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Resisting the Trump/Ryan Health Plan
The complex Obamacare system struggled to gain popularity, but now that Republicans are moving to replace it with a less generous program, many medical professionals are irate, reports Dennis J Bernstein. By Dennis J Bernstein President Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan are twisting congressional arms to get enough votes to push through repeal of the Affordable Care Act and replace it with a [...]
Democrats Trade Places on War and McCarthyism
The anti-Russia hysteria gripping the Democratic Party marks a “trading places” moment as the Democrats embrace the New Cold War and the New McCarthyism, flipping the script on Republicans, writes Robert Parry. Caught up in the frenzy to delegitimize Donald Trump by blaming his victory on Russian meddling, national Democrats are finishing the transformation of their party from one that was [...]
M1 Abrams vs. T-90: Top US General Admits Russia Has Achieved Tank Parity
US Army Deputy Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Mike Murray has told a Senate Armed Services subcommittee that the US faces falling behind other countries in the area of tank technology, saying that other nations, including Israel, the UK and particularly Russia are close to catching up. Russian observers ponder the significance of the general's remarks. [...]
America Digs Its Own Afghan Grave
Afghanistan has long been called the “graveyard of empires,” the site of failed invasions. But the U.S. – in its 15-plus-year endeavor – seems determined to dig its own grave there, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar describes. Fifteen years and counting. America’s longest war keeps getting longer. The very duration of the expedition, with an end no more in sight now than it had been [...]
How US Flooded the World with Psyops
The mainstream U.S. media obsesses over Russian “propaganda” yet the U.S. government created a “psyops” bureaucracy three decades ago to flood the world with dubious information, reports Robert Parry. Newly declassified documents from the Reagan presidential library help explain how the U.S. government developed its sophisticated psychological operations capabilities that – over the p [...]
New sanctions: ‘Robotic move by US bureaucrats’ or ‘part of anti-Russia propaganda’?
How does the latest US decision to impose sanctions against eight more Russian companies play into the Trump administration’s promise to improve relations with Moscow? RT spoke with experts. The restrictive measures were introduced against such companies as Russia’s main weapons exporter Rosobornexport and Aviaexport over their alleged violation of US non-proliferation law concerning Iran, [...]
Likely war crime: Alleged Saudi coalition strike on refugee boat condemned by HRW
A recent deadly airstrike on a boat in the Red Sea carrying Somali refugees was likely a war crime, Human Rights Watch said. The strike off the Yemeni coast is believed to have been carried out by the Saudi-led coalition. [...]
Stephen Hawking Fears He’s More Welcome in Space Than Trump’s America
Stephen Hawking says he fears he "may not be welcome" in the United States during the Trump administration's time in the Oval Office, due to their contradicting beliefs on climate change. Speaking on ITV's Good Morning Britain with television host Piers Morgan on Monday, March 20, the eminent physicist expressed his concern over Trump's policy and added that Scott Pruitt — the head of t [...]
‘What threat did they see in little girl like me?’ Disabled Russian Eurovision singer mocks Kiev ban
Wheelchair-bound Russian singer Yulia Samoylova said she can’t comprehend what scared the Ukrainian authorities so much that they slapped her with a three-year ban. Samoylova said she still hopes to perform at Eurovision in Kiev. [...]
Deal With It: Poklonskaya Says Kiev Should Get Used to Crimea’s Russian Identity
On Thursday, Crimea marked the anniversary of the 2014 referendum which saw the peninsula break off from Ukraine and rejoin Russia. In an exclusive interview for Sputnik, Natalya Poklonskaya, the lawmaker who bravely served as Crimea's prosecutor during the Crimean Spring, offered Kiev and Western officials some advice about Crimea's status. [...]
The War on Iraq in 2003 Was and Will Always Be a Crime
The months leading up to the war in Iraq, unleashed on 20 March 2003, saw the very best of humanity engaged in a struggle with the very worst for the right to shape the future. When it comes to the very best of humanity, we are talking an anti-war movement that for a brief moment grew so large, powerful and determined that the New York Times described it as a second superpower on its front page [...]
GOP’s Planned Cuts to Medicaid Will Impoverish and Imperil Millions of Aging Baby Boomers and Seniors
One-fifth of Medicare recipients are covered through Medicaid, including nursing homes and long-term care. The House Republican leadership’s Obamacare repeal bill will not only cause upwards of 24 million people to lose their health care coverage over the next decade, as the Congressional Budget Office has said, but it will also push millions of seniors already on the financial edge into deep an [...]
Revenge is Tweet: The Arnold Mocks The Donald’s Low Ratings (VIDEO)
Actor and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger has posted a video online taunting US President Donald Trump, after the latter took time out from running the most powerful nation in the world to mock the former in a tweet. [...]
Kosovo: ‘Failure’ of One of the West’s Most Expensive Political Projects
The Western-sponsored project of Kosovo has failed to build its own sovereignty and national identity. According to journalist and publicist Zivojin Rakovevic, Kosovo was never an autonomous state and now its dependence is unprecedented. [...]
A Staple in Your Genes: Europeans Evolved to Eat Vegetable-Heavy Diets
A study of hundreds of human genomes has revealed humans in different regions of the world have evolved for diets with differing amounts of meat and vegetables - Europeans, particularly southerners, are optimized for a high-plant diet, while Greenland's Inuits are better able to process fatty meats. [...]
Speed for the Masses: Startup Raises $33M to Test Commercial Supersonic Aircraft
Boom Technology has raised $33 million to build and fly its first prototype. The company hopes to eventually build an aircraft that can travel from New York to London in three hours and fifteen minutes, less than half the time it would take on a conventional aircraft – and at a price that may surprise you! [...]
Pentagon Denies It Hid Report Showing More Than $100 Billion in Waste
On Tuesday the Pentagon denied that it attempted to cover up a study from 2015 indicating potential savings in noncombat administrative programs of $125 billion. Through recommendations based on a back-office waste evaluation, the Defense Department hopes to save $7.9 billion in the next five years. [...]
Washington’s Cyber Investigator Tied ‘Russian Hacking’ to Non-Existent Events
The cyber firm investigating allegations of a Moscow-sponsored attack on US Democratic Party servers has a history of linking "Russian hacking" with imaginary events. But just days ago, FBI Director James Comey heralded CrowdStrike as a "highly respected private company" before the Senate. [...]
Europeans won’t be able to ‘walk safely’ if EU’s current attitude persists, Erdogan warns
People in Europe won’t be able to “walk safely” and freely on the streets if they don’t change their current attitudes, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has warned, amid a deepening diplomatic row over the cancellation of Turkish rallies in the EU. [...]
London ‘terrorist incident’ comes on 1st anniversary of Brussels bombings
Exact motivations behind the vehicle and knife attacks outside Parliament in London remain unclear, but observers have noted that the incident occurred on the anniversary of the multiple Islamist attacks on the Belgian capital on March 22, 2016. [...]
Pentagon asks for $30bn to address readiness, Russia and ISIS
The Pentagon is asking Congress for an extra $30 billion for 2017, mostly to address pressing readiness issues and the fight against Islamic State – yet Russia and President Trump’s budget proposal dominated the Senate appropriations hearing. [...]
Russiagate and the Democratic Party are for Chumps
The orange-tinted freakshow that is Donald Trump should be removed from the White House and sent to some filthy, rat-infested dungeon with a sentence of Life Without Twitter. The same goes for the rest of his racist, eco-cidal, arch-plutocratic, and shockingly Christian Fascist administration. They should be forced to work sunup to sundown in a solar panel-making work camp in the Arizona desert. [...]