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Sen. Corker Slams ‘Utterly Untruthful President’, Trump Fires Back
In a second heated row this month, Donald Trump and outgoing Republican Senator Bob Corker have traded accusations. The war of words has sparked just hours ahead of a critically important meeting on taxes. [...]
Russia to Withdraw From NATO Act If US Keeps Boosting Presence in Europe – MP
The Russia-NATO collaboration could be in jeopardy over the US' recent moves to enhance its military presence in Europe. "The United States is doing everything to push Russia to withdraw from the agreement. [...]
Looming Nuke Alert a ‘Major Escalation of US Nuclear War Readiness’
Reports that the US is preparing to put B-52 nuclear bombers on 24-hour alert are nothing short of a “major escalation of US nuclear war readiness,” Kevin Kamps, radioactive waste watchdog at Beyond Nuclear said on Monday’s episode of Loud & Clear. [...]
Mexican Interjet Wants Joint Venture With Russia to Produce SSJ100 Spare Parts
The second largest operator of Russia's SSJ100 airliners expressed hope for joint venture with the plane's manufacturer after signing a document on further development of cooperation between the two companies. [...]
Putin Reveals What Future Technology Will Be ‘More Terrible Than a Nuclear Bomb’
Speaking to participants of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi, Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed the future technology he believes can prove to be more terrible than nuclear weapons. [...]
Russian MoD: West Wants to Cover Tracks of ‘Barbaric’ Bombings in Raqqa
The Russian Defense Ministry "has questions" about the sudden move of the anti-Daesh coalition to help civilians in Raqqa. "[The only explanation of this] is an aspiration to quickly cover up the tracks of the barbaric bombings of the United States and the coalition's aircraft that have buried thousands of civilians liberated from the Islamic State [Daesh] under the ruins of Raqqa," Russian Defens [...]
About Time in a Most Humorous Way
A great American Comedian... about time in a most humorous way! [vooplayer type="video" id="Mzc1MDM=" ]   [...]
Worst stock market crash ever is coming – Max Keiser on Black Monday’s 30th anniversary
30 years after the 1987 Black Monday stock market crash, stocks are trading at all-time highs. Max Keiser warns biggest ever market crash is coming. Thirty years ago Wall Street slid into the abyss, suffering the biggest one-day market fall of over 22 percent. Since then the Dow Jones has risen from 1,738 points to an all-time high of over 23,000, raising fears another historic crash is on the car [...]
EXCLUSIVE: Veteran CIA Analyst on Trump’s Battle With US ‘Deep State’
The US intelligence services enjoy three times more funding than they received before 9/11 and wield a great amount of power over the US President; if Trump were to challenge the CIA, NSA or other elements of the "deep state" it would be an unprecedented move, former US intelligence analyst Ray McGovern told Sputnik. [...]
Hand in Hand With Uncle Sam: Which EU Member States Will Never Forgive Poland?
Poland may lose its last EU ally over its unwillingness to vocally protest against the Ukrainian discriminatory education law, Polish independent commentator Janusz Niedzwiecki told Sputnik, adding that Warsaw is bowing to Washington's will. Meanwhile, Brussels is running out of patience over Kiev's failure to implement the Minsk accords. [...]
Comey Could Be Disbarred for Lying to Congress, Potential Evidence Destruction
A crusading legal expert has filed a bar grievance against former FBI Director James Comey, claiming he lied to Congress and destroyed evidence in investigations into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The action could mean Comey loses his law license - and is opened up for criminal prosecution. [...]
Moscow Has ‘Best Option’ to Retaliate to US Dragging Its THAAD Closer to Russia
Moscow has perfect counter-measures in response to US plans to install THAAD air defense systems closer to the Russian territory in South Korea on the pretext of Pyongyang's threat, a military expert told Sputnik, naming the Iskander and Kalibr missiles. [...]
Trump’s Top Defense, Political Advisers Oppose Scrapping Iran Nuclear Deal
As the situation around the decision of the US President on the Iran nuclear deal gains momentum, University of Minnesota Professor of Anthropology and Middle East historian William Beema and Center for Peace & Democracy Director Ivan Eland told Sputnik in an interview what could be behind Trump's steps, and their possible consequences. [...]
Death of the Dollar ~ Winter Is Here – Truth Never Told [Video]
Schiff/Trotsky funded AntiFA-like protests and false flags in Russia exactly like what is now happening in the west before they murdered the Czar. Same thing in France before the French Revolution. You don’t need to be a genius to see this new Bolshevik revolution in all the White European Christian established nations today and Muslims and non adamic races are being used as an army. This [...]
Washington ‘Using Ukraine as Trojan Horse Against Russia in Eurasia’
Czech political analyst and activist Jan Miklas, recently back from a trip to Crimea, gives his take on the planned 'Crimean march' planned by Ukrainian nationalists, and on Washington's efforts to use Kiev as a pawn in its geopolitical confrontation with Russia. [...]
‘UNESCO Just the Beginning’: China Set to Take US’s Place in Int’l Organizations
The US decision to withdraw from UNESCO has prompted shock and concern from the international community. Observers say the move hints at Washington's growing international isolation, and that the vacuum will quickly be filled by China.   [...]
Syria: Russian ‘Transparent Interests’ vs Murky US Claims – Kurdish Politician
The political settlement of the Syrian conflict is hardly possible without taking into account the Kurdish problem and for their part Syrian Kurds wants to further develop relations with Russia as a country that has clear goals in the crisis, Kurdish politician Salih Müslim, ex-chairman of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), said. [...]
‘He is Well Aware of His Power’: Meet Sebastian Kurz, Austria’s Chancellor-To Be
Austria's 31-year old Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz is expected to become one of the youngest world leaders in modern history. In an interview with Sputnik, political analysts have described him as a very hard-working and charismatic person and shared their opinion on his personality. [...]
Former Spy: CIA Will Ensure US Public Never Knows Torture Program’s ‘Full Scope’
The US Central Intelligence Agency “has done everything in its power, legal and illegal, to stop the American people from learning about the CIA’s torture program,” CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou told Loud & Clear on Radio Sputnik Wednesday. [...]
‘Fake News’ Gains Ground: Half of US Voters Believe Media Lies About Trump
According to a Morning Consult/Politico poll released Wednesday, about half of US voters think that mainstream news outlets push out false content, or crowd favorite "fake news," when publishing articles on US President Donald Trump. Conducted from October 12 to 16, the survey indicated that a whopping 46 percent of registered voters "believe the nation's major news organizations fabricate news [...]
US Role in 1960s Indonesia Anti-Communist Massacre Revealed
Thirty thousand pages of files have been released on US activities in Indonesia during the archipelago’s gory transition from a socialist dictatorship to a pro-West military dictatorship in the mid-60s. The documents confirm that Washington was aware of, and supported, the military takeover of the government and purge of communist opponents. [...]
Rise of the right: Austria’s election results & their implications for Europe
The resounding success of two anti-immigrant parties in the Austrian elections, with the right-wing Freedom Party (FPO) delivering one of the strongest performances in more than a decade, is a direct result of Europe’s open border policies, analysts say. According to the preliminary results published by the Austrian interior ministry, Kurz’s conservative People’s Party (OVP) has taken a clea [...]