be worse without the bloc, a recent survey revealed. It probably highlights the end of a love story between Brussels and those living in the union, an analyst told RT. The report which says there is a significant divide between the leadership and the people within the EU was released by the Friends of Europe think tank on Thursday. [...]
Austria Plans to Ban Knives for Asylum Seekers
Following prohibiting firearms for foreigners, the conservative-leaning government is looking into imposing further restrictions on bladed weapons with exception of kitchen knives or hunting knives. According to the 2017 stats, most suspects in stabbing attacks are third-country citizens. [...]